Product Configuration screen

Product Configuration Screen

How to Get There

Click the Product Configuration tab on the navigation pane on the left side of the Insite window.

What it Does

The Product Configuration window allows you to view each servers' default properties.

NOTE: This screen is equivalent to using the SP (Server Properties) option for servers in the Work with Security by Server screen when using the green screen.


Sorting, filtering, and navigation features on this screen are described in Using the Web Browser Interface.

Click to display a server's functions. Click a function to open the Edit Server Function Rule screen where you can edit the server function's properties.

Field Descriptions


The server ID is the name of the IBM server that authority is being specified.

Server Description

The description of the IBM server.


Indicates that Powertech Exit Point Manager will enforce rules for this server. See also Exit Pgm Enrolled.

Yes Exit Point Manager will enforce rules for this server.
No Exit Point Manager will not enforce rules for this server.

Controls the type of requests Exit Point Manager will log. Possible values are:

Log all requests to the server.
 Log only authority failures for the server.
 or Product defaults.

Specifies if Exit Point Manager sends a message to the message queue specified in Powertech's System Values. Possible values are:

 A message is sent to the specified queue.
 No message is sent.
 or Product defaults.
Capture Transactions

Capture transactions for Memorized Transaction Request (MTR). Possible values are:

 Capture transactions.
 Do not capture transactions.
 or Product defaults.