Demo Probe
Builds a demo map and generates random data for the traffic on all its links. All data is chartable, and can be used to demonstrate strip charts or data collection.
This probe also toggles the device state between UP/OK and Down when you manually reprobe the device. This makes it easy to see what happens when a device goes down, especially for manual dependencies.
For simple maps, the parameters can be set to 0. To create complicated, heavily-interconnected demonstration maps, try setting the Link Count and Loop % parameters to 10 and 50, respectively.
Link Count - sets the number of interfaces to create when adding the device to the map.
Loop % - sets the percentage of links that connect themselves to subnets already present on the map.
Filename: com.dartware.demo
Version: 1.7
Legacy > Basic OID (v2c)
This is a legacy probe, provided for compatibility with Intermapper Traditional and older versions of Intermapper (< 4.4). Use the Basic OID probe, setting the SNMP version to SNMP v2.
This probe allows you to monitor a single, user-defined MIB variable. It uses SNMPv2c.
Object Name - (optional) the name of the value that you want to monitor. It is displayed in the Status window and in a chart legend.
Object ID - the object identifier (OID) of the value that you want to monitor. To retrieve the value of a MIB variable that is not in a table, the OID must end with .0 (for example,
Filename: com.dartware.snmpv2c.basic
Version: 1.6
Legacy > Cisco (v2c)
This is a legacy probe, provided for compatibility with Intermapper Traditional and older versions of Intermapper (< 4.4). Use the Cisco - Process and Memory Pool probe instead and set the probe's SNMP version to SNMP v2 in the Probe Info window.
This probe monitors the CPU and Memory utilization of a Cisco router using SNMPv2c.
CPU Busy - Alarm - specifies the Alarm threshold for CPU utilization as a percentage. If the average CPU usage over a 1 minute interval exceeds this threshold, the device is set to Alarm state.
CPU Busy - Warning - specifies the Warning threshold for CPU utilization. If the average CPU usage over a 1 minute interval exceeds this threshold, the device is set to Warning state.
Low Memory - Alarm - specifies the Alarm threshold for the amount of free memory remaining (in bytes). If the free memory drops below this threshold, the device is set to Alarm state.
Low Memory - Warning - specifies the Warning threshold for the amount of free memory remaining (in bytes). If the free memory drops below this threshold, the device is set to Warning state.
Filename: com.dartware.snmpv2c.cisco
Version: 1.11
Legacy > SNMP v2c
This is a legacy probe, provided for compatibility with Intermapper Traditional and older versions of Intermapper (< 4.4). Use the SNMP MIB-II probe, setting the SNMP version to SNMP v2.
The SNMP v2c probe retrieves MIB-II information from the device. This includes sysLocation, sysContact, and sysUptime from the system group, and traffic (bytes/second, packets/second, and errors/minute) for each interface.
It uses the 64-bit counters for interface traffic statistics. This provides accurate information (without rollover) on very high speed links.
Filename: com.dartware.snmpv2c
Version: 1.7
Nagios > Nagios Plugin
This probe allows you to specify a Nagios plugin. Intermapper invokes the plugin and uses the exit value to set the condition of the device. It uses the performance data returned by the plugin to create a nice display of chartable data.
Plugin - the same command line (including arguments) you use to manually test the plugin.
NOTE:${ADDRESS} is replaced with the device's IP address. ${PORT} is replaced by the port specified for the probe.
This probe expects the plugin to be located in the InterMapper Settings/Tools directory.
Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered trademarks of Ethan Galstad. For more information, see http://www.nagios.org
Plugin - the Nagios command string. You can use ]${ADDRESS} and ${PORT}.
Filename: com.dartware.nagios.template
Version: 1.8
Non-Polling Probe
This probe does not invoke any action. It can be used as a placeholder for a device; it does not count against the Intermapper device count.
Filename: com.dartware.nonpolling
Version: 1.5
Prototype SNMP Probe
This probe demonstrates an Intermapper SNMP probe (how to retrieve SNMP values from a device by specifying their OIDs, how to display those values in the device's Status window, and provides thresholds that set the device into Alarm or Warning state). Many of these features are described in Creating Your Own Probes, in the Developer Guide. If you have questions about this probe, contact Fortra.
This probe is not very useful for production work. However, it provides examples of techniques available in custom SNMP probes.
In the example, the device goes into Alarm or Warning state if it has been rebooted recently (controlled by the RebootAlarm and RebootWarn parameters which are two and three minutes, by default) or if there are not as many interfaces in the ifTable as specified (in the ExpectedInterfaces parameter).
This probe also demonstrates the following:
- CALCULATION variables - converts centi-seconds (hundredths of a second) into seconds.
- Status window formatting - in the <snmp-device-display> section.
- IMML allows you to create a link to a URL, using the \U2=http://xxxx\ notation shown in the <snmp-device-display> section.
RebootAlarm - sets the device to Alarm if the sysUptime is less than the specified value in minutes.
RebootWarn - sets the device to Warning if the sysUptime is less than the specified value in minutes.
ExpectedInterfaces - sets the device to Warning if the ifNumber is greater than or equal to this value.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.prototype.txt
Version: 1.4
TCP Check
This probe generates an alarm if the count of TCP connections exceeds a specified number. It can be used to detect people telnetting into a system that should not have connections, such as a router that might be attacked from outside your network.
It retrieves the device's tcpCurrEstab variable and compares it. If the number of established TCP connections exceeds the value specified in Allowed TCP Connections, the device is set to the Alarm state.
Allowed TCP Connections - the maximum number of TCP connections allowed.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.tcpcheck
Version: 1.6