Closing Alerts
Alerts remain on the Enterprise Console Open alerts page, until they are closed at which point they disappear from the live console but can still be viewed using the Closed Alerts option. Multiple selections of alerts in a single Close operation are permitted.
To close an alert
Do one of the following from the Open Alerts view of Enterprise Console:
- Select the alert and click
Close from the Enterprise Console | Home menu ribbon.
- Right-click on the alert and select Close from the pop-up menu.
- Select the alert and used Ctrl+C from the keyboard.
The Close Selected Alert dialog is displayed.
- If required, and it is recommended, add a Comment for the reason of the closure of the alert.
- Click OK.
The alert is now removed from the Open Alerts view of Enterprise Console.
Closing alerts received from IBM i devices
If an alert is being closed that has been generated by an IBM i, the close request is sent to the IBM i and the connection then closed.
The status of the alert changes to CONSOLE and it remains in this status until the IBM i connects back with a response.