Select Target Functions for Object Rule

Select Target Functions for Object Rule panel

How to Get There

From the Exit Point Manager Main Menu, select option 4 to display the Work with Security by Object panel. Select option 1 to display the Work with Object Lists panel, then enter an 9 in the Opt column on one of the Object Lists. On the Object Rules using Object List panel, enter a 1 in the Opt column and a Location or User name. Press Enter to display the Create Object Rule by Location or User panel. Define a rule (see Object Rules) and press Enter. Enter option 2 for a server and press Enter.

What it Does

This prompt list allows you to specify the target Functions for which Location or User filter rules will be created with *MEMOBJ authority on them. Pressing F12 discards your changes and returns to the Select Target Servers for Object Rule list.


1=Select Function

Choose option 1 to select target Functions for your Object Rule.

4=Deselect Function

Choose option 4 to deselect a selected Function.


Pressing Enter without changing anything returns your selections to the Select Target Servers for Object Rule list.

Command Keys

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the screen and resets all available text fields.

F10 (Select all except *ALL): Selects all individual functions (excluding *ALL).

F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.


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