Sorting & Filtering Recent Activity
To make the Recent Activity page easier to work with, you may want to display the list of records in a particular order and view only those records that meet the criteria or match a keyword. You can use the Sort By and Filter By features to sift through your data and display only the records you require, arranged in the order you want to view it. Additionally, when performing a text search, you can use the Search By feature to further narrow your search by indicating precisely which fields to search from.
Click Settings to access sort, search, and filter preferences.
Sort By - Sorts the list of records in ascending or descending
order based on the following criteria:
- Duration - Sorts the list based on runtime duration.
- End Date- Sorts the list based on run completion date/time.
- Name - Sorts the list based on object name.
- Path - Sorts the list based on the repository path to the object.
- Result Output - Sorts the list based on completion result.
- Start Date - Sorts the list based on run start date/time.
Search By - Specifies which fields to search for matching text when entering a keyword in the Search dialog. The available options are:
- Search All Fields - All available fields will be searched for matching text.
- Agents - Agents will be searched for matching text.
- Name - The object name will be searched for matching text.
- Result Output - The result output will be searched for matching text.
Filter By - Narrows the list of records to display based on the following criteria:
- All - All records will be shown.
- Conditional - Only conditional instances will be shown.
- Failed - Only failed instances will be shown.
- Five Minutes to an Hour - Only instances that ran between 5 minutes to an hour will be shown.
- Less than 5 Minutes - Only instances that ran less than 5 minutes ago will be shown.
- Manually Run - Only instances that were run manually will be shown.
- Not Scheduled- Only instances that were not triggered by a Schedule trigger will be shown.
- Over an Hour - Only instances that ran over an hour ago will be shown.
- Success - Only successful instances will be shown.
- Triggered - Only instances that were started by a trigger will be shown.
ClickTap Settings to save and close the settings.