Work With WS APIs
Select the WS APIs option in Insite Analytics to display a list of APIs like so:
In addition to the list of current APIs, you can also see the following:
- Group Actions Check Box.
- Search by Control.
- Search Bar.
- The name of the API.
- The description of the API.
- Show (API) Actions menu.
As the number of APIs grow, there are several features available to help you work with, and manage your APIs.
Group Actions
Check the box to the left of each API, or the top box to select all APIs.
Available actions are displayed along the top of the screen, and can be applied to the checked items.
The list of APIs can be sorted name. Press the Settings button to select ascending or descending.
Searching / Filtering
Use searching (filtering) to move through your list of APIs and find them quickly and easily. Enter words and phrases in the search entry to filter and find APIs.
Press the Settings button to define any limits to your search. In the Search By list, select areas to focus your search.
Show (API) Actions
The API Actions menu is available to the right of every API in the list, and provides access to the following functions:
Use this option to make changes to existing APIs.
Requests or Variables Defined in the API
- Simply click on the API to open it's list of Request and Variables.
- Select the Request or Variable to open the editor for that item. See Edit Existing WS APIs for details and next steps.
Name or Description of the API
Use this option to delete an existing API.
Press to close the Show Actions panel.