Test Socket Rules command

WARNING: Misuse of Socket Rules can render your system unreachable via TCP. Exercise extreme caution when using this feature. Consider adding Socket Rules as not active and testing them using the Socket Rule test feature, and setting them to be not used by that feature and testing the rule set before removing them. If you render your system unreachable via TCP, you will need to access the system via the console in order to fix the rules (or to deactivate the Socket Rule servers).

How to Get There

On the Test Socket Rules panel, choose option 1. Or, run command PNSTSTQSO.

What it Does

The Test Socket Rules (PNSTSTQSO) command allows you to see how a transaction would be evaluated by Exit Point Manager.

NOTE: Restrictions: You must have authority to process the command.



The name of the system silo for which you want to test the rules.

You can use the special value *LOCAL for the system on which you are running this test.


The name of the Server for which you wish to test rules. Valid values are:

QSOLISTEN The server that handles listen().
QSOCONNECT The server that handles connect().
QSOACCEPT The server that handles accept().
Local Port (LPORT1)

A valid local port for QSOLISTEN.

Local Port (CPORT1)

A valid local port for QSOCONNECT.

Remote Address (CADDR2)

A valid remote IP address for QSOCONNECT.

Remote Port (CPORT2)

A valid remote port for QSOCONNECT.

Local Bound Port (APORT1)

A valid bound port for QSOACCEPT.

Local Incoming Port (APORT2)

A valid incoming port for QSOACCEPT.

Remote Address (AADDR3)

A valid remote IP address for QSOACCEPT.

Remote Port (APORT3)

A valid remote port for QSOACCEPT.

User (USER)

The user profile you want to test. This is the user profile associated with the local portion of the transaction.

A group profile is not valid for this field unless it is being used as the actual user profile.

Output (OUTPUT)

The results can be output to the following places:

*TRACE The results are sent to the trace facility. Prior to running this, you will need to set up the trace facility via the command PNSSTRTRC and select function *TEST.
*MESSAGE The results are sent to message queue PNSRQSO. Prior to running this, you will need to create this message queue.