Purging Chart Data

You can use a command line to purge data stored with charts. You can purge all chart data or you purge data from a specified number of days.

NOTE:  Before running the purge command, Fortra recommends that you back up the Intermapper Settings folder (especially the Chart Data folder).

To purge chart data:

  1. Stop the Intermapper server.
  2. Run the purge command.
  3. Start the Intermapper server.

The process for stopping and starting the Intermapper server varies, depending on your platform.

Purge Command Syntax

For Linux and macOS systems, the purge command includes the location of the Intermapper daemon configuration file. For example,

/usr/local/bin/intermapperd -f /usr/local/etc/intermapperd.conf --chart-purge [# of days]

Use the following syntax for Microsoft Windows systems:

"C:\Program Files\Intermapper\Intermapper.exe" --chart-purge [# of days]

The most recent # of days of chart data is retained; the rest is purged.

NOTE: Both of the commands above require administrative privileges.
  • For Microsoft Windows systems, open the cmd window by clicking the Windows menu > Windows System > Command PromptMisc > Run as Administrator, or similar, depending on your operating system and how you access the cmd window.
  • For Linux or macOS systems, preface the command with sudo or run the command as root.

Purging All Chart Data

To purge all chart data, type 0 for the # of days.

Purge Notes

  • Server must not be running - specifies that the Intermapper server must not be running when you run the command.
  • Enabled maps only - purges only charts from devices on enabled maps.
  • Administrative rights and write-access - you must have administrative rights and write-access to the Intermapper Settings folder.
  • For Microsoft Windows systems, open the cmd window by clicking the Windows menu > Windows System > Command PromptMisc > Run as Administrator, or similar, depending on your operating system and how you access the cmd window.
  • For Linux or macOS systems, preface the command with sudo or run the command as root.
  • If you have a large number of datasets with a substantial amount of accumulated data, the purge can take several hours to complete.