Central Configuration Manager - Advanced Settings
Advanced settings of the Central Configuration Manager allow the viewing of connectivity messages and license information.
From the left-hand navigation panel select Advanced.
The Advanced tab contains two pages of configuration information.
Messages page
The Advanced | Messages page shows details of any system messages that are sent between the Central Configuration Manager and Remote Servers.
The Messages panel is used to display Informational and/or Diagnostic messages depending on the Logging settings specified in the Central Configuration Manager Options.
The Messages panel displays the following information:

Displays an icon to indicate the type of message that was generated.

Displays the date and time at which the message was generated.

Displays the origin of the message.

Displays the actual message text.
Clearing Messages
From the Home menu ribbon, click Clear Messages to remove the messages from this display.
Alternatively, right-click on an individual message (or select multiple messages) in the Messages panel and select Clear from the pop-up menu.
License page
The Advanced | License page of the Central Configuration Manager contains information relating to the current licensing of Network Server Suite.
This is covered in detail in the Enterprise Server Options - Licenses page.