Work with FireCall Log screen

What it Does

The FireCall Log allows the FireCall Operator to review the list of FireCall access given to a particular system user.

How to Get There

From the FireCall Menu, select option 2 (FireCall Log).

NOTE: This screen can also be accessed from the Authority Broker Reports Menu. Select Option: 2 (FireCall Log). However, in order to use option '2' on the Authority Broker Reports Menu; FireCall must be enabled, and the user must be on the Authority Broker FireCall review authorization list (POWERABFL). (The exception to this is if the user has *ALLOBJ special authority.)

The Work with FireCall Log screen displays:


The value typed next to individual FireCall access to signify the operation that is to occur.

5=View detail

Allows for viewing a specific FireCall. (See the FireCall Assignment Log Detail section in this Guide for more information.)

6=Report Events

Prompts the Events Reports screen. Known data on the prompt will be filled in. (See the Report Setup section in this Guide for more details on this screen.)

FireCall Operator

The IBM user profile name of the user enabling the FireCall access.

System user

The IBM user profile name of the user given FireCall access.

Switch to Profile

The IBM user profile name for the FireCall access that was switched to.

FireCall Date and Time

The date and time the FireCall access was assigned.

Call Ticket

The user-supplied reference number to the FireCall access. It can be any combination of letters and numbers (up to 20 characters) that corresponds to a ticket number from a help desk system such as Remedy.

Command Keys

  • F3 (Exit): Ends the current task and returns to the display from which the task was started. If changes have not been accepted prior to F3 being pressed they will be lost.
  • F5 (Refresh): Restores the display to the values found in the database. Any changes will be lost.
  • F12 (Cancel): Returns to the previous menu or display. If changes have not been accepted prior to F12 being pressed they will be lost.
  • F14 (Sort & Search): Presents a screen that allows selection of basic data sorting and searching criteria. The returned SQL string is used to select the data to be displayed. (See the Basic Sort & Search FireCall Log section in this Guide for more details.)
    NOTE: When selecting F21=Print List Details from the Work with FireCall Log screen, the message, 'Report has been submitted for batch processing' will be displayed at the bottom of the screen confirming report processing.
  • F21 (Print List Details): Prints the detail FireCall Assignment information for the selected FireCall assignments.


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