Central Configuration Manager - Advanced Settings

Advanced settings of the Central Configuration Manager allow the viewing of connectivity messages and license information.

From the left-hand navigation panel select Advanced.

The Advanced tab contains two pages of configuration information.

Messages page

The Advanced | Messages page shows details of any system messages that are sent between the Central Configuration Manager and Remote Servers.

The Messages panel is used to display Informational and/or Diagnostic messages depending on the Logging settings specified in the Central Configuration Manager Options.

The Messages panel displays the following information:

Clearing Messages

From the Home menu ribbon, click Clear Messages to remove the messages from this display.

Alternatively, right-click on an individual message (or select multiple messages) in the Messages panel and select Clear from the pop-up menu.

License page

The Advanced | License page of the Central Configuration Manager contains information relating to the current licensing of Network Server Suite.

This is covered in detail in the Enterprise Server Options - Licenses page.

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