FireCall Log Basic Sort & Search screen

How to Get There

In the Work with FireCall log screen, press F14.

What it Does

The Sort and Search FireCall Logs feature is used to select and order Powertech Authority Broker FireCall Logs. Several options are are available to assist in reducing the amount of information you must view. The first of these options is the ability to search FireCall logs. Searching is performed by making selections in the "Search Criteria" section. Second is the use of SQL syntax. For example, wild card character % can be placed at any position within any selection. Lastly you can select the sort order you wish logs to be in. This is accomplished by entering a 1 through 6 next to the items in the "Select Sequence" section.


Select the Sorting Sequence

Provides the capability to order the search results. Possible values are 1 through 6 where 1 is highest and 6 is lowest. If an item is left blank, it will not to be used when sorting the search results.

  • FireCall Operator: The IBM name of the user profile that enabled the profile switch to occur.
  • System user:The IBM name of the user profile that performed the profile switch.
  • Switch Profile: The name of the IBM user profile the system user switched to.
  • Assignment Date: The calendar date the system user was authorized to perform the FireCall switch.
  • Assignment Time: The time the FireCall switch was authorized to perform the FireCall switch. Military time is used.
  • Call Ticket: Call Ticket is the user-supplied reference number to the FireCall access. It can be any combination of letters and numbers (up to 20 characters) that corresponds to a ticket number from a help desk system such as Remedy.
Select the Search Criteria

Provides the capability to limit the amount of information listed.

FireCall Operator selection: Select the FireCall Operator you wish to see. Leave FireCall Operator blank if you wish to see all FireCall Operators. SQL syntax is supported for FireCall Operators.

  • Wild card character '%' is supported. For example, a system user entry of AR% will list only system users from AR through AR99999999.
  • The entry will be all upper case.

System User selection: Select the System User you wish to see FireCall Logs for. Leave System User blank if you wish to see all FireCall Logs. SQL syntax is supported for System User.

  • Wild card character '%' is supported. For example, a system user entry of AR% will list only system users from AR through AR99999999.
  • The entry will be all upper case.

Switch Profile selection: Select the Switch Profile you wish to see FireCall Logs for. Leave Switch Profile blank to see all Switch Profiles. SQL syntax is supported for Switch Profile.

  • Wild card character '%' is supported. For example, a Switch Profile entry of IS% will list only switch profiles between IS and IS99999999.
  • The entry will be all upper case.

Assignment Date selection: Select the Assignment Date you wish to see FireCall Logs for. Leave Assignment Date blank to see all Assignment Dates. SQL syntax is supported for Assignment Date. Dates must be entered in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

  • Wild card character '%' is not supported.
  • When a date is selected it is always built to select dates greater than or equal to the selected date (date >= searchfordate).

Assignment Time selection: Select the Assignment Time you wish to see FireCall Logs for. Leave Assignment Time blank to see all Assignment Times. SQL syntax is supported for Assignment Time. Times must be entered in format HH.MM.

  • Wild card character '%' is not supported.
  • When a time is selected it is always built to select times greater than or equal to the selected time (fromtime >= searchforfromtime).

Call Ticket selection: Select the Call Ticket you wish to see FireCall Logs for. Leave Call Ticket blank if you wish to see all Call Tickets. SQL syntax is supported for Call Tickets.

  • Wild card character '%' is supported. For example, a Call Number entry of HELPDESK% will list only Call Tickets between helpdesk and HELPDESK99999999999.
  • The entry will be case insensitive (UCASE() used when building the WHERE).

Command Keys

  • F3 (Exit): Ends the current task and returns to the display from which the task was started. If changes have not been accepted prior to F3 being pressed they will be lost.
  • F5 (Refresh): Restores the display to the values found in the database. Any changes will be lost.
  • F11 (Advanced Search): Presents a screen that allows more advanced selection for data sorting and searching criteria. (See Advanced Sort & Search FireCall Log for more details.)
  • F12 (Cancel): Returns to the previous menu or display. If changes have not been accepted prior to F12 being pressed they will be lost.


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