Central Configuration Manager Options
Options are used to set specific configuration options regarding the operation of Central Configuration Manager.
Central Configuration Manager Options are opened by selecting Options from the menu bar.
There are four separate panels that can be used to change configuration options:

This panel provides options to log both Informational and Diagnostic messages. These files may be required by our technical team in the event of a system issue.
Log Informational
Click to log all informational messages relating to the operation of Device Manager. These are displayed in the Messages panel of the Advanced tab within Central Configuration Manager. If the Save To File option is checked, the messages are logged to the default log file.
Log Diagnostic
Click to log all diagnostic messages relating to the operation of Device Manager. These are displayed in the Messages panel of the Advanced tab within Central Configuration Manager. If the Save To File option is checked, the messages are logged to the default log file.
Save To File
Click Save to File to log all Informational and/or Diagnostic messages to the default log file:
Log Size
The entry in this parameter specifies the maximum size of the log file. The default setting is 10240KB. You may need to increase this if both informational and diagnostic messages are being saved.

This panel is used to specify maximum timeout settings between the Central Configuration Manager and the systems with which it interacts.
Connection Timeout
Specify a time (in milliseconds) in which the connection to a system must be made before the session is deemed unsuccessful. The default setting is 12000 (12 seconds).
Read Timeout
Specify a time (in milliseconds) in which the data must be read from a system before the session is deemed unsuccessful. The default setting is 12000 (12 seconds).

This panel provides details of the user and password requirements needed when installing software remotely on Windows servers.
The panel in the Options menu ribbon provides the facility to view the current settings. See Amending the current installation settings (below) to change any of the information in this panel.
Active User
Uses the current user for log-in purposes when using the remote software installation option.
Specific User
Uses the details of a specific user whose log-in details are used when using the remote software installation option.
Show User Details Prompt on Installation
Enable this setting to have the entered User Details requested at the point of installation.
User Name
If a specific user has been identified, this field displays the name of the User.
Amending the current installation settings:
- From the Installation panel, click the
arrow in the bottom right-hand corner. The Installation dialog is displayed.
- Change the settings as required. Note that if a Specific User is requested, both the User Name and Password fields must be completed.
- Click OK to confirm and save the changes.

The Servers panel displays the current systems used to host the CCM, Enterprise Server and Instant Alert server software. These are usually the same system on which the installation of Network Server Suite was completed.
Amending the current server settings
- From the Servers panel, click the
arrow in the bottom right-hand corner. The Servers dialog is displayed.
This page is used to define the default devices that are then used for CCM, Enterprise Server and Instant Alert connections for other devices that are subsequently added to the Central Configuration Manager.
From the left-navigation panel of the Servers dialog, select the type of Server:
- CCM Server
- Enterprise Server
- Instant Alert
to which the following options are applied:
Select Server
Click Select Server to display the Select Device dialog from which the Server device can be selected. This must have been loaded via the Device Manager prior to the device being available for selection in this dialog.
Clear Server
Click Clear Server to clear the details of the current Server device.
Verify Server
Click Verify Server to verify the connection between the device on which this configuration is being undertaken and the selected Server device.
When selecting the server for CCM and Enterprise Server, the Apply button becomes visible.
With the CCM server selected, click Apply to assign the selected server to all devices running CCM across your enterprise. The same applies when selecting the Enterprise Server. Following the use of the Apply button, click OK to confirm and save the changes.