Basic OID
This probe allows you to monitor a single, user-defined MIB variable.
Object Name - (optional) the name of the value that you want to monitor. This parameter value is used only for display in the popup window and chart legend.
Object ID - the object identifier (OID) of the value that you want to monitor. To retrieve the value of a MIB variable that is not in a table, the OID must end with .0 (for example,
This probe retrieves a lot of SNMP information from the device, including the MIB-II system group and the interfaces table. If you want to monitor a single SNMP variable, use the SNMP/Single OID probe.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.basic
Version: 0.7
BOM Trap
This probe is triggered by traps from the BOM and puts the icon in an alarm state. The alarms come in three types: warning, alarm, and critical. Upon receiving an OK, the icon returns to a normal state.
Format of Net-SNMP snmptrap command
Copysnmptrap -v 1 -c commString localhost IpAddress generic-trap specific-trap uptime {Monitor Items}Where specific-trap
InterMapper Warning : mxMonitorFailure = 20
InterMapper Warning : mxMonitorFailure = 30
InterMapper Warning : mxMonitorFailure = 32
InterMapper Okay : mxStatusNormal = 21
InterMapper Alarm : mxStatusWarning = 22
InterMapper Critical : mxStatusCritical = 23
Display items are as follows:
Device status : specific-trap
Computer name : mxTargetComputer
Instance ID : mxInstanceID
Group name : mxGroupName
Item name : mxMonitorName
Action name : mxActionName
Result code : mxResultCode
Monitor value : mxMonitorValue
Monitor status : mxMonitorStatus
Exit code : mxExitCode
User message : mxUserMsg
Filename: com.unfake.snmp.bomtrap.txt
Version 1.0
This probe retrieves a single SNMP MIB variable, compares it to a specified value, and uses the result to set the device's status. It also displays the value in the Status window.
Variable - the MIB name or OID to retrieve. If you have imported the MIB for this device, enter the symbolic name for this value. Otherwise, enter its OID.
Test - changes the status to ALARM if the device is Equal or NotEqual to the Value parameter.
Value - the value to compare against.
Severity - the status to use if the comparison fails.
Legend - a text string that identifies the variable in the Status window and strip charts. If left blank, the variable's name or OID is used.
Units (optional) a text string that is displayed next to the value in the Status window, intended for use as a unit of measure (packets/sec, degrees, and so on).
Tag - a short text string that identifies a particular class of dataset. Tags are used to correlate different variables from different probes that describe the same type of data, such as CPU% or temperature.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.oidcomparison.txt
Version: 1.11
High Threshold
This probe retrieves a single SNMP MIB variable and compares it to the specified thresholds below. If the value goes above any of the specified thresholds, the device changes to the specified state.
Variable - the MIB name or OID to retrieve. If you imported the MIB for this device, enter the symbolic name for this value. Otherwise, enter its OID.
Critical, Alarm, and Warning - the threshold that compares each severity. Thresholds can be positive or negative numbers.
Legend - a text string that identifies the variable in the Status window and in strip charts. If left blank, the variable's name or OID is used.
Units - a text string displayed next to the variable's value in the Status window. This is usually used for units of measure (packets/sec, degrees, and so on).
Tag - a short text string that identifies a particular class of dataset. Tags are used to correlate different variables from different probes that describe the same type of data, such as CPU% or temperature.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.oidhigh.txt
Version: 1.6
Low Threshold
This probe retrieves a single SNMP MIB variable and compares it to the specified threshold. If the value goes below any of the thresholds, the device changes to the specified state.
Variable - the MIB name or OID. If you imported the MIB for this device, enter the symbolic name for this value. Otherwise, enter the OID.
Critical, Alarm, and Warning - compares each severity. Thresholds can be positive or negative numbers.
Legend - a text string that identifies the variable in the Status window and in strip charts. If left blank, the variable's name or OID is used.
Units - a text string displayed next to the variable's value in the Status window. Usually used for units of measure (packets/sec, degrees, and so on).
Tag - a short text string that identifies a particular class of dataset. Tags are used to correlate different variables from different probes that describe the same type of data, such as CPU% or temperature.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.oidlow.txt
Version: 1.6
Range Threshold
This probe retrieves a single SNMP MIB variable and compares it to the specified thresholds. If the value goes outside the specified range, the device changes to the corresponding state.
Variable - the MIB name or OID. If you imported the MIB for this device, enter the symbolic name for this value. Otherwise, enter the OID.
Critical, Alarm, and Warning - compares each severity. Thresholds can be positive or negative numbers.
Legend - a text string that identifies the variable in the Status window and in strip charts. If left blank, the variable's name or OID is used.
Units - a text string displayed next to the variable's value in the Status window. Usually used for units of measure (packets/sec, degrees, and so on).
Tag - a short text string that identifies a particular class of dataset. Tags are used to correlate different variables from different probes that describe the same type of data, such as CPU% or temperature.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.oidrange.txt
Version: 1.7
Restricted Interface
This probe is identical to the Basic SNMP Traffic probe, except that it restricts the visible interfaces to those that match the specified Interface Description.
Interface Description - specifies the interfaces to display. Any interface with a value of ifDescr that matches this pattern is visible on the map. Non-matching interfaces are hidden.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.restrictedint.txt
Version: 0.2
Single OID Viewer
This probe retrieves a single SNMP MIB variable and displays it in the device's Status Window.
Variable - the MIB name or OID. If you imported the MIB for this device, enter the symbolic name for this value. Otherwise, enter the OID.
Legend - a text string that identifies the variable in the Status window and in strip charts. If left blank, the variable's name or OID is used.
Units - a text string displayed next to the variable's value in the Status window. Usually used for units of measure (packets/sec, degrees, and so on).
Tag - a short text string that identifies a particular class of dataset. Tags are used to correlate different variables from different probes that describe the same type of data, such as CPU% or temperature.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.oidsingle.txt
Version: 1.5
This probe monitors the ifInPackets and ifOutPackets statistics of the specified device interface and sets the state of the device to Alarm or Warning when the packet rate (in packets/second) exceeds specified thresholds. It sets the state to Down if the interface's ifOperStatus is not equal to 1 (Up).
Port Number - the ifIndex of the port to monitor.
Warn Threshold and Alarm Threshold - threshold values in packets-per-second.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.pps.txt
Version: 0.6
SNMPv1 High Traffic
This probe monitors the ifInOctets and ifOutOctets traffic statistics of a particular interface on the device and sets the device to Alarm or Warning when the traffic exceeds specified thresholds. It sets the device's state to Down if the interface's ifOperStatus is not equal to 1 (up).
Port Number - the ifIndex of the port to monitor.
Warn Threshold and Alarm Threshold - thresholds in bytes per second.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.traffic.txt
Version: 0.4
SNMPv1 High Util
This probe monitors the utilization of ifInOctets and ifOutOctets traffic statistics of a particular interface on the device, and sets the device to Alarm or Warning when traffic exceeds specified utilization thresholds. It sets the device's state to Down if the interface's ifOperStatus is not equal to 1 (up)
Port Number - the ifIndex of the port to monitor.
Warn Threshold and Alarm Threshold - threshold, specified as a percentage of bandwidth utilization.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.traffic-util.txt
Version: 0.3
String Comparison
This probe retrieves a single SNMP MIB variable, compares it to a specified value, and sets the device's severity based on the comparison. It also displays the value in the Status Window.
Variable - the MIB name or OID. If you imported the MIB for this device, enter the symbolic name for this value. Otherwise, enter the OID.
Test - specifies if the device is equal to the Value parameter or not.
Value - the value to compare with the MIB variable's value.
Severity - the severity level to use if the value does not match the specified value.
Legend - a text string that identifies the variable in the Status window and in strip charts. If left blank, the variable's name or OID is used.
Units - a text string displayed next to the variable's value in the Status window. Usually used for units of measure (packets/sec, degrees, and so on).
Tag - a short text string that identifies a particular class of dataset. Tags are used to correlate different variables from different probes that describe the same type of data, such as CPU% or temperature.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.oidstrcomparison.txt
Version: 1.9
Table Viewer
This probe shows the contents of several useful tables from common SNMP MIBs. It retrieves its data by walking the SNMP data values in the tables.
ifTable - The Interfaces table gives information about the physical and logical interfaces of the device. It is defined in MIB-II (RFC-1213) and updated in the IF-MIB. It shows the following columns:
- ifIndex
- ifDescr
- ifType
- ifSpeed
- ifPhysAddress
- ifOperStatus
ifXTable - the Extended Interfaces table defined in IF-MIB. It adds the ifName and ifAlias fields/columns to those shown in the ifTable.
Traffic Counters -traffic counters ifInOctets and ifOutOctets from the MIB-II ifTable and the ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets from the IF-MIB. To determine the traffic rate, refresh the window and compare two separate readings. The difference divided by the time between the refreshes (in seconds) is the number of bytes/second.
tcpConnTable - information about any present connections. It is defined in MIB-II. Variables include the following:
- tcpConnLocalAddress
- tcpConnLocalPort
- tcpConnRemAddress
- tcpConnRemPort.
udpTable - information about any present UDP listeners: Variables include udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort. It is defined in MIB-II.
ipAddrTable - the IP address/mask/broadcast address for each interface. It is defined in RFC-1213, and updated in the IP-MIB. Includes the following:
- ipAdEntAddr
- ipAdEntifIndex
- ipAdEntNetMask
- ipAdEntBcastAddr
- ipAdEntReasmMaxSize.
ipRouteTable - the table (currently deprecated) that comes from RFC-1213 (MIB-II).
ipCidrRouteTable and ipForwardTable - the tables that come from the IP-FORWARD-MIB. Shows information about CIDR multi-path IP Routes.
NOTE:The ipForwardTable obsoletes the ipRouteTable of MIB-II and is in turn obsoleted by the ipCidrRouteTable.
ipNetToMediaTable - the Net Address-to-Media Address table (also known as the ARP Table). It is defined in RFC-1213. Includes the following:
- ipNetToMediaIfIndex
- ipNetToMediaNetAddress
- ipNetToMediaPhysAddress
- ipNetToMediaType.
dot1dTpFdbTable - the Bridge MIB (RFC1493) shows the forwarding database for transparent bridges.
A link to each table appears in the Status window. Click the link to see the contents of the table on the selected device.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.tableviewer.txt
Version: 1.10
Trap Viewer
This probe listens for trap packets and displays the contents of a trap in the Status window. It does not actively poll the device and takes no action based on the contents of the trap.
All variables parsed from the trap packet are displayed in the device's Status window. You can use this probe as a prototype for making your own trap probes.
How the Trap Viewer Probe Works
When a trap arrives, the probe parses the trap to retrieve values from the trap's header along with the first ten items in its Varbind List. Each value is assigned a variable for use by the probe; each is also shown in the Status window.
To see how this probe works, configure your equipment to send traps to Intermapper or use the net-snmp snmptrap command. Either way, the Status window shows the values present in any traps that arrive.
For more information on the snmptrap command, see the net-snmp documentation for the trap tutorial and the snmptrap command.
Sending a Trap With Variables From the Dartware MIB
SNMPv1 Traps
- Add a device to a map with the IP address
- Set it to use this probe.
Issue the following snmptrap command below the command line (it should all be on one line):
snmptrap -v 1 -c commString localhost 6 123 4567890 s "05/08 23:26:35" s Critical s "Big Router" s "Critical: High Traffic" s "" s "SNMP Traffic Probe"SNMPv2c Traps
- Add a device to the map with an IP address of localhost.
- Set it to use this probe.
Issue the following snmptrap command from the command line (it should all be on one line):
snmptrap -v 2c -c commString localhost
4567890 6 123 4567890 s "05/08 13:26:35" s Critical s "Big Router" s "Critical: High Traffic" s "" s "SNMP Traffic Probe"
NOTE: This probe file contains the above lines in a single-line format suitable for copying and pasting. The parameters in this probe are unused, but can be used to set thresholds for various alarms.Parameters
MinValue - Unused
MaxVAlue - Unused
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.trapdisplay.txt
Version: 2.4