Work with Timed Overrides screen

Work with Authority Broker Timed Overrides allows you to maintain options for timed switch pairs at the individual level. Changes to these values take effect immediately.

Using Product Defaults will be displayed when the switch pair does not have any Timed Overrides. The product default values will be displayed.

How to Get There

From the Assign System Users to Switch Profiles screen, choose option 18 for a switch pair.

Field Descriptions

System User

The name of the user profile who will switch to other profiles.

Switch To Profile

The name of the user profile that the system user will switch to.


Timed switch command

The command to be run for any limited duration profile switch (*TIMED switch). The timed switch will remain in effect only as long as the command runs; when the command completes, the switch is released automatically.

This value can be overridden when the switch starts using the LSWPPRF command.

Possible values are:
The command to be executed after the profile switch occurs. The switch remains in effect only as long as the command runs.
NOTE: Enclose the command in single quotes if it contains case-sensitive values.
Specify *DEFAULT to use the command defined in the product settings.
Switch end warning interval

The number of minutes before a switch expires to notify the user their switch time is running out.

Specify 1 - 10 minutes. The user will be notified prior to the expiration of the *TIMED switch.

Action for warning interval

The action that is to be taken when the warning interval is reached. This is the action for the Switched User.

NOTE: The System User that initiated the switch will also be notified.

Possible values are:

No action is to be taken when the warning interval is reached.
Send a notification to the job.
Send a break message to the workstation if the job is interactive. Otherwise a notification will be sent.
Switch end action for batch jobs

The action that is to be taken against a batch job when a profile switch's end time is reached.

Possible values are:

No action is to be taken against the batch job at switch end.
Hold the batch job. The switch remains active.
End the job immediately.
Send a notification to the job. The switch remains active.
Release the job's profile switch. The job remains active.
Switch end action for interactive jobs

The action that is to be taken against an interactive job when a profile switch's end time is reached.

Possible values are:

No action is to be taken against the job at switch end.
Disconnect the job. The switch remains active.
Hold the job. The switch remains active.
End the job immediately.
Send a notification to the job. The switch remains active.
Release the job's profile switch. The job remains active.

Command Keys

  • F3 (Exit): Exit the program without processing any pending changes.
  • F4 (Lookup:) Provides lookup capabilities when the cursor is on a promptable field.
  • F5 (Refresh): Reloads the data on the screen, abandoning pending changes.
  • F8 (Load Defaults): Load the data that is defined in the product settings.
  • F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.


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