Basic TCP
This basic TCP probe tests whether a TCP port accepts connections. If the specified port fails to accept the TCP connection within sixty seconds, the device state is set to Down.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.basic
Version: 1.6
Basic TCP (Blocked)
This basic TCP probe tests that a TCP port is not accepting connections. This probe may be used to test that a firewall is working properly, or that a particular TCP service is never operating on an important machine.
If the specified port accepts the TCP connection, the device state is set to the selected state. Otherwise, the device status is set to OKAY.
Failure Status - The device status upon successful connection. The default state is DOWN.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.blocked
Version: 1.6
Custom TCP
This probe sends the specified string over a TCP connection, and sets the status of the device based on the response. Six parameters control the operation of this probe:
String to send - The initial string sent to the device via TCP. This could be a command which indicates what to test, or a combination of a command and a password. The string is sent on its own line, terminated by a CR-LF.
Seconds to wait - The number of seconds to wait for a response. If no response is received within the specified number of seconds, the device's status is set to Down.
OK Response - The substring to match the device's "ok response". If it matches the first line received, the device is reported to have a status of OK.
WARN Response - The substring to match the device's Warning response.
ALRM Response - The substring to match the device's Alarm response.
CRIT Response - The substring to match the device's Critical response.
DOWN Response - The substring to match the device's Down response.
If Intermapper cannot connect to the specified TCP port, the device's status is set to Down.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.custom
Version: 1.9
CVS Server
This probe tests a CVS server by connecting to the specified port and authentication strings as shown below. By default, the port is 2401.
If the response is "I LOVE YOU", then the authentication succeeded.
If the response is "I HATE YOU", then either the authentication failed or the path to CVSROOT is incorrect.\p\
CVSROOT_path - path to the CVS server
Username - Username for the CVS server
Password - Password used with Username
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.cvs
Version: 1.6
DHCP is the protocol used by IP clients to obtain an IPv4 address and other parameters for using TCP/IP. Depending on your setup, this probe may work only if your computer is already using an IP address acquired using BOOTP or DHCP.
NOTE: On macOS, this probe only works if no DHCP, Bootp, or PPP interfaces are enabled.The probe sends DHCP-INFORM requests to test the DHCP mechanism for an IP subnet.
BOOTP Relay Address - the IP address to which all DHCP requests are addressed. Normal BOOTP/DHCP requests are broadcast to the local subnet (, where they are picked up by the BOOTP agent in a router and relayed to the BOOTP/DHCP server. If this parameter is left blank, Intermapper sends the DHCP requests directly to the device's IP address.
DHCP Client ID - an optional parameter included with the DHCP-INFORM request that can be used to identify the DHCP client as Intermapper. If this parameter is blank, Intermapper does not include the DHCP Client ID option in its DHCP probe.
DHCP Subnet Mask - an optional parameter that specifies the expected value of the subnet mask returned by the DHCP server. If this parameter is blank, Intermapper accepts any subnet mask value.
DHCP Router Address - an optional parameter that specifies the expected value of the router address returned by the DHCP server. If this parameter is blank, Intermapper accepts any router address value.
DHCP Message Type - the type of DHCP message to send. Typically, you should use DHCP-INFORM, since this type will not cause the DHCP server to allocate an IP address. A DHCP server may respond to a DHCP-DISCOVER request by leasing an IP address which will never be used.
Hardware Address - an optional parameter that specifies the MAC address of the network interface used to send the DHCP request.
Request Seconds - an optional parameter that specifies the number of seconds to claim we have been sending DHCP requests. Certain DHCP servers (such as the one supplied with OS X 10.5 with the default settings) do not respond until the client claims to have been trying for at least 10 seconds.
Filename: com.dartware.dhcp
Version: 2.1
Domain Name (DNS) > DNS: (A) Address
DNS is the protocol used by TCP/IP network clients to translate Internet names into IP addresses, as defined in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. This probe sends a DNS request to look up the IP address for a specified domain name.
Domain Name - the fully qualified domain name you are attempting to resolve.
IP Address - optional parameter specifies an IP address the domain name should resolve to. If this parameter is not blank, Intermapper reports the status specified in Failure Status if one of the returned IP addresses doesn't match this address.
Recursion Desired - If the target DNS server cannot resolve the given domain name, and this parameter is True, the DNS server may query an authoritative DNS server. To prevent this behavior, use the default setting of False.
Failure Status - the device status Intermapper should report when the IP address in a DNS response doesn't match the specified IP Address parameter. By default, an IP address mismatch sets the device to Alarm. (Down is reserved for complete lack of response by the DNS server.)
Filename: com.dartware.dns
Version: 1.9
Domain Name (DNS) > DNS: (MX) Mail Server
The protocol used by TCP/IP network clients to translate Internet names into Mail servers, as defined in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. This probe sends a DNS request to look up the mail server for a specified domain name.
Domain Name - the fully qualified domain name to be resolved.
Mail Server - optional - specify a mail server the domain name should resolve to. If this parameter is non-empty, and one of the returned mail servers doesn't match the one provided, a status as specified in Failure Status is returned.
Recursion Desired - If the target DNS server cannot resolve the given domain name, and this parameter is True, the DNS server may query an authoritative DNS server. To prevent this behavior, use the default setting of False.
Failure Status - specifies the device status returned when the DNS response returns a mail server that doesn't match the specified Mail Server. You can choose Down, Alarm or Warning. By default, mail server mismatches return an Alarm condition; Down is reserved for when the DNS server fails to respond at all.
Version: 1.2
Domain Name (DNS) > DNS: (NS) Name Server
The protocol used by TCP/IP network clients to translate Internet names into name servers, as defined in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. This probe sends a DNS request to look up the name server for a specified domain name. CNAME records are accepted if no NS records are present in the response.
Domain Name - the fully qualified domain name to be resolved.
Name Server - optional - specify the name server the domain name should resolve to. If this parameter is non-empty, and one of the returned name servers doesn't match the one provided, a status as specified in Failure Status is returned.
Recursion Desired - If the target DNS server cannot resolve the given domain name, and this parameter is True, the DNS server may query an authoritative DNS server. To prevent this behavior, use the default setting of False.
Failure Status - specifies the device status returned when the DNS response returns a name server that doesn't match the specified Name Server. You can choose Down, Alarm or Warning. By default, name server mismatches return an Alarm condition; Down is reserved for when the DNS server fails to respond at all.
Filename: com.dartware.dns.ns
Version: 1.2
Domain Name (DNS) > DNS: (PTR) Reverse Lookup
The protocol used by TCP/IP network clients to translate IP addresses into Internet names, as defined in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. This probe sends a DNS request to look up the domain name for a specified IP address. Both PTR and CNAME records are accepted in the response.
IP Address - the fully qualified IP address to be resolved.
Domain Name - optional - specify a domain name the IP address should resolve to. If this parameter is non-empty, and one of the returned domain names doesn't match the one provided, a status as specified in Failure Status is returned.
Recursion Desired - If the target DNS server cannot resolve the given domain name, and this parameter is True, the DNS server may query an authoritative DNS server. To prevent this behavior, use the default setting of False.
Failure Status - specifies the device status returned when the DNS response returns a domain name that doesn't match the specified Domain Name. You can choose Down, Alarm or Warning. By default, mail server mismatches return an Alarm condition; Down is reserved for when the DNS server fails to respond at all.
Filename: com.dartware.dns.ptr
Version: 1.2
Domain Name (DNS) > DNS: (TXT) Text Record
The protocol used by TCP/IP network clients to translate Internet names into Text records, as defined in RFC 1034 and RFC 1035. This probe sends a DNS request to look up the text record for a specified domain name.
Domain Name - the fully qualified domain name to be resolved.
Text Substring - optional - specify a substring of a text record the domain name should resolve to. If this parameter is non-empty, and one of the returned text records doesn't contain the substring provided, the device's condition is set as specified in Failure Status.
Recursion Desired - If the target DNS server cannot resolve the given domain name, and this parameter is True, the DNS server may query an authoritative DNS server. To prevent this behavior, use the default setting of False.
Failure Status - specifies the device status returned when the DNS response text record in a DNS response does not contain the specified Text Substring. You can choose Down, Alarm or Warning. By default, mail server mismatches return an Alarm condition; Down is reserved for when the DNS server fails to respond at all.
Filename: com.dartware.dns.txt
Version: 1.2
FTP > FTP (Login)
The standard protocol for transferring files on TCP/IP internets, as defined in RFC 959. The default TCP port number for FTP control connections is port 21.
This TCP probe connects to the FTP server's control port (21). It then logs in using the specified User ID and Password and issues a NOOP command. If the connection is successful, the probe issues the QUIT command and sets the status to Okay.
User ID - the account name used to login to the FTP server.
Password - the account password used to verify the User ID's identity.
NOTE: If the probe queries the FTP server often, and at regular intervals, the FTP server's log files contain a succession of Login and Logout log lines.Filename: com.dartware.tcp.ftp.login
Version: 1.9
FTP > FTP (No Login)
The standard protocol for transferring files on TCP/IP internets, as defined in RFC 959. The default TCP port number for FTP control connections is port 21.
This TCP script connects to the FTP server's control port (21). It then issues a NOOP command without logging in. If the connection is successful, the probe issues the QUIT command and sets the status to Okay.
NOTE: Use this script if you are going to be probing the FTP server frequently. Unlike the FTP (login) probe, this probe does generate numerous entries in your FTP logs.Parameters
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.ftp.nologin
Version: 1.9
The document search and retrieval protocol described in RFC 1436. The default TCP port number for Gopher connections is port 70.
This script connects to a Gopher server and sends the specified Selector string. By default, the Selector string is empty; the Gopher server returns top level information as a sequence of lines. This script simply checks that data is returned by the gopher server; it does not validate the data's contents.
Selector string - the string sent to the Gopher server. By default, this string is empty.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.gopher
Version: 1.7
Host Resources
This probe uses SNMP to monitor elements of the Host Resources MIB of the target device.
Processor Load Alarm % - Specifies the threshold, as a percentage of processor load, to enter ALARM state.
Processor Load Warning % - Specifies the threshold, as a percentage of processor load, to enter state.
Disk Usage Alarm % - Specifies the threshold, as a percentage of disk usage, to enter ALARM state.
Disk Usage Warning % - Specifies the threshold, as a percentage of disk usage, to enter WARNING state.
Memory Usage Alarm % - Specifies the threshold, as a percentage of memory usage, to enter ALARM state.
Memory Usage Warning % - Specifies the threshold, as a percentage of memory usage, to enter WARNING state.
One-minute Load Average Alarm - Specifies the one-minute load average value to enter ALARM state.
One-minute Load Average Warning - Specifies the one-minute load average value to enter WARNING state.
Five-minute Load Average Alarm - Specifies the five-minute load average value to enter ALARM state.
Five-minute Load Average Warning - Specifies the five-minute load average value to enter WARNING state.
Fifteen-minute Load Average Alarm - Specifies the fifteen-minute load average value to enter ALARM state.
Fifteen-minute Load Average Warning - Specifies the fifteen-minute load average value to enter WARNING state.
Ignore storage table indices After the device is polled, select the storage table entries you want to ignore. The selected entries do not cause alarms or warnings and are not be displayed in the Status window.
Filename: com.dartware.snmp.hrmib
Version: 1.13
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you download a specific web page and scan it for a specific string of HTML.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. Only enter an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to verify - the string to verify in the data returned by the HTTP server. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you might search for "<HTML" or "<P>" to verify that the data is HTML. If this string is not found, the device will go into alarm.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. The default is to leave this blank. You should set this parameter if you want to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. The default is to leave this blank. Set this parameter if you want to test a web page that requires authentication.
HTTP & HTTPS > HTTP (Don't Match)
Use this probe to search for a string that should not match.
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you download a specific web page and scan it for a specific string of HTML. If the string is present, then the device goes to a warning state.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. Only enter an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to detect - a string is not expected in HTTP server's response. If the string is present, the device goes to a Warning severity.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.http-nomatch.txt
Version: 2.5
HTTP & HTTPS > HTTP (Follow Redirects)
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you download a specific web page and scan it for a specific string of HTML. This probe will follow a limited number of page redirects to the same HTTP server.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid Host Name to test a web server that implements a virtual host. Add only an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to request the root page of the site.
String to verify - a string to verify in the HTTP server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you could search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If the string is not found, the device goes into Alarm.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. Leave this blank unless you want to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. Leave this blank unless you want to test a web page that requires authentication.
Redirect Limit - the maximum number of redirects to follow.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.http.follow
Version: 1.3
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you post form results to a specific web CGI and verify that the POST operation worked.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. Only enter an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path to the desired CGI on the web server (for example, /index.cgi). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
Form Data - the encoded data sent in the body of the POST message.
String to verify - a string expected in HTTP server's response. For example, if you post form data that is designed to generate an error, you might search for sorry or could not be processed to verify that the CGI is properly rejecting the data. If this string is not found, the device goes into alarm.
Version: 2.8
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you test that a web server can be accessed using a remote proxy server as an intermediary. For example, this probe can check if your web server is accessible from some remote location on the Internet.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This is the host name part of the URL that you want to test.
The host name is likely to be different from that of the actual device on the map. If the host name is not specified, the probe assumes it is included in the URL Path, and no adjustment to the path is made.URL Path - the relative URI of the desired file on the web server (e.g. "/index.html"). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site. If Host Name is empty, this should contain the absolute URI.
Proxy User ID - your user ID for the proxy server. Leave this field blank if no authentication is required to use the proxy server.
Proxy Password - your password for the proxy server. Leave this field blank if no authentication is required to use the proxy server.
String to verify - a string expected in HTTP server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you might search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If this string is not found, the device goes into alarm.
User Agent - the string that identifies this Intermapper client probe to the proxy web server. Some proxy servers block traffic at the proxy based on the User-Agent identity. This parameter allows you override Intermapper's default User-Agent setting. Leave this parameter blank to send a User-Agent string of Intermapper/version" where version is the current version number of Intermapper.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.http.proxy
Version: 2.12
HTTP & HTTPS > HTTP (Redirect)
HTTP (Redirect)
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you test that a web server is redirecting certain URL's to a specific URL.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
Redirect URL - the complete URL that the given URL Path is redirected to. The URL should begin with http://.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. Set this parameter if you want to test a web page that requires authentication.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.http.redirect
Version: 1.15
The protocol used for secure transfer of web pages on the World Wide Web. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 443.
This probe establishes a secure connection to a web server, downloads a specific web page, and scans it for a specific string of HTML.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (e.g. ""). Use the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid "Host Name" to test web servers which implement virtual hosts.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to verify - the string to verify in the data returned by the HTTP server. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you might search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If this string is not found, the device will go into alarm.
User ID - the login user name. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the login password. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.https
Version: 2.9
The protocol used for secure transfer of web pages on the World Wide Web. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 443.
This probe establishes a secure connection to a web server, downloads a specific web page, and scans it for a specific string of HTML.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, Use the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid host name to test web servers which implement virtual hosts.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to verify - a string expected in the HTTP server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you might search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If this string is not found, the device goes into Alarm.
User ID - the login user name. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the login password. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.https-tlsv10.txt
Version: 2.10
HTTP & HTTPS > HTTPS (Follow Redirects)
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTPS connections is port 443.
This TCP probe lets you download a specific web page and scan it for a specific string of HTML. This probe will follow a limited number of page redirects to the same HTTPS server.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid host name to test a web server that implements a virtual host. Add only an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to verify - a string to verify in the server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you could search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If the string is not found, the device goes into Alarm.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Redirect Limit - the maximum number of redirects to follow.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.https.follow
Version: 1.2
The protocol used for secure transfer of web pages on the World Wide Web. The default TCP port number for HTTPS connections is port 443.
This TCP probe lets you post form results to a specific web CGI over a secure connection and verify that the POST operation worked.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid host name to test a web server that implements a virtual host. Add only an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path to the desired CGI on the web server (efor example, /index.cgi). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
Form Data - the encoded data sent in the body of the POST message.
String to verify - a string to verify in the server's response. For example, if you post form data that is designed to generate an error response, you might search for "sorry" or "could not be processed" to verify that the CGI is properly rejecting the data. If the string is not found, the device goes into Alarm.
NOTE: The implementation of this probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.Filename:
Version: 1.14
HTTP & HTTPS > HTTPS (Redirect)
The protocol used to transfer web pages on the World Wide Web, defined in RFC 2068 and RFC 1945. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 80.
This TCP probe lets you test that a web server is redirecting certain URL's to a specific URL.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid host name to test a web server that implements a virtual host. Add only an IP address or domain name; do not add "ttp://.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
Redirect URL - the complete URL that the given URL Path is redirected to. The URL should begin with https://.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.https.redirect.txt
Version: 1.5
The protocol used for secure transfer of web pages on the World Wide Web. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 443.
The protocol used for secure transfer of web pages on the World Wide Web. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 443.
This probe establishes a secure connection to a web server, downloads a specific web page, and scans it for a specific string of HTML. Unlike the default HTTPS probe, this probe does not attempt to auto-negotiate a TLSv1 connection, making it compatible with some older application servers.
This probe lets you establish a secure connection to a web server, download a specific web page, and scan it for a specific string of HTML. Unlike the default HTTPS probe, this probe will not attempt to auto-negotiate a TLSv1 connection, making it compatible with some older application servers.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, This can be derived from the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid host name to test a web server that implements a virtual host. Add only an IP address or domain name; do not add http://.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to verify - a string to verify in the server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you could search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If the string is not found, the device goes into Alarm.
User ID - the user name typed into the web browser's password dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password for the web browser's dialog. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
NOTE: The implementation of this probe uses OpenSSL on macOS.Filename: com.dartware.tcp.https.notls.txt
Version: 1.5
The protocol used for secure transfer of web pages on the World Wide Web. The default TCP port number for HTTP connections is port 443.
This probe establishes a secure connection to a web server, downloads a specific web page, and scans it for a specific string of HTML.
Host Name - the domain name of the web server (for example, Use the host name part of the URL that you want to test. You must enter a valid "Host Name" to test web servers which implement virtual hosts.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). This can be empty to get to the root page of the site.
String to verify - a string expected in the HTTP server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you might search for <HTML or <P> to verify that the data is HTML. If this string is not found, the device goes into Alarm.
User ID - the login user name. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the login password. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.https
Version: 2.9
IPMI v2.0
This probe implements version 2.0 of the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) over a LAN. It sends UDP-based RMCP+ packets to a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) located within a server or workstation. The BMC is hardware which permits network-based management of the computer even when it is turned off, i.e. "lights-out management".
User - (required) administrator-level user name to the BMC.
Password - (required ) the password for the specified user.
Dialect - The variant of the IPMI protocol. There are subtle differences in implementations of IPMI in various products.
- To use this probe with an Apple XServe 2008 or earlier, set the Dialect parameter to XServe.
- For Dell Servers, the Apple XServe 2009, and any other product set the Dialect parameter to Other.
This probe supports one-key, non-anonymous logins only. Internally, it uses RAKP-HMAC-SHA1 and AES-CBS-128 for authentication and confidentiality, respectively. The firewall configuration of the BMC must permit UDP packets from Intermapper.
Filename: com.dartware.ipmi.txt
Version: 1.2
This probe tests whether Intermapper can register a connection with an IRC server. This probe establishes a connection to the IRC server and issues the PASS, NICK, and USER commands. It verifies that the IRC server returns a particular string, in its welcome message, for example.
Password - the connection password. This parameter is passed using the PASS command.
Nickname - the connection nickname. This parameter is passed using the NICK command.
Username - username, hostname, servername and realname of the new user. Typically, the hostname and servername are ignored for client connections. The realname must be prefixed with a ':'.
String to verify - a string to verify in the data returned by the IRC server. For example, you might check for a string returned in the IRC server's welcome message.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.irc
Version: 1.6
The protocol used to access directories supporting the X.500 models, as described in RFC 2251.
This probe connects to the LDAP server and binds using the designated Bind Name and Bind Password (if specified).
Bind Name - the LDAP name to be authenticated
Bind Password - the password to be used with the Bind Name. It is sent as clear text to authenticate the probe.
Field to Match - after you are logged in, the probe sends a SearchRequest for Field to Match, searching for an equality match of Name to Lookup, and counts the number of LDAP records returned.
Search Base - If specified, this value is used as the base of the search. Otherwise, the Bind Name is used for the Base DN.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.ldap
Version: 1.10
The protocol used to access directories supporting the X.500 models, as described in RFC 2251.
This probe connects to the LDAP server through a secure connection, and binds using the designated Bind Name and Bind Password (if specified).
Bind Name - the LDAP name to be authenticated
Bind Password - the password to be used with the Bind Name. It is sent as clear text to authenticate the probe.
Field to Match - after you are logged in, the probe sends a SearchRequest for Field to Match, searching for an equality match of Name to Lookup, and counts the number of LDAP records returned.
Search Base - if specified, this value is used as the base of the search. Otherwise, the Bind Name is used for the Base DN.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.ldap.ssl
Version: 1.10
The print server protocol used to print over a TCP/IP network, as defined in RFC 1179. The default TCP port number for LPR connections is port 515.
Queue Name - a queue name if applicable to your printer.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.lpr
Version: 1.8
Mail > IMAP4
The protocol used for accessing and manipulating email messages on a server, as defined in RFC 2060. The default TCP port number for IMAP4 connections is port 143.
This TCP script connects to the IMAP4 server and issues a CAPABILITY command, a NOOP command, and finally terminates with a LOGOUT command. The script checks the server's response to the CAPABILITY command to verify that the server supports IMAP4 or IMAP4rev1.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.imap4
Version: 1.8
Mail > IMAP4 SSL
The protocol used for accessing and manipulating email messages on a server, as defined in RFC 2060. This probe tests a secure connection to the IMAP server. The default TCP port number for secure IMAP connections is port 993.
This TCP script connects to the IMAP4 server and issues a CAPABILITY command, a NOOP command, and finally terminates with a LOGOUT command. The script checks the server's response to the CAPABILITY command to verify that the server supports IMAP4 or IMAP4rev1.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.imap4.ssl
Version: 1.8
Mail > POP3
The protocol used to access email messages from a central maildrop server, as defined in RFC 1939. The default TCP port number for POP3 connections is port 110.
User Name - the POP3 account user name. If left empty, this probe verifies that the server sends +OK as its initial greeting, then immediately sends the QUIT command.
Password - the POP3 account password. If User Name is specified, this probe attempts to login to the POP3 server using the specified password. If the probe fails to authenticate, the device will be marked in warning.
Use APOP if supported - by default, this probe uses the APOP command to authenticate the user if the APOP command is supported by the server. To authenticate using the USER and PASS commands for a particular user, set the Use APOP if supported parameter to False.
The Use APOP if supported option has no effect if APOP is not supported by the server.Filename: com.dartware.tcp.pop3
Version: 2.7
Mail > POP3 SSL
The protocol uses PO3 over SSL to access email messages from a central maildrop server, as defined in RFC 1939. The default TCP port number for POP3-SSL connections is port 995.
User Name - the POP3 account user name. If left empty, this probe verifies that the server sends +OK as its initial greeting, then immediately sends the QUIT command.
Password - the POP3 account password. If User Name is specified, this probe attempts to login to the POP3 server using the specified password. If the probe fails to authenticate, the device will be marked in "warning".
Use APOP if supported - by default, this probe uses the APOP command to authenticate the user if the APOP command is supported by the server. To authenticate via USER and PASS commands for a particular user, set the Use APOP if supported parameter to False.
The Use APOP if supported option has no effect if APOP is not supported by the server.Filename: com.dartware.tcp.pop3.ssl
Version: 2.7
Mail > Roundtrip IMAP
This probe tests an IMAP server and measures the time it takes to send a message (via SMTP) and retrieve it (via IMAP). It sends a short message to the specified SMTP server, and continually attempts to retrieve the message via IMAP from the device being tested. The probe alerts if the server fails to respond properly or the round-trip time exceeds the specified timeout.
SMTP Server - the server to receive the SMTP message. If left blank, the device being tested is used as the target.
SMTP User and SMTP Password (optional) - the user name and password to be used when sending the message. Leave blank if not required.
Email To - the email address to which the message is sent.
Email From - the From: address in the message.
IMAP User and IMAP Password - the user name and password used to log into the IMAP server to retrieve the message.
Timeout - the specified timeout, measured in seconds.
Version: 1.4
Mail > SMTP
The standard protocol used to transfer electronic mail on the Internet, as defined in RFC 821. The default TCP port number for SMTP connections is port 25.
This probe tries to verify that a specified email address exists on the SMTP server, using the VRFY command. It connects to the SMTP server, introduces itself using the HELO command, then issues a VRFY command for the specified email address. When it has received a response, the script sends the QUIT command before closing its connection to the server.
Email Address - the name or email address that we are attempting to verify.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.smtp
Version: 2.0
The standard protocol used to transfer electronic mail on the Internet, as defined in RFC 821. This probe tests a secure connection to the SMTP server. The default TCP port number for secure SMTP connections is port 25.
This probe tries to verify that a specified email address exists on the SMTP server, using the VRFY command. It connects to the SMTP server, introduces itself using the HELO command, then issues a VRFY command for the specified email address. When it has received a response, the script sends the QUIT command before closing its connection to the server.
Email Address - the name or email address that we are attempting to verify.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.smtp.tls
Version: 1.8
Multimedia > Multicast Listener
This probe lets you listen for UDP packets directed to a specific UDP port. If you specify a multicast IP address, Intermapper will listen for packets directed to that multicast address. This probe will change the device status to the DOWN if a packet isn't received within specified number of seconds (the default is 10 seconds).
The Multicast Listener probe can be used to verify that a multicast source is broadcasting, for example, a live QuickTime broadcaster.
This probe is passive; it only listens, and does not inject any traffic into the network.
Multicast IP Address - (optional) multicast IP address to listen on.
Seconds to wait - the maximum number of seconds to wait between packets. If a packet is not received within the specified number of seconds, the device's status is set to DOWN. The "Seconds to wait" timer is reset every time a packet is received.
Verify Source Address - specifIES whether the probe should count packets only from the IP address of the targeted device.
Filename: com.dartware.udplistener
Version: 2.1
Multimedia > RTSP
The protocol used to control real-time streams, defined in RFC 2326 and RFC 1889. The default TCP port number for RTSP connections is port 554.
This TCP probe lets you check that the server is up and responding.
The specifics of the commands that the probe must send to the server vary somewhat depending upon the version of RFC2326 that the server implements. If the server you're monitoring implements RFC2326bis-02 or later, then set RFC2326bis-02 or later to Yes. If you're not sure, leave it set to No. If the device goes into warning with the reason set to [RTSP] Unexpected response to PLAY command. (RTSP/1.0 460 Only Aggregate Option Allowed), then set it to Yes.
Movie Name - the name of the media you want to use to test server status
Seconds to play - the number of seconds to play the media before returning a status
RFC2326bis-02 or later - specify whether the server implements RFC2326bis
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.rtsp
Version: 2.2
Network Time
The protocol used to synchronize time between computers, defined in RFC 1119.
This probe sends a client-mode current-time request to the NTP server. By default, NTP requests are sent to UDP port 123.
Filename: com.dartware.ntp
Version: 1.6
The protocol used to read network news on TCP/IP Internets, as defined in RFC 977. The default TCP port number for NNTP connections is port 119.
This script connects to the news server and uses the GROUP command to ask for information about a specific newsgroup name. The script then issues the QUIT command to tell the server it is closing the connection.
Newsgroup - the name of the newsgroup that you want to verify.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.nntp
Version: 1.7
The protocol used by remote access servers to authenticate dial-in users, as defined in RFC 2138. This probe tests a RADIUS server by sending an Access-Request packet to authenticate a specific user name and password. Before you can use this probe with a particular RADIUS server, you must add the Intermapper computer's IP address to the RADIUS server and choose a "shared secret" for it. The "shared secret" is used by the RADIUS protocol to encrypt passwords in RADIUS requests. A RADIUS server does not answer access-requests from a client it doesn't recognize.
The official port number for RADIUS is 1812. Some RADIUS servers, however, use port number 1645 for historical reasons.
Shared Secret - Intermapper's unique password into the RADIUS server. Since it is used for authentication, the same value must be configured in the RADIUS server as well.
User Name - The user name to be used for Intermapper's authentication.
Password - The password for the specified user name. The password is not sent in the clear; it is encrypted using the shared secret.
Filename: com.dartware.radius
Version: 1.9
SIP over UDP
The protocol used to set up voice communications for Voice-over-IP (VOIP), as described in RFC 3261. This probe sends a SIP request in a single UDP packet and checks for a valid SIP response.
By default, this probe sends an OPTIONS command to the target device. However, some VOIP systems do not answer un-authenticated OPTIONS requests. For these devices, change the command to REGISTER.
URI - The SIP uniform resource identifier in the request.
Command - The SIP command to send in the request.
Filename: com.dartware.sip.txt
Version: 1.1
This protocol transfers pager information across the Internet, as defined in RFC 1861. The default TCP port number for SMTP connections is port 444.
This SNPP probe verifies that an SNPP server is working by connecting to it and issuing a PAGE <pagerid> command. If it receives a valid response code, the probe issues a QUIT command and exits, setting device status to OK.
If an Invalid Pager ID response is received, the probe issues a QUIT command and exits, setting device status to Alarm.
If no connection was made, or if an unexpected response is received, device status is set to Down.
PagerID - your Pager ID on the specified SNPP server.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.snpp
Version: 1.6
The protocol used for secure remote login. The default TCP port number for SSH connections is port 22.
This probe opens a TCP connection to the specified port and looks for the identification string that indicates an SSH server as specified in RFC 4253.
Require SSH 2.0 - If set to true and the server doesn't require SSH 2.0, the device is set to Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.ssh.txt
Version: 1.4
Subversion > SVN (Apache)
This probe tests a Subversion server running as an Apache module. The subversion module lets Apache function as a WebDAV/DeltaV server. Since the server responds normally to HTTP GET requests, testing whether it is up is the same as performing an HTTP GET request and checking to ensure the location was found.
Host Name - the domain name of the subversion server (for example, Includes only the IP address or domain name; do not include http://.
URL Path - the path to the repository. The first and last characters must be a forward slash (/).
User ID - the user name used for authentication by the subversion server, if required.
Password - the password used for authentication by the subversion server, if required.
Subversion is a version control system intended as a replacement for CVS. The software is released under an Apache/BSD style open-source license. The project can be found at
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.svn.apache
Version: 1.1
Subversion > SVN (Svnserve)
This probe tests a stand-alone svnserve Subversion server. It connects to the svnserve using its default port 3690. The server returns a response to indicate it is running. If a repository location is specified, the probe then tries to connect to that repository. If a username is specified, the probe tries to authenticate using CRAM-MD5, otherwise it connects anonymously.
Repository - the subversion repository path (for example, svn/experimental). It should not begin with a forward slash (/).
User ID - the user name used for authentication by the subversion server, if required.
Password - the password used for authentication by the subversion server, if required.
Subversion is a version control system intended as a replacement for CVS. The software is released under an Apache/BSD style open-source license. The project can be found at
A description of the custom protocol used by svnserve can be found at
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.svn.svnserve
Version: 1.1
The protocol used for terminal-to-terminal communication and distributed computation as described in RFC 854. The default TCP port number for Telnet connections is port 23.
This probe lets you Telnet to a device, login with a name and password, and optionally enter a command. This probe is specifically designed to reject any Telnet options proffered by the Telnet server; the TCP connection always remains in the base "network virtual terminal" state. This probe lets you enter data at up to three prompts.
If the probe times out while trying to match a "string-to-match" field, returns a Down status
NOTE: The "string-to-match" fields accept regular expressions.Parameters
Intro String to Match - a string to match in the welcome banner sent by the Telnet server when you first connect. Leave this parameter blank if you want to match anything in the welcome banner.
First Prompt - the string to match in the first prompt. (for example, Login)
Reply #1 - your reply to the first prompt. (for example, your response to the Login prompt)
Second Prompt - the string to match in the second prompt. (for example, Password) If this parameter is empty, the probe ignores the prompt string and it does not send its reply.
Reply #2 - your reply to the second prompt. (for example, your response to the Password prompt.)
Third Prompt - the string to match in the third prompt. If this parameter is empty, the probe ignores the prompt string and its reply.
Reply #3 - your reply to the third prompt.
Final String to Match - The final string to match. This could be a response to a command you entered in the previous step.
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.telnet
Version: 1.9
VNC Server
Attempt to connect to a VNC Server. VNC uses RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) protocol for communication between clients and server. The probe waits to receive a RFB ###.### string. If it arrives, the VNC server is assumed to be up and the probe simply disconnects.
The Virtual Network Computer (VNC) protocol was originally designed at AT&T Labs in Cambridge. There are many implementations: the developers now support it from the RealVNC site at
Filename: com.dartware.tcp.vnc
Version: 1.8