Location Rules Subset panel

How to Get There

From the Work with Security by Location panel, press F16, Sort/Subset.

What it Does

The Location Rules Subset panel allows you to select Location Rules for display that meet certain criteria. You can select Location Rules by Server, Function, or Location.


Select Server

Specify the criteria for selection by Server name. Leaving this field blank includes all Server values.

You can use the Generic Character to indicate that a partial value is to be used for selection. In some circumstances you may also use the Wildcard Character to indicate that a partial value is to be used for selection. Generic and Wildcard characters can be used at the beginning, end, or within a value and can be freely intermixed (you can use both characters in the same value).

Select Function

Specify the criteria for selection by Function name. Leaving this field blank includes all Function values.

You can use the Generic Character to indicate that a partial value is to be used for selection. In some circumstances you may also use the Wildcard Character to indicate that a partial value is to be used for selection. Generic and Wildcard characters can be used at the beginning, end, or within a value and can be freely intermixed (you can use both characters in the same value).

Select Location

Specify the criteria for selection by Location. Leaving this field blank includes all Location values.

You can use the Generic Character to indicate that a partial value is to be used for selection. In some circumstances you may also use the Wildcard Character to indicate that a partial value is to be used for selection. Generic and Wildcard characters can be used at the beginning, end, or within a value and can be freely intermixed (you can use both characters in the same value).

Sort by (select one using an X): 

The Location Rules Subset panel allows you to select Location Rules for that meet certain criteria. You can select a sort by one of the available fields.

Server • Authority • Location

Select whether you would like to sort by Server name, Authority, or Location.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.

F4 (Prompt): Displays a list of possible values from which you may select one.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the screen without processing any pending changes.