ICIBackupActionParams Interface
Use ICIBackupActionParams::Folder to create, modify, and retrieve the Backup Server Configuration Event Rule Action. (See also ICIActionStatement Interface.)
interface ICIBackupActionParams : IDispatch
Property Folder As String
Retrieve or specify the path to the folder to store the backup archive.
HRESULT Folder([out, retval] BSTR* pVal); HRESULT Folder([in] BSTR newVal);
EFT v6.1 and later
Examples (VBScript):
If ActionStatement.Action.Type = BackupAction Then Set BackupParams = ActionStatement.Action.Params ‘ Modify backup parameters and assign them back to the action ‘ . . . ActionStatement.Action.Params = BackupParams End If
The CIBackupActionParams co-class supports the creation of the Backup Server Configuration Event Rule Action. The co-class implements ICIBackupActionParams interface.
Set BackupParams = CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIBackupActionParams") ‘ Setup backup parameters ‘ . . . Rule.AddActionStatement(0, BackupParams)
MsgBox "Configuration snapshot will be stored in " & BackupParams.Folder
BackupParams.Folder = "C:\Temp"