Using the Application Programming Interface (API)

The (EFT COM API) platform's API allows you to interact with EFT COM API at a command line or in scripting tools such as PowerShell. This reference does not teach you how to write scripts; it is simply a reference to describe the interfaces, properties, methods, and enumerations used in the API.

This reference assumes you know how to create and execute a script. Few examples are provided; if you need assistance with creating scripts, Globalscape Professional Services can create custom scripts for you.

The SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer class is the class that an application can use directly. To start using the SFTP interface, create the SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer class object, and then apply the methods and properties in the object. (If you do not understand what it means to "create the SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer class object," Globalscape Professional Services can create custom scripts for you.)

The interfaces are a way to instantiate an object of that type. For example:

Set SFTPServer = CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")

("CIServer" implements the ICIServer interface.)

To find the interface, method, or property that you need to use in your script, use the Search feature in this reference to locate words or phrases (surrounded by quotation marks) within the content of the topics. (e.g., "certificate" yields ~50 topics; "certificate country" yields ~12 topics.)

For script examples, refer to Script Examples and PowerShell examples.

It you are new to PowerShell, refer to the Microsoft PowerShell documentation, which provides how-tos and sample scripts, as well as community resources.

  • PowerShell should be run as a domain user who is a local administrator. PowerShell cannot participate in User Access Control (UAC), which means it is unable to prompt for elevation for tasks that require the approval of an administrator.
  • Be sure to heavily document or comment your script. Adding descriptive comments to your script now will remind you and others of the purpose of the script, and makes it easier to borrow sections of script to use later in other scripts. A year from now, when you don't even remember writing the script, you'll be glad you added comments!
  • This reference covers all versions of EFT. Please take note of the EFT versions that a COM API member applies to, and use What's New in the API to determine whether you need to update your scripts accordingly. For example: