View Captured Transaction

View Captured Transaction

How to Get There

Click the Captured Transactions tab on the navigation pane on the left side of the Exit Point Manager window and click a captured transaction.

What it Does

The View Captured Transaction screen allows you to view the details of a memorized transaction.



Select Memorize to save this captured transaction as a Memorized Transaction for the user. See Memorized Transactions screen.


Choose Delete to delete the Memorized Transaction.


Click Cancel to dismiss the View Transaction screen and return to the Captured Transactions screen.

Field Descriptions


A Server in Exit Point Manager is a controlled entry point into your system. These entry points are determined and defined by IBM. Exit Point Manager has assigned easy-to-remember names to these controlled entry points.


A Function, or Server Function, in Exit Point Manager represents a class of operations that a given Server may perform. For example, the *SIGNON Server classifies its operations as those pertaining to changing passwords, generating authentication tokens, and retrieving sign-on information. Exit Point Manager has assigned easy-to-remember names to these Functions, such as CHGPWD, GENAUTTKN and RETRIEVE.

User /Location

User represents the identity of the person initiating a transaction as a user profile. The special value *PUBLIC, when used on a rule, means that the rule applies to any User lacking a specific rule. when used as a subset or selection parameter, *PUBLIC means to select all such rules for display or printing. This displays the User to which this Memorized Transaction applies. If blank, then this is for a specific Location. If the value is *PUBLIC, the transaction applies to all users.

Location represents the source of a transaction. Location can hold an IP Address, an IP Address Group or the name of an SNA Communications Device. The special value *ALL, when used on a rule, means that the rule applies to any rule means that the rule applies to any Location lacking a specific rule. when used as a subset or selection parameter, *ALL generally means to select all such rules for display or printing. This displays the Location to which this Memorized Transaction applies. If blank, then this is for a specific User. If the value is *ALL, the transaction applies to all Users.


The data portion of the transactions that were summarized into this record.


The type of action performed by Exit Point Manager for the transactions summarized into this record.

Type values:

  • NA Accepted
  • NR Rejected
  • NF Network Failure



The number of times this transaction was recorded.

First Collected

The date and time when a transaction was first summarized into this record.

Last Collected

The date and time when a transaction was last summarized into this record.


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