Disk Space
This probe uses PowerShell to retrieve the disk space available on a drive on the target host. It uses WMI's ability to retrieve information from a remote host instead of PowerShell's remoting capability. Specifically, it queries the Size and FreeSpace properties of the Win32_LogicalDisk class, computes percentage free space, and compares it against the Warning, Alarm and Critical parameters specified by you.
Drive - set to All to list all local hard drives on the host. Enter a list of comma-separated drive letters with colons (:).
Drives can be listed regardless of whether they are local or not. Zero-sized drives, such as empty cd-roms, are not listed. The first drive failing the warning or critical criteria test is cited as the reason.
Warning, Alarm, Critical, Down (%) - enter a threshold for the percentage of disk space that changes the device's state to the specified alarm level.
User - can be a local user on the target host or take the form of domain\user for a domain login. Leave this field blank if authentication is not required, such as when the target is the localhost.
Password - the password of the specified user.
Timeout (sec) - the number of seconds to wait for a response from the target host.
PowerShell Version - the version of PowerShell running on the Intermapper server's host.
NOTE:Powershell Version is not the target device's host.
Intermapper invokes the WindowsWmiFreeDiskSpace.ps1 companion script in the Tools folder of the InterMapper Settings folder when probe is loaded. It uses the exit value to set the condition of the device and the performance data returned by the script to create a display of chartable data.
Filename: com.helpsystems.powershell.wmi.diskspace.txt
Version: 1.0
Remoting > Disk Space
This probe uses PowerShell to determine how much disk space is available on a drive on the target host. Specifically, it queries the Size and FreeSpace properties of the Win32_LogicalDisk class, computes percentage free space, and compares it against the Warning and Critical parameters set by you. The target host must be running PowerShell with Remoting enabled.
Drive - set to All to list all local hard drives on the host. Use a list of comma-separated drive letters with colons (:).
Drives can be listed regardless of whether they are local or not. Zero-sized drives (for example, an empty cd-rom) are not listed. The first drive failing the warning or critical criteria test is cited as the reason.
Warning, Alarm, Critical, Down (%) - the threshold for the percentage of disk space that changes the device's state to the specified alarm level.
User - can be a local user on the target host or take the form of domain\user for a domain login. Leave this field blank if authentication is not required, such as when the target is the localhost.
Password - the password of the specified user.
Timeout (sec) - the number of seconds to wait for a response from the target host.
PowerShell Version - the version of PowerShell running on the Intermapper server's host.
NOTE:PowerShell Version is not the target device's host.
Intermapper invokes the WindowsRemotingFreeDiskSpace.ps1 companion script in the Tools folder of the InterMapper Settings folder when probe is loaded. It uses the exit value to set the condition of the device and the performance data returned by the script to create a display of chartable data.
Filename: com.helpsystems.powershell.remote.diskspace.txt
Version: 1.0
Remoting > Disk Space (Signed)
NOTE:This probe requires a companion script that must be signed and placed in the \Intermapper Setting\Tools folder before it can be run.
This probe uses PowerShell to determine the disk space available on a drive on the target host. Specifically, it queries the Size and FreeSpace properties of the Win32_LogicalDisk class, computes percentage free space, and compares it against the Warning and Critical parameters you set. The target host must be running PowerShell with Remoting enabled.
Drive - set to All to list all Local hard drives on the host. Use a list of comma-separated drive letters with colons (:).
Drives can be listed regardless of whether they are local or not. Zero-sized drives (for example, an empty cd-rom) are not listed. The first drive failing the warning or critical criteria test is cited as the reason.
Warning, Alarm, Critical, Down (%) - the threshold for the percentage of disk space that changes the device's state to the specified alarm level.
User - can be a local user on the target host or take the form of domain\user for a domain login. Leave this field blank if authentication is not required, such as when the target is the localhost.
Password - the password of the specified user.
Timeout (sec) - the number of seconds to wait for a response from the target host.
PowerShell Version - the version of PowerShell running on the Intermapper server's host.
NOTE:PowerShell Version is not the target device's host.
Intermapper attempts to invoke the WindowsRemotingFreeDiskSpace.signed.ps1 companion script after setting ExecutionPolicy to AllSigned. If Intermapper is installed in the default location, this script is available in the C:\Program Files\Intermapper\docs\samples\powershell folder. It must be copied to the Tools folder and signed before it can run. It uses the exit value to set the condition of the device and the performance data returned by the script to create a display of the results.
Filename: com.helpsystems.powershell.remote.diskspace.sign.txt
Version: 1.0
Remoting > Installed Software
This probe uses PowerShell to provide a listing of installed software, installed updates, or both. This probe requires that PowerShell 2.0 or later be installed and that PowerShell remoting is enabled and configured to use this probe. This probe uses the registry, not WMI objects.
Software - specify whether to list installed software, software updates, or both.
User - can be a local user on the target host or take the form of domain\user for a domain login. Leave this field blank if authentication is not required, such as when the target is the localhost.
Password - the password of the specified user.
Authentication - the type of authentication you want PowerShell when connecting to the target host.
Timeout (sec) - the number of seconds to wait for a response from the target host.
PowerShell Version - the version of PowerShell running on the Intermapper server's host.
NOTE:PowerShell Version is not the target device's host.
Intermapper invokes the included ApplicationList.ps1 companion script in InterMapper Settings/Tools.
Filename: com.helpsystems.powershell.remote.installedSoftware.txt
Version: 1.0
Remoting > Process Count
This probe uses PowerShell's remoting capabilities and Get-Process object to retrieve the number of instances of a given process currently executing on the target host.
ProcessName - the name of the process you want to monitor.
User - may be a local user on the target host, or may take the form of "domain\user" for a domain login. Leave it blank if authentication is not required, such as when the target is the localhost.
Password - the password of the specified user.
Timeout (sec) - the number of seconds to wait for a response from the target host.
PowerShell Version - the version of PowerShell running on the Intermapper server's host.
NOTE:PowerShell Version is not the target device's host.
Intermapper invokes the ProcessCount.ps1 companion script in the Tools folder of the InterMapper Settings folder when probe is loaded.
Filename: com.helpsystems.powershell.remote.processcount.txt
Version: 1.0