Pre-filters Report panel

The Pre-filters Report (SBMPREREP) command prints a listing of the Pre-filters you have configured.

How to get there

On the Reports Menu, choose option 17.


Pre-filter Level (LEVEL)

Allows you to select Server Pre-filters, Loc+User Pre-filters, or both.

Specify one of the following values:

Both Server and Loc+User Pre-filters are listed.
Only Server Pre-filters are listed.
Only Loc+User Pre-filters are listed.

Server (SVR)

Allows you to limit the Pre-filters listed on the report to those concerning a particular server.

Specify one of the following values:

Pre-filters are listed for all servers.
Specify the name of the server for which you would like Pre-filters to be listed.

Function (FNC)

Allows you to limit the Pre-filters listed on the report to those concerning a particular function.

Specify one of the following values:

Pre-filters are listed for all functions.
Specify the name of the function for which you would like Pre-filters to be listed.

User Type (USERTYPE)

Specifies whether the USR parameter represents a user profile or an NS User Group.

Specify one of the following values:\

Pre-filters will be listed if they refer to either a user profile OR an NS User Group name matching the value you specify.
The user field contains the name of a user profile. Pre-filters will be listed if they refer to a user profile matching the value you specify.
The user field contains the name of an NS User Group. Pre-filters will be listed if they refer to an NS User Group name matching the value you specify.

User or Group (USR)

Specify the name of a user profile or an NS User Group name.

Specify one of the following values:

Pre-filters are listed without regard to the user value.
Specify a value to be natched to either the user profile or the NS User Group associated with the Pre-filter.
The user level for non-specific users.

Location (LOC)

Allows you to limit the Pre-filters listed on the report to those concerning a particular IP Address, IP Address Group or SNA Device Name.

Specify one of the following values:

Pre-filters are listed without regard to the location value.
Specify an IP Address, the name of an IP Address Group, or an SNA Device name.