
4D Server

This probe attempts to connect to a 4D server listening on port 19813. If the response contains the database name, the probe exits with OKAY status; if not, the result is WARN. If no response is received within the timeout, the probe exits with a WARN status.


database name - the name of an existing database on the 4D server.

timeout - the number of seconds to wait for a response before returning a WARN status.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.4D
Version: 1.6


This probes monitors an Apache Web server with the Apache Status module enabled (mod_status). The Apache Status module allows a server administrator to find out how well an Apache server is performing. This probe reads output of provided by the Status module that presents the current server statistics, using the ?auto parameter.

To enable status reports for this probe, add the following to the httpd.conf file on the target server:

<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from Intermapper-Address

This probe supports the Apache ExtendedStatus directive, if enabled.


Host Name - the name of the host server.

URL Path - the path to the server status page.

User ID - the server administrator username.

Password - the administrator password.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.apache.txt
Version: 1.1

Apple > AppleShareIP

The file-sharing protocol used by Apple computers over TCP/IP. The default TCP port number for AppleShareIP connections is port 548.

This TCP probe connects to the AppleShareIP port and issues a Get Server Info request. If the probe does not receive the expected response, the device's status is set to Down.

This probe sends a request; it does not create an AppleShare session.



Filename: com.dartware.tcp.appleshareip
Version: 1.6

Apple > OS X Server > AFP

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details about its Apple File Sharing using the Server Admin port and protocol.

Sends a request for status information via an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An administrator user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS .

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.osxserver.afp.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > OS X Server > FTP

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details about its FTP server using the Server Admin port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An admin user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.osxserver.ftp.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > OS X Server > Info

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details using the Server Admin port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An admin user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Version: 1.0

Apple > OS X Server > NAT

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details about its NAT service using the Server Admin port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port. The server responds with XML data that is then parsed by the probe.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An admin user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.osxserver.nat.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > OS X Server > Print

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details about its Print Server using the Server Admin port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An admin user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.osxserver.print.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > OS X Server > QTSS

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details about its QuickTime Streaming server using the Server Admin port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An admin user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.osxserver.qtss.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > OS X Server > Web

This TCP probe queries a macOS Server installation for various details about its Web server using the Server Admin port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Admin port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server. An admin user is not required.

Password - the user's password.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.osxserver.web.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > RTMP

This probe sends an AppleTalk RTMP RDR Request query of type 3 and waits for a RTMP response.



Filename: com.dartware.rtmp
Version: 1.5

Apple > Xserve > Xserve G4

This TCP probe queries an Xserve G4 for various details using the Server Monitor port and protocol.


This probe monitors Xserve G4s running macOS 10.3.9 and lower. For Xserves running 10.4 or higher, select the Xserve Tiger probe.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Monitor port. The server responds with XML data that is then parsed by the probe.


User - the name of any user on the specified server.

Password - the password of the user.

OS Version - the version of macOS server that is running on Xserve.

The following options allow you to display or ignore corresponding data. These options correspond to the tabs in the Server Monitor application on the macOS server.

Info - general information about the server, such as amount of RAM, operating system name, and operating system version.

Drives - information about drives installed on the server. This information includes the manufacturer, model, and capacity of each drive.

Power - information about the power supply.

Network - information about the network. Includes the hardware address, IP address, traffic information, and type of each interface.

Temperature - the ambient temperature of the server.

Blowers - the speed of the server's cooling fans.

Security - monitors the state of the security lock and the enclosure.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.xserve.details
Version: 1.0

Apple > Xserve > Xserve G5

This TCP probe queries an Xserve G5 for various details using the Server Monitor port and protocol.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Monitor port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server.

Password - the password of the specified user.

The following options allow you to display or ignore data in the response. These options correspond to tabs in the Server Monitor application on the macOS server.

Info - general information about the server. Includes amount of RAM, operating system name, and operating system version.

Drives - information about the drives installed on the server. Includes the manufacturer, model, and capacity of each drive.

Power - information about the power supply.

Network - information on the network. Includes the hardware address, IP address, traffic information, and type of each interface.

Temperature - the ambient temperature of the server.

Blowers - information on the speed of the server's cooling fans.

Security - the state of the security lock and the enclosure.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.xserve.g5.txt
Version: 1.0

Apple > Xserve > Xserve RAID

This TCP probe queries an Xserve RAID for various details using the RAID Admin port and protocol.

This probe sends requests to an Xserve Raid using an HTTPS post on a series of HTTP POSTs and parses an XML responses.


Password - the RAID administrator's monitoring password.

Version: 1.0

Apple > Xserve > Xserve Tiger (PPC)

This probe queries an Xserve running macOS 10.4 using the Server Monitor port and protocol. Because of this, the probe requires an administrator name and password to access information. Due to significant hardware differences, there are separate probes for G4 Xserves, G5 Xserves, and Intel Xserves.

Apple preconfigured several thresholds for various properties, such as temperatures, blower speeds, and power supply values. The Server Monitor protocol specifies these thresholds. The error message and status are reflected by this probe.

This probe requests status information using an HTTPS post to the Server Monitor port and parses an XML response.


User - the name of any user on the specified server.

Password - the password of the specified user.

The following options allow you to display or ignore data in the response. These options correspond to tabs in the Server Monitor application on the macOS server.

Info - general information about the server. Includes the amount of RAM, operating system name, and operating system version.

Drives - information about the drives installed on the server. Includes the manufacturer, model, and capacity of each drive.

Power - information about the power supply.

Network - information about the network. Includes the hardware address, IP address, traffic information, and type of each interface.

Temperature - the ambient temperature of the server.

Blowers - information on the speed of the server's cooling fans.

Security - the state of the security lock and the enclosure.

NOTE: This probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.xserve.tiger.txt
Version: 1.0

Barracuda > Barracuda HTTP

This TCP probe queries a Barracuda Spam Firewall for various performance statistics.

The BASIC > Status page of the Administrators interface is retrieved using HTTP.


User - the name of the firewall administrator.

Password - the password of the firewall administrator.

Port - the Web Interface HTTP Port of the firewall as set on the BASIC > Administration page.


Set thresholds as follows:

In/Out Queue Size - the returned value should normally be less than 100. An In or Out Queue value that consistently exceeds 100 for more than 30 minutes can indicate a problem that needs attention.

NOTE: The returned value can rise temporarily, then go back down after 10 or 15 minutes.

  • For the Inbound Queue, this is normal behavior, but can also be the result of an orchestrated attack. Barracuda attempts to read as many messages as it can, which results in a slower processing rate, which in turn increases the number of messages in the queue.
  • For the Outbound Queue, an increase usually indicates that the destination server is unavailable or the local DNS is not functioning properly.

Recommended Settings

  • Warnings - a value exceeding 100 for more than 15 minutes.
  • Alarms - a value exceeding 500 for more than 30 minutes.

Average Latency - The average time, in seconds, to receive, process and deliver the last 30 messages. The value should be under 50 seconds. If the latency consistently exceeds 50 seconds for more than 30 minutes, there might be a problem that needs attention. Sometimes the value rises temporarily and goes back down after 10 or 15 minutes. This is normal behavior.

Recommended Settings

  • Warnings - a value exceeding 50 seconds for more than 15 minutes.
  • Alarms - a value exceeding 150 seconds for more than 30 minutes.

Last Message - The time, in minutes, since the last message was received. For a busy machine, this value should be less than 5 minutes. A value consistently exceeding 20 minutes for more than 30 minutes might indicate a problem that needs attention. Sometimes the value rises temporarily and goes back down after 2 or 3 minutes. This is normal behavior.

Recommended Settings

  • Warnings - a value exceeding 15 minutes.
  • Alarms - a value exceeding 30 minutes.

CPU 1/CPU 2 Fan Speed - Should be between 3,000 and 5,000 (RPM)

Recommended Settings

  • Warnings - a value for either CPU fan that falls below 2500.
  • Alarms - a value for either CPU fan that falls below 500.

Firmware Storage - the typical value is between 60% and 80%. A value above 80% usually means that a debug file needs to be deleted. This can be done on a non-emergency basis.

Recommended Settings

  • Warnings - a value above 80%.
  • Alarms - a value above 90%.

Mail/Log Storage - the typical value is between 1% and 70%.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value above 70%.
  • Alarm - a value above 80%.

System Load - The system's load (in percentage). During normal operation, this value can vary wildly, anywhere between 1 and 100%. A value that remains at 100% for more than 2 hours might indicate a problem that needs attention. Sometimes the value rises and goes back down after 2 or 3 minutes. This is normal behavior.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning- a value above 80%.
  • Alarm - a value above 90% for more than 3 hours.

CPU Temperature - Should be between 40 and 70 degrees C.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value above 70 degrees C for more than 30 minutes.
  • Alarm - a value above 80 degrees C for more than 1 hour.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.barracuda.http.txt
Version: 3.1

Barracuda > Barracuda HTTPS

This TCP probe queries a Barracuda Spam Firewall for various performance statistics.

The BASIC > Status page of the Administrators interface is retrieved using HTTPS.


User - the administrator name for the firewall.

Password - the administrator password for the firewall.

Port - the Web Interface HTTP Port for the firewall as set on the BASIC > Administration page.


Set thresholds as follows:

In/Out Queue Size - this value should be less than 100. An In or Out Queue value that consistently exceeds 100 for more than 30 minutes might indicate a problem that needs attention. Sometimes the returned value rises temporarily and goes back down after 10 or 15 minutes.

  • For the Inbound Queue, this is normal behavior, but can also be the result of an orchestrated attack. Barracuda attempts to read as many messages as it can, which results in a slower processing rate, which in turn increases the number of messages in the queue.
  • For the Outbound Queue, an increase usually indicates that the destination server is unavailable or the local DNS is not functioning properly.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value exceeding 100 for more than 15 minutes.
  • Alarm - a value exceeding 500 for more than 30 minutes.

Average Latency - the average time, in seconds, to receive, process, and deliver the last 30 messages. The value should be below 50 seconds. Latency that consistently exceeds 50 seconds for more than 30 minutes might indicate a problem that needs attention. Sometimes the value rises temporarily and goes back down after 10 or 15 minutes. This is normal behavior.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value exceeding 50 seconds for more than 15 minutes.
  • Alarm - a value exceeding 150 seconds for more than 30 minutes.

Last Message - the time, in minutes, since the last message was received. For a busy machine, this value should be less than 5 minutes. Values consistently exceed 20 minutes for more than 30 minutes might indicate a problem that needs attention. Sometimes the value rises temporarily and goes back down after 2 or 3 minutes. This is normal behavior.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value exceeding 15 minutes.
  • Alarm - a value exceeding 30 minutes.

CPU 1/CPU 2 Fan Speed - should be between 3,000 and 5,000 (RPM).

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value for either CPU fan that is below 2500.
  • Alarm - a value for either CPU fan that is below 500.

Firmware Storage - the typical value is between 60% and 80%. A value above 80% usually means that a debug file needs to be deleted. This can be done on a non-emergency basis.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value above 80%.
  • Alarm - a value above 90%.

Mail/Log Storage - the typical value is between 1% and 70%.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value above 70%.
  • Alarm - a value above 80%.

System Load - the system's load (in percentage). During normal operation, this value can vary wildly, anywhere between 1 and 100%. A value that remains at 100% for more than 2 hours might indicate a problem that needs attention. Sometimes, this value rises temporarily and goes back down after 2 or 3 minutes. This is normal behavior.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value above 80% for more than 1 hour.
  • Alarm - a value above 90% for more than 3 hours.

CPU Temperature - should be between 40 and 70 degrees C.

Recommended Settings

  • Warning - a value above 70 degrees C for more than 30 minutes.
  • Alarm - a value above 80 degrees C for more than 1 hour.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.barracuda.https.txt
Version: 3.1

Big Brother Probe

This probe allows you to use Intermapper as a Big Brother BBDISPLAY to collect information sent by Big Brother clients.


Purple Time - sets the number of minutes to wait without a report before indicating a problem. In a Big Brother server, this is thirty minutes; Big Brother shows a device as purple if it goes this long without a report from the device. This probe shows it as DOWN.

Filename: com.dartware.bigbrother
Version: 1.7


This probe monitors the performance of a BlitzMail server.

BlitzMail is a TCP/IP-based client-server electronic mail system developed at Dartmouth College. In the BlitzMail system, all mail and mail preferences are stored on one or more BlitzMail servers, providing access to email from anywhere.

This probe provides a simple view into the current state of a single BlitzMail server, showing simultaneous user count, CPU utilization, and disk transfer statistics.



Filename: com.dartware.blitzwatch
Version: 1.5

Citrix Server

This probe connects to a Citrix server, using default port 1494. It checks for the presence of the ICA string in the response, which indicates that the Citrix server is running.

This probe sets the device to Alarm if the following occurs:

  • a disconnect is received unexpectedly.
  • doesn't receive a response within 30 seconds after connecting
  • the response doesn't contain the string "ICA"



Filename: com.dartware.tcp.citrix.txt
Version: 1.2

Dartware > DataCenter > IMAuth

This TCP probe queries an Intermapper DataCenter server to verify that IMAuth is configured and running on that server. This only works with Intermapper DataCenter 5.1 or higher.


User - the DataCenter admin user's name.

Password - the DataCenter admin user's password.

Port - the port the DataCenter server listens on.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.imauth
Version: 0.4

Dartware > DataCenter > IMDatabase

This TCP probe queries an Intermapper DataCenter server to verify that IMDatabase is configured and running on that server. This only works when run against Intermapper DataCenter 5.1 or higher.


User - the DataCenter admin user's name.

Password - the DataCenter admin user's password.

Port - the port the DataCenter server listens on.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.imdatabase
Version: 0.4

DND Protocol

The protocol used to lookup directory entries and validation information in a DND server. The DND is a centralized authentication/directory service developed at Dartmouth College. The default TCP port number for DND connections is port 902.


Name - the DND admin user's name.

Port - the port the DND server listens on.

FileMaker Pro

This probe attempts to connect to a Filemaker Pro database server. By default, the port is 5003. If a successful connection is made, the device status is set to Okay.



Filename: com.dartware.tcp.filemaker
Version: 1.7

FirstClass Server

This probe connects to a FirstClass mail server. It sends two carriage returns and expects to receive a banner. The default contains FirstClass System. By default, it listens on port 510.


banner - the banner text received from the FirstClass server.

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.firstclass
Version: 1.7


This probe tests the operation of Sassafras KeyServer using TCP/IP. KeyServer is a software license management tool for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and thin-client based computers.

The probe sends a proprietary status request to the KeyServer. For more information, see Sassafras Software. By default, the server accepts UDP requests on port 19283.


KeyServer is a registered trademark of Sassafras software.



Filename: com.dartware.keyserver
Version: 1.7

Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes uses Port 1352 for its Remote Procedure Call and Notes Replication.

This probe establishes a connection to the indicated port, which should be a Lotus Notes server. If the connection is successful, the device status is set to OK; otherwise, its status is DOWN.



Filename: com.dartware.tcp.lotusnotes
Version: 1.5


The MeetingMaker server listens on port 649. This probe attempts to connect and exits with OKAY status if it succeeds.



Filename: com.dartware.tcp.meetingmaker
Version: 1.5

Microsoft > DHCP Lease Check

This probe monitors the count of free DHCP leases on a Microsoft DHCP server. If the count goes below the specified thresholds, the device enters ALARM or WARNING state.

The check is specific to a scope.


Scope - the DHCP scope to check (for example,

Free Lease Warning - the number of remaining leases at which the device enters WARNING state.

Free Lease Alarm - the number of free leases remaining at which the device enters ALARM state.

Free Lease Critical - the number of free leases remaining at which the device enters CRITICAL state.

View the DHCP scope table - click to view a list of available scopes, along with information about in-use lease, free lease, and pending offers.

Filename: com.dartware.snmp.dhcpcheck.txt
Version: 0.4

Microsoft > NT Services

This probe monitors the state of one or more services on a Microsoft Windows-based machine, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and newer. Intermapper uses the Service Control Manager (SCM) to retrieve the information about the specified services. This probe works only if the Intermapper server is running on a Windows computer.


Services to Monitor - the list of services to be monitored. In the status window, services with green icons are currently running; those with red icons are stopped.

Intermapper monitors services whose boxes are checked. For a single machine, choose from all the services on the machine. For multiple machines, choose from those services common to all of the machines.

Username - the name of an administrative user on the machine being probed. Intermapper uses this username to log into the target machine to query the Service Control Manager.

Password - the password for the specified user.

If Username and Password are blank, the user credentials under which Intermapper is running will be used.

NOTE: For this probe to operate, Intermapper must be running as an administrative user or you must supply an administrator username and password for in the NT Services panel in Server Settings. This allows Intermapper to elevate its privileges temporarily.

Filename: com.dartware.ntsvcs.std
Version: 1.9

Microsoft > SQL Server Query

This probe establishes an ADO (ActiveX Data Object) connection to a Microsoft SQL Server running on the target host. It issues the specified query and displays the returned fields. If no records are returned, the device status is set to Critical.


Query - the SQL query to send. It should be enclosed in double-quotes. Using the TOP keyword in your query improve the response to the query. You can specify specific columns in your query and include a WHERE or an ORDER BY clause.

Rows and Columns - the number of columns and the number of rows of records in the query you want to view.

Instance - the SQL server instance on the target host the query is sent to. To query the default server instance, leave this field blank.

Database - the database on the target instance to query.

User - can be an SQL Server user on the target host, or may take the form of "domain\user" for a domain login. Leave it blank to use integrated authentication. The specified user must have dbreader privileges to the database.

Timeout (sec) - allows you to override the device's specified timeout.

Intermapper invokes the sql_query.vbs script, included with this probe.

Filename: com.dartware.cmd.sql_query.txt
Version: 1.4

Nagios NRPE

The NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) protocol defines a way to execute Nagios plugins on remote machines. After you install a Nagios NRPE daemon and and one or more Nagios plugins on a remote machine, Intermapper does the following to retrieve the status of that machine:

  • Establishes an encrypted SSL/TLS connection to the remote NRPE daemon.
  • Requests that a specific Nagios plugin be executed.
  • Receives the response from the plugin.
  • Parses the response and display the state of that machine.]

The NRPE daemon uses a configuration file (nrpe.cfg) that has command definition entries in the following format:

command[check_swap]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_swap -w 20% -c 10%

When the NRPE daemon receives a request to run the check_swap plugin, it issues the command above.


Nagios Plugin - tells which plugin to execute. It must match one of the command definitions in the nrpe.cfg file (the text within square brackets [ ... ]). To test the connection from Intermapper to the NRPE daemon, set Nagios Plugin to _NRPE_CHECK.

For information on installing an NRPE daemon, see the NRPE Documentation (at, especially the section on Remote Host Configuration. Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered trademarks of Ethan Galstad. For more information, see

Filename: com.dartware.tcp.nrpe.txt
Version: 1.2