Job Completion History Details

You can display a detailed record of the job’s history. The following describes the information that displays on the Job Completion History Details page:

Job: The job name.

Robot Job Number: The Robot Schedule job number.

Description: A user-supplied description of the job.

Group Name: The name of the group with which the job is associated. Only applies to group jobs.

Group System: The name of the system where the group is defined. Only applies to group jobs.

Initiation Code: Provided by the system.

Message Status: A one-character code indicating the completion status of the job with which the message is associated. Possible values are:

  • T - Terminated (job ended abnormally)
  • E - Error on submit (error in setup, so job submission failed)
  • C - Completed (job completed successfully)
  • W - Warning (job completed with a warning message)
  • D - Delay (delayed by OPAL)
  • R - Running (job is currently running)
  • S - Submitted (job has been submitted but is not running)
  • P - Pending (job is in a queue waiting for OPAL to run)
  • K - Skipped (job is skipped by OPAL)
  • O - Omit (job is omitted from this run)

Message Text: The complete text of the job message.

Message Last Changed: The date and time the message was last updated.

Message Event ID: Provided by the system.

Group Event ID: Provided by the system.

System Job User: Provided by the system.

System Job Number: Provided by the system.

System Job Name: Provided by the system.