Alvarion > Alvarion B-14 & B-28 (BU)
This probe monitors an Alvarion B-14 or B-28 base unit (BU). It retrieves and displays the radio band, operating frequency, and slave association. It will go into an alarm when no slave is associated, and when the operating frequency doesn't match the configured frequency. Traffic information is available for the ethernet and radio interfaces. (To show the ethernet interface, we recommend using the "Display unnumbered interfaces" behavior.)
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarion.b14.master.txt
Version: 0.5
Alvarion > Alvarion B-14 & B-28 (RB)
This probe monitors an Alvarion B-14 or B-28 remote bridge (RB) unit. It retrieves and displays the radio band, operating frequency, average received signal to noise ratio, and the MAC address of the associated base unit (BU). It will go into alarm or warning states based on user-defined parameters for a low signal to noise ratio or high traffic on a specified interface.
Avg Receive SNR too low alarm, Avg Receive SNR low warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
High Traffic Interface Number - the number of the interface for which you want to monitor traffic.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarion.b14.slave.txt
Version: 0.5
Alvarion > BreezeACCESS (AU)
This probe monitors a BreezeCom or Alvarion BreezeACCESS 2.4 Ghz or 900 MHz access unit (AU). It retrieves and displays the operating radio band of the unit, and the number of client associations since the last reset. Traffic information is available for the ethernet and radio interfaces. (To show the ethernet interface, Fortra recommends using the "Display unnumbered interfaces" behavior.)
Retransmitted Fragments too high alarm, Retransmitted Fragments high warning,
Dropped Frames too high alarm, Dropped Frames high warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
High Traffic Interface Number - the number of the interface for which you want to monitor traffic.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarionbaau.txt
Version: 1.7
Alvarion > BreezeACCESS (SU)
This probe monitors a BreezeCom or Alvarion BreezeACCESS 2.4 Ghz or 900 MHz subscriber unit (SU). It retrieves and displays the radio band, average power (in dBm or RSSI), and the MAC address of the associated AU. For a 900 MHz unit, it will also display the radio frequency. The probe will go into alarm or warning states based on user-definable parameters for low signal power or high incoming traffic on a specified interface.
Average Power too low alarm, Average Power low warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
High Traffic Interface Number - the number of the interface for which you want to monitor traffic.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarionbasu.txt
Version: 1.7
Alvarion > BreezeACCESS LB
This probe is meant to probe an Alvarion BreezeACCESS LB radio, acting as either AP or an SU. It retrieves and displays a number traffic and radio related variables. It will go into alarm or warning states based on user-defined parameters.
Expected Operating Frequency - the frequency.
SNR too low alarm, SNR low warning - the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarionbalb.txt
Version: 0.16
Alvarion > BreezeACCESS VL (AU)
This probe monitors an Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL access unit (AU). It retrieves and displays the radio band, operating frequency, and number of clients. It will go into an alarm or warning based on user defined parameters for high and low numbers of clients (SUs), and when the operating frequency doesn't match the configured frequency. Traffic information is available for the ethernet and radio interfaces. (To show the ethernet interface, we recommend using the "Display unnumbered interfaces" behavior.)
Current SU Count too high alarm, Current SU Count high warning,
Current SU Count too low alarm, Current SU Count low warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarionbavlau.txt
Version: 1.7
Alvarion > BreezeACCESS VL (SU)
This probe monitors an Alvarion BreezeACCESS VL subscriber unit (SU). It retrieves and displays the radio band, operating frequency, average received signal to noise ratio, and the MAC address of the associated access unit (AU). It will go into alarm or warning states based on user-defined parameters for a low signal to noise ratio or high traffic on a specified interface.
Avg Receive SNR too low alarm, Avg Receive SNR low warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
High Traffic Interface Number - the number of the interface for which you want to monitor traffic.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.alvarionbavlsu.txt
Version: 1.7
Atmel > Atmel AT76C510
This probe monitors devices based on the Atmel AT76C510 chip. Please refer to your device's technical specification to find out the chip type. Sample devices based on AT76C510 chip are as follows: Belkin F5D6130, D-Link DWL 900AP (rev. 1), Netgear ME102, and Linksys WAP11 (ver < 2).
It retrieves and displays information from the AT76C510 MIB using SNMP v1. Depending on the brige's operating mode this probe will display different information.
If device is operating as a wireless client or a wireless repeater, the probe will display information about the connection to the parent access point (ESSID, SSID, channel, RSSI, link quality).
If the device is operating as a wireless bridge (either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint), the probe will display the list of authorized MAC addresses.
If the operating mode is a wireless repeater or access point, the probe will monitor the number of clients and list each one with its RSSI/link quality.
It retrieves and displays a number of traffic (bytes received/transmitted) and physical variables (name, MAC address, firmware revision).
This probe may not return complete information to SNMPv1 clients using the community string "public". To fully utilize this probe, you must set the community string to the one with the correct permissions.
Number of clients warning, Maximum number of clients,
Too many failed packets/sec, Too many retry packets/sec
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Link to Device Management Tool - the URL to the web manager for this device.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.AT76C510.txt
Version: 1.5
Basic > IEEE 802.11
This probe monitors 802.11 counters from a wireless device that supports the IEEE802dot11-MIB.
Interface index - the interface for the wireless device.
Tx Failed frames/sec, Tx Retry frames/sec, Rx FCS err fragments/sec, and ACK failures/sec - the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.80211counters.txt
Version: 0.2
Basic > SNMP for Wireless
(Previously titled "Wireless - Generic (SNMP MIB-II)")
This is a general probe for monitoring wireless gear for which there is no specific Intermapper probe, but that supports SNMP MIB-2. This probe will gather general traffic information, network connections, etc. It also adds an alarm when traffic on a user-selected interface reaches specified levels.
Wireless interface number - the interface number of the device.
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning - the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.generic.txt
Version: 1.4
Canopy > Canopy (AP)
This probe monitors a Canopy wireless access point (AP), including basic information, traffic information, and the number of clients associated. It places the device into alarm or warning when the number of clients exceeds the user-defined thresholds.
The default poll interval for this probe is 5 minutes. The default poll interval is an automatic safeguard; polling more frequently has been shown to adversely affect the device.
Too many clients alarm, Many clients warning,
Too few clients alarm, Few clients warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopyap.txt
Version: 1.9
Canopy > Canopy (SM)
This probe monitors a Canopy wireless service module (SM).
This probe retrieves and displays a number of variables. It will place the device in alarm or warning states based on user-defined thresholds for high re-registration count, low RSSI, high Jitter, long Round Trip delay, and low Power Level, and give an alarm if the unit is not registered.
Note that the 2x jitter thresholds will only be used when the SM is operating in 2x/2x mode.
To disable any of the thresholds, set their values to 0.
The default poll interval for this probe is 5 minutes. The default poll interval is an automatic safeguard; polling more frequently has been shown to adversely affect the device.
RSSI too low alarm, RSSI low warning,
Jitter too high alarm, Jitter high warning,
Jitter (2x) too high alarm, Jitter (2x) high warning,
Round Trip too long alarm, Round Trip long warning,
Power Level too low alarm, Power Level low warning,
Session count alarm, Session count warning,
Reg count alarm, Reg count warning,
Re-reg count alarm, Re-reg count warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopysm.builtin.txt
Version: 1.6
Canopy > Canopy Backhaul (45 Mbps/FW 5830)
This probe monitors a Canopy 45Mbps Backhaul radio with firmware 5830 or older, acting as a master or slave.
It monitors and displays a variety of information, including mode and association, range, active channels, transmit and receive modulation and speed mode, current and maximum transmit power, receive power, vector error, link loss, and signal-to-noise ratio. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-specified levels for the modulation/speed mode, received power, vector error, link loss, and signal-to-noise ratio.
Tx Modulation Mode Alarm, Tx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Modulation Mode Alarm, Rx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Power too low alarm, Rx Power low warning,
Vector Error too high alarm, Vector Error high warning,
Link Loss too high alarm, Link Loss high warning,
SNR too low alarm, SNR low warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopy.backhaul45old.txt
Version: 1.7
Canopy > Canopy Backhaul (60 Mbp/FW 5840)
This probe monitors a Canopy 60Mbps Backhaul radio with firmware 5840 or later, acting as a master or slave.
It monitors and displays a variety of information, including mode and association, range, active channels, transmit and receive modulation and speed mode, current and maximum transmit power, receive power, vector error, and link loss. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-specified levels for the modulation/speed mode, received power, vector error, and link loss.
Tx Modulation Mode Alarm, Tx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Modulation Mode Alarm, Rx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Power too low alarm, Rx Power low warning,
Vector Error too high alarm, Vector Error high warning,
Link Loss too high alarm, Link Loss high warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopy.backhaul45.txt
Version: 1.9
Canopy > Canopy Backhaul (Master)
This probe monitors a Canopy wireless backhaul master unit, including wireless network and link information. It will give a warning if no slave is associated.
The default poll interval for this probe is 5 minutes. The default poll interval is an automatic safeguard; polling more frequently has been shown to adversely affect the device.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopybhm.txt
Version: 1.4
Canopy > Canopy Backhaul (Slave)
This probe monitors a Canopy wireless backhaul slave unit. It retrieves and displays a number of variables. It will place the device in alarm or warning states based on user-defined thresholds for low RSSI, high Jitter, long Round Trip delay, and low Power Level, and give an alarm if the unit is not registered.
The default poll interval for this probe is 5 minutes. The default poll interval is an automatic safeguard; polling more frequently has been shown to adversely affect the device.
RSSI too low alarm, RSSI low warning,
Jitter too high alarm, Jitter high warning,
Round Trip too long alarm, Round Trip long warning,
Power Level too low alarm, Power Level low warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopybhs.txt
Version: 1.4
Canopy > Canopy CMM-Micro
This probe monitors a Canopy CMM-Micro. The device only supports basic SNMP v2c MIBs, no device-specific enterprise information is available.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.canopy.cmmmicro.txt
Version: 0.5
CB3 > CB3 Bridge
This TCP probe queries a CB3 wireless bridge via a HTTP GET request.
User - the username to use when logging in.
Password - the password for the User specified above.
Port - the CB3's web interface HTTP port.
Quality Warning, Quality Alarm - the thresholds (in percent) for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.cb3.old.txt
Version: 1.2
CB3 > CB3 Deluxe Bridge
This TCP probe queries a CB3 Deluxe wireless bridge via a HTTP GET request.
User - the username to use when logging in.
Password - the password for the User specified above.
Port - the CB3's web interface HTTP port.
Quality Warning - the value (as a percentage) that the communications quality must fall below for the device to go into the WARN state.
Quality Alarm - the value (as a percentage) that the communications quality must fall below for the device to go into the ALARM state.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.cb3.txt
Version: 1.5
Inscape Data > AirEther AB54 Series AP (AP Mode)
This probe monitors Inscape Data's AB54, AB54E, AB54E Pro Multifunctional AP in Access Point Mode.
User - the name of the administrator.
Password - the password for the administrator.
Port - the Web interface's HTTP port.
RSSI Warning <, RSSI Alarm <,
Too Many Stations Warning >, Too Many Stations Alarm >,
Too Few Stations Warning <, Too Few Stations Alarm <
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.inscape.ab54.ap.txt
Version: 1.1
Inscape Data > AirEther AB54 Series AP (Bridge Mode)
This probe monitors Inscape Data's AB54, AB54E, AB54E Pro Multifunctional AP in Point to Point or Point to Multipoint Bridge Mode.
User - the name of the administrator.
Password - the password for the administrator.
Port - the Web interface's HTTP port.
RSSI Warning <, RSSI Alarm < - the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.inscape.ab54.bridge.txt
Version: 1.1
Inscape Data > AirEther AB54 Series AP (Client Mode)
This probe monitors Inscape Data's AB54, AB54E, and AB54E Pro Multifunctional AP in Client Mode.
User - the name of the administrator.
Password - the password for the administrator.
Signal Strength Warning - the warning threshold for low signal strength %.
Signal Strength Alarm - the alarm threshold for low signal strength %.
Link Quality Warning - the warning threshold for low link quality %.
Link Quality Alarm - the alarm threshold for low link quality %.
Expected BSSID - the expected BSSID. This value will be ignored if blank.
Port - the Web interface's HTTP port.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.inscape.ab54.client.txt
Version: 1.1
Inscape Data > AirEther AB54 Series AP (Repeater Mode)
This probe monitors Inscape Data's AB54, AB54E, AB54E Pro Multifunctional AP in Repeater Mode.
User - the name of the administrator.
Password - the password for the administrator.
RSSI Warning <, RSSI Alarm <,
Too Many Stations Warning >, Too Many Stations Alarm >,
Too Few Stations Warning <, Too Few Stations Alarm <
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Port - the Web interface's HTTP port.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.inscape.ab54.repeater.txt
Version: 1.1
Inscape Data > AirEther CB54 Series Client
This probe monitors Inscape Data's CB54, CB54E, and CB5418 wireless client device.
User - the name of the administrator.
Password - the password for the administrator.
Signal Strength Warning - the warning threshold for low signal strength %.
Signal Strength Alarm - the alarm threshold for low signal strength %.
Link Quality Warning - the warning threshold for low link quality %.
Link Quality Alarm - the alarm threshold for low link quality %.
Expected BSSID - the expected BSSID. This value will be ignored if blank.
Port - the Web interface's HTTP port.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.inscape.cb54.client.txt
Version: 1.1
MikroTik > MT Radio Uplink
This probe monitors a MikroTik router and its radio uplink interface. For the AP it monitors general SNMP interface and traffic information, as well as device utilization (CPU, Disk, Memory loads). For the radio uplink interface it monitors name & ssid, frequency, tx/rx rates, strength, and BSSID.
You must manually specify the OID index of the wireless uplink interface. Using Telnet: 1) Login, 2) Enter "interface wireless print oid", 3) The interface index is the last digit of the OIDs, 4) Type this number into the "Wireless Interface" field below.
This probe raises an alarm in the following situations:
- High Use - for CPU, Disk, or Memory loads exceeds 90% (default setting of parameter).
This probe is part of the Intermapper Wireless Probe Bundle, and requires Intermapper 4.2.1 or later.
High Use Threshold - Percentage of use to trigger alarm
Wireless Interface - OID of the wireless uplink interface
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.mt-1radio.txt
Version: 1.14
MikroTik > MT Routerboard
This probe monitors a MikroTik Routerboard (wireless access point). It monitors the general SNMP interface and traffic information, device utilization (CPU Load, Disk use, and Memory use in percent), and the device's "health" (internal voltages and temperatures).
This probe will raise an alarm in the following situations:
- High Use - CPU Load, Disk use, or Memory use exceeding 90%.
- Unsafe Temperatures - Safe ranges of -20°C to 50°C for Board & Sensor temps., -20°C to 70°C for CPU temp.
- Unsafe Voltages - Safe deviation of -/+ 5% for 12V & 5V, +/- 3% for 3.3V and Core Voltage (either 1.8V or 2.0V).
This probe is part of the Intermapper Wireless Probe Bundle, and requires Intermapper 4.2.1 or later.
High Use Threshold - the percentage of use to trigger alarm
High and Low Temperature thresholds - the temperature values (C) to trigger alarms, or keep the default values.
High & Low voltage thresholds - the voltage values to trigger alarms, or keep the default values.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.mt-routerboard.txt
Version: 1.6
MikroTik > MT Software Only
This probe monitors any device that uses MikroTik software (a wireless access point), but does not monitor its wireless interfaces. It monitors general SNMP interface and traffic information and device utilization: CPU Load, Disk use, and Memory use (in percent).
This probe raises an alarm in the following situations:
- High Use - CPU Load, Disk use, or Memory use exceeds 90%.
This probe is part of the Intermapper Wireless Probe Bundle, and requires Intermapper 4.2.1 or later.
High Use Threshold - the percentage of use to trigger alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.mt-0radio.txt
Version: 1.5
MikroTik > WDS Bridge
This probe monitors a MikroTik router in WDS Bridge mode. The probe monitors the Ethernet traffic information, as well as device utilization (CPU, Disk, Memory loads). The probe also displays the signal strength and tx/rx rates of the wireless link.
You must specify both the MAC address of the other AP, as well as the ifIndex of the wireless interface. The MAC address must be entered as six decimal numbers separated by "."
To determine the ifIndex of the wireless interface, Telnet to the radio, then:
Log into the router
Enter interface wireless print oid
The interface index is the last digit of the OIDs
Type this number into the Wireless Interface field below.
This probe will raise an alarm if the CPU, Disk, or Memory loads exceeds the High Use Threshold.
Associated AP MAC Adrs - the MAC address of Access Point to which the router is connected.
Wireless Interface - the index of the interface
High Use Threshold (%) - the usage threshold to trigger Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.mikrotik-wds.txt
Version: 1.3
Motorola > PTP 400 Series Bridge
This probe monitors a Motorola PTP400 point-to-point (P2P) Wireless Ethernet Bridge acting as a master or slave.
It monitors and displays a variety of information, including mode and association, range, active channels, transmit and receive modulation mode, current and maximum transmit power, receive power, vector error, and link loss. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-specified levels for the modulation/speed mode, received power, vector error, and link loss.
Tx Modulation Mode Alarm, Tx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Modulation Mode Alarm, Rx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Power too low alarm, Rx Power low warning,
Vector Error too high alarm, Vector Error high warning,
Link Loss too high alarm, Link Loss high warning
- the modes and thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.motorola.ptp400.txt
Version: 1.2
Motorola > PTP 600 Series Bridge
This probe monitors a Motorola PTP600 point-to-point (P2P) Wireless Ethernet Bridge acting as a master or slave.
It monitors and displays a variety of information, including mode and association, range, active channels, transmit and receive modulation mode, current and maximum transmit power, receive power, vector error, link loss, and signal-to-noise ratio. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-specified levels for the modulation/speed mode, received power, vector error, link loss, and signal-to-noise ratio.
Tx Modulation Mode Alarm, Tx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Modulation Mode Alarm, Rx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Power too low alarm, Rx Power low warning,
Vector Error too high alarm, Vector Error high warning,
Link Loss too high alarm, Link Loss high warning
- the modes and thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.motorola.ptp600.txt
Version: 0.8
Orthogon > Gemini
This probe monitors an Orthogon Systems Gemini point-to-point (P2P) Wireless Ethernet Bridge acting as a master or slave.
It monitors and displays a variety of information, including mode and association, range, active channels, transmit and receive modulation mode, current and maximum transmit power, receive power, vector error, and link loss. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-specified levels for the modulation/speed mode, received power, vector error, and link loss.
Tx Modulation Mode Alarm, Tx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Modulation Mode Alarm, Rx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Power too low alarm, Rx Power low warning,
Vector Error too high alarm, Vector Error high warning,
Link Loss too high alarm, Link Loss high warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.orthogon.gemini.txt
Version: 1.8
Orthogon > Spectra
This probe monitors an Orthogon Systems Spectra point-to-point (P2P) Wireless Ethernet Bridge acting as a master or slave.
It monitors and displays a variety of information, including mode and association, range, active channels, transmit and receive modulation mode, current and maximum transmit power, receive power, vector error, link loss, and signal-to-noise ratio. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-specified levels for the modulation/speed mode, received power, vector error, link loss, and signal-to-noise ratio.
Tx Modulation Mode Alarm, Tx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Modulation Mode Alarm, Rx Modulation Mode Warning,
Rx Power too low alarm, Rx Power low warning,
Vector Error too high alarm, Vector Error high warning,
Link Loss too high alarm, Link Loss high warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.orthogon.spectra.txt
Version: 0.8
Other > HTTP
This probe tests an HTTP server by downloading a specific web page and scanning it for a specific string of HTML.
URL Path - the full path of the desired file on the web server (for example, /index.html). The first character must be a '/'.
String to verify - a string to verify in the server's response. For example, if you are retrieving a web page, you might search for <HTML> or <P> to verify that the data is HTML, or look for a unique string that is present only in the specified page.
User ID - the user name you would type into the web browser's authentication dialog. It this blank by default. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Password - the password you would type into the web browser's authentication dialog. It this blank by default. Set this parameter to test a web page that requires authentication.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.http.txt
Version: 1.5
Proxim > Proxim AP-600
This probe monitors Proxim AP-600 access points.
The probe displays the device's general settings, wireless interface RF parameters, security information, and wireless clients. To show the wireless client list, set Show station statistics to true.
Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show wireless if settings - specifies whether to show wireless interface settings.
Show security settings - specifies whether to show security settings.
Show station statistics - specifies whether to show statistics.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximap600.txt
Version: 1.3
Proxim > Proxim AP-700
This probe monitors Proxim AP-700 access points.
The probe displays the device's general settings, wireless interface RF parameters, security information, and wireless clients. To show the wireless client list, set Show station statistics to true.
Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show wireless if settings - specifies whether to show wireless interface settings.
Show security settings - specifies whether to show security settings.
Show station statistics - specifies whether to show statistics.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximap700.txt
Version: 1.4
Proxim > Proxim AP-2000
This probe monitors Proxim AP-2000 access points.
The probe displays the device's general settings, wireless interface RF parameters, security information, and wireless clients. To show the wireless client list, set Show station statistics to true.
Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show wireless if settings - specifies whether to show wireless interface settings.
Show security settings - specifies whether to show security settings.
Show station statistics - specifies whether to show statistics.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximap2000.txt
Version: 1.4
Proxim > Proxim AP-4000
This probe monitors Proxim AP-4000 access points.
The probe displays the device's general settings, wireless interface RF parameters, security information, and wireless clients. To show the wireless client list, set Show station statistics to true.
NOTE: Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show wireless if settings - specifies whether to show wireless interface settings.
Show security settings - specifies whether to show security settings.
Show station statistics - specifies whether to show statistics.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximap4000.txt
Version: 1.4
Proxim > Proxim LAN Access Point
This probe monitors Proxim LAN access points.
The probe displays the device's general settings, wireless interface RF parameters, security information, and wireless clients. To show the wireless client list, set Show station statistics to true.
NOTE: Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm,
Show wireless if settings[true,false], Show security settings[true,false]
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show station statistics - specifies whether to show statistics for this device.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximap.txt
Version: 1.4
Proxim > Tsunami GX
This probe monitors a Proxim Tsunami GX (GX 32 and GX 90).
This probe sets the device to Alarm if the status of either of the device's external inputs is in alarm. It also monitors the device's RFU status, IDU and RFU temperatures, RFU cable status, IDU fan status, IDU synthesizer status, RFU power status, RFU summary/minor relay status, AIS injection status, link status, and the number of errors/sec.
The temperature warning and alarm threshold are used only if the Use custom temperature threshold checkbox is selected.
Use custom temperature threshold - sets your own temperature thresholds.
Temperature warning, Temperature alarm,
Errors/sec warning, Errors/sec alarm, Severe errors/sec alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximg4.txt
Version: 0.4
Proxim > Tsunami MP.11 BSU
This probe monitors Proxim Tsunami MP.11 Base Station Unit (BSU). This probe can be used to monitor all MP.11 models, including 2411, 2454-R, 5054, and 5054-R.
Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Many subscribers warning, Too many subscribers alarm,
Signal dBm too low alarm, Signal dBm low warning,
Noise dBm too high alarm, Noise dBm high warning,
Send retries pct high warning, Send retries pct too high alarm,
Send failures pct high warning, Send failures pct too high alarm,
Receive retries pct high warning, Receive retries pct too high alarm,
Receive failures pct high warning, Receive failures pct too high alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show wireless if settings - shows interface settings.
Show SU statistics - shows Subscriber Unit statistics.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximtmpbsu.txt
Version: 1.2
Proxim > Tsunami MP.11 SU
This probe monitors Proxim Tsunami MP.11 Subscriber Unit (SU/RSU). This probe can be used to monitor all MP.11 models, including 2411, 2454-R, 5054, and 5054-R.
NOTE: Some of the alarms/warnings of this probe will not function unless the Proxim device is set to send traps to the Intermapper server.Parameters
Signal dBm too low alarm, Signal dBm low warning,
Noise dBm too high alarm, Noise dBm high warning,
Send retries pct high warning, Send retries pct too high alarm,
Send failures pct high warning, Send failures pct too high alarm,
Receive retries pct high warning, Receive retries pct too high alarm,
Receive failures pct high warning, Receive failures pct too high alarm,
FCS errors/sec high warning, FCS errors/sec too high alarm,
Failures/sec high warning, Failures/sec too high alarm,
Retries/sec high warning, Retries/sec too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Show wireless if settings - select to show interface settings.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.proximtmprsu.txt
Version: 1.3
Redline > AN50
This probe is meant to probe a Redline AN50 point-to-point radio, acting as either a master or slave. It retrieves and displays a number of critical statistics for the radio, and gives alarms if it goes out of user-specified thresholds. The probe retrieves:
Average RF Rx signal strength, Average RF SNR, Signaling Burst Rate, Operating frequency, Radio Link Status and compares them to the thresholds below.
Avg. Rx Signal strength too low alarm, Avg. Rx Signal strength low warning,
Avg. SNR too low alarm, Avg. SNR low warning,
Expected Uncoded Burst Rate, Expected Operating Frequency,
Active Links too high alarm, Active Links high warning,
Active Links too low alarm, Active Links low warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.redlinean50.txt
Version: 1.3
smartBridges > airBridge
This probe monitors a smartBridges airBridge device. It retrieves and displays a number of traffic (bytes received/transmitted) and physical variables (name, MAC address).
NOTE: Install Intermapper on a machine where you don't plan to run smartBridges simpleMonitor. To run both Intermapper and smartBridges' simpleMonitor on the same machine, disable trap processing in Intermapper.Parameters
RSSI % low warning, RSSI % too low alarm,
Too many failed packets/sec, Too many retry packets/sec
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Link to Device Management Tool - the URL for the device's web manager.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airbridge.txt
Version: 1.5
smartBridges > airClient Nexus
This probe monitors a smartBridges airClient Nexus device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information, wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm:
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airclientnexus.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airClient Nexus PRO total
This probe monitors a smartBridges airClient Nexus PRO total device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information,
wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm
Tx retries (%) high warning Tx retries (%) too high alarm
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airclientnexuspro.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airHaul2 Nexus PRO
This probe monitors a smartBridges airHaul2 Nexus PRO device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information, wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
Radio to monitor - the radio interface to monitor.
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm,
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm,
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm,
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm,
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm,
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm,
RTS errors (%) high warning,RTS errors (%) too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airhaul2nexuspro.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airHaul Nexus
This probe monitors a smartBridges airHaul Nexus device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information, wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm,
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm,
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm,
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm,
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm,
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm,
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airhaulnexus.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airHaul Nexus PRO total
This probe monitors a smartBridges airHaul Nexus PRO total device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information, wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm,
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm,
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm,
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm,
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm,
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm,
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airhaulnexuspro.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airPoint
This probe monitors a smartBridges airPoint device. It retrieves and displays information from the AT76C510 MIB using SNMP v1. Depending on the bridge's operating mode this probe will display different information.
If device is operating as a wireless client or a wireless repeater, the probe will display information about the connection to the parent access point (ESSID, SSID, channel, RSSI, link quality).
If the device is operating as a wireless bridge (either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint), the probe will display the list of authorized MAC addresses.
If the operating mode is a wireless repeater or access point, the probe will monitor the number of clients and list each one with its RSSI/link quality.
It retrieves and displays a number of traffic (bytes received/transmitted) and physical variables (name, MAC address, firmware revision).
This probe may not return complete information to SNMPv1 clients using the community string "public". To fully utilize this probe, you must set the community string to the one with the correct permissions.
NOTE: Install Intermapper on a machine where you don't plan to run smartBridges simpleMonitor. To run both Intermapper and smartBridges' simpleMonitor on the same machine, disable trap processing in Intermapper.Parameters
Number of clients warning, Maximum number of clients,
Too many failed packets/sec, Too many retry packets/sec
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Link to Device Management Tool - the URL to the web manager for this device.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airpoint.txt
Version: 1.5
smartBridges > airPoint2 Nexus PRO
This probe monitors a smartBridges airPoint2 Nexus PRO device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information, wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
Radio to monitor - the radio interface to monitor.
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
Many WDS clients warning, Too many WDS clients alarm,
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm,
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm,
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm,
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm,
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm,
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm,
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airpoint2nexuspro.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airPoint Nexus
This probe monitors a smartBridges airPoint Nexus device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information,
wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
Many WDS clients warning, Too many WDS clients alarm,
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm,
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm,
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm,
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm,
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm,
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm,
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airpointnexus.txt
Version: 0.5
smartBridges > airPoint Nexus PRO total
This probe monitors a smartBridges airPoint Nexus PRO total device. It retrieves and displays general device information, remote device information, wireless statistics information and bridge information (when the device is operating as a bridge).
Many clients warning, Too many clients alarm,
Many WDS clients warning, Too many WDS clients alarm,
RSSI (dBm) low warning, RSSI (dBm) too low alarm,
Tx retries (%) high warning, Tx retries (%) too high alarm,
Tx failed (%) high warning, Tx failed (%) too high alarm,
Frame errors (%) high warning, Frame errors (%) too high alarm,
ACK failures/min high warning, ACK failures/min too high alarm,
Aborted frames/min high warning, Aborted frames/min too high alarm,
RTS errors (%) high warning, RTS errors (%) too high alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.airpointnexuspro.txt
Version: 0.5
Trango > Trango M900S (AP)
This probe monitors a Trango M900S access point (AP). It retrieves and displays a number of traffic, physical, and radio status variables. It can go into alarm or warning based on user-defined parameters for transmit power, expected antenna mode, and expected channel. (This probe calculates counters without using sysUpTime, which isn't available. MIB-2 traffic and interface information is also unavailable.)
Tx power too low alarm, Tx power low warning - the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the expected channel number.
Expected Antenna - the antenna mode.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trango900.txt
Version: 1.4
Trango > Trango M2400S (AP)
This probe monitors a Trango M2400S access point (AP). It retrieves and displays a number of traffic, physical, and radio status variables. It can go into alarm or warning based on user-defined parameters for transmit power, expected antenna mode, and expected channel. (This probe calculates counters without using sysUpTime, which isn't available. MIB-2 traffic and interface information is also unavailable.)
Tx power too low alarm, Tx power low warning - the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the expected channel number.
Expected Antenna - the antenna mode.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trango2400.txt
Version: 1.1
Trango > Trango M5800S
This probe monitors a Trango 5800S access point, 5800-AP-60, or 5830-AP-60.
It retrieves and displays a number of traffic, physical, and radio status variables. It can go into alarm or warning based on user-defined parameters for transmit power, number of subscriber unit clients, channel number, incoming traffic on the radio interface, and temperature. (This probe calculates counters without using sysUpTime, which isn't available.)
Tx power too low alarm, Tx power low warning,
Too many client alarm, Many client warning,
Too Hot alarm, Hot warning,
Too Cold alarm, Cold warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the expected channel number.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trango10.txt
Version: 1.4
Trango > Trango M5830S
This probe monitors a Trango M5830S access point.
It retrieves and displays a number of traffic, physical, and radio status variables. It can go into alarm or warning based on user-defined parameters for transmit power, number of subscriber unit clients, channel number, incoming traffic on the radio interface, and temperature. (This probe calculates counters without using sysUpTime, which isn't available.)
Tx power too low alarm, Tx power low warning,
Too many client alarm, Many client warning,
Too Hot alarm, Hot warning,
Too Cold alarm, Cold warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning,
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the expected channel number.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trango20.txt
Version: 1.4
Trango > Trango M5830S (SU)
This probe monitors a Trango M5830S SU Subscriber Unit.
You must enter the password for the subscriber unit to retrieve the information.
NOTE: Occasionally, this Subscriber Unit reports extremely high data rates. These rates - in the range of millions of kbps - are seen both by this probe and in the Web interface. To keep the strip charts accurate, we recommend you turn off the Auto-adjust feature for the chart.Parameter
Password - the password for the Subscriber Unit.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trango.M5830SSU.txt
Version: 1.2
Trango > Trango P5830S (master)
This probe monitors a Trango P5830S master unit.
It retrieves and displays a number of traffic, physical, and radio status variables. It can go into alarm or warning based on user-defined parameters for transmit power, expected active channel number, and temperature. (This probe calculates counters without using sysUpTime, which is not available.)
Tx power too low alarm, Tx power low warning,
RSSI too low alarm, RSSI low warning,
Too Hot alarm, Hot warning,
Too Cold alarm, Cold warning,
RF High Traffic Bytes alarm, RF High Traffic Bytes warning,
Eth High Traffic Bytes alarm, Eth High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the expected channel number.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trangoP5830SMU.txt
Version: 1.5
Trango > Trango P5830S (remote)
This probe monitors a Trango P5830S remote unit with firmware version 1.11 (040930) or later.
It retrieves and displays a number of traffic, physical, and radio status variables. It can go into alarm or warning based on user-defined parameters for transmit power, incoming traffic on the radio interface, and temperature. (This probe calculates counters without using sysUpTime, which isn't available.)
Tx power too low alarm, Tx power low warning,
RSSI too low alarm, RSSI low warning,
Too Hot alarm, Hot warning,
Too Cold alarm, Cold warning,
RF High Traffic Bytes alarm, RF High Traffic Bytes warning,
Eth High Traffic Bytes alarm, Eth High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.trangoP5830SRU.txt
Version: 1.7
Tranzeo > Sixth Generation AP
This probe monitors the sixth generation Access Point (AP) from Tranzeo. This series includes AP for the following models: 5A, 5Aplus, 6600, 6500, 6000, 4900, CPQ, CPQplus.
This probe is part of the Intermapper Wireless Probe Bundle, and requires Intermapper 4.3 or later. Tranzeo is a trademark of Tranzeo Wireless Technologies, Inc.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.gen6ap.txt
Version: 1.0
Tranzeo > Sixth Generation CPE
This probe monitors the sixth generation Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) from Tranzeo. This series includes models 5A, 5Aplus, 6600, 6500, 6000, 4900, CPQ, CPQplus, running firmware version 2.0.11 or later.
The probe monitors the received signal strength and compares it to the warning and alarm thresholds below.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Warning Threshold, Alarm Threshold - the thresholds for signal strength
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.gen6cpe.txt
Version: 1.2
Tranzeo > Sixth Generation PxP
This probe monitors the sixth generation point-to-point (PxP) equipment from Tranzeo. This series includes models 5A, 5Aplus, 6600, 6500, 6000, 4900, CPQ, CPQplus, running firmware version 2.0.11 or later.
The probe monitors the received signal strength and compares it to the warning and alarm thresholds below.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Warning Threshold, Alarm Threshold - the thresholds for signal strength
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.gen6pxp.txt
Version: 1.1
Tranzeo > Tranzeo 58XX Series Backhaul
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo 58XX Series Backhaul.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.58xx.backhaul.txt
Version: 1.5
Tranzeo > Tranzeo (AP)
This probe monitors a Tranzeo 1000, 2000, 3000, 400, or 4000-series all in one device used as an Access Point (AP).
It retrieves and displays a number of variables for basic, traffic, and wireless information. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-defined parameters for Received Signal level, Expected versus actual Station Channel, and incoming traffic on the radio interface, and gives an alarm when the wireless or ethernet links are reported down.
Supported Models: TR-410, TR-420, TR-430, TR-440, TR-450, TR-4115, TR-4215, TR-4315, TR-4415, TR-4118, TR-4218, TR-4318, TR-4418, TR-4500, and TR-4519. This probe will also support TR-1000, TR-1100, TR-1200, TR-1300, TR-2015, TR-2115, TR-2215, TR-2315, TR-3015, TR-3115, TR-3215, TR-3315, TR-2018, TR-2118, TR-2218, and TR-2318 model radios with firmware version 3.4.31.
Received Signal Level too low alarm, Received Signal Level low warning,
No Buffer Packets too high alarm, No Buffer Packets high warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the number of the expected channel.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeoap.txt
Version: 1.3
Tranzeo > Tranzeo (PXP)
This probe is meant to probe a Tranzeo 1000, 2000, 3000, 400, and 4000-series all in one device used as a PXP (bridge), or as an SAI (station) in router mode.
The probe retrieves and displays a number of variables for basic, ethernet, wireless, and bridge information. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-defined parameters for Received Signal level, Expected versus actual Station Channel, and incoming traffic on the radio interface, as well as into alarm when the wireless or ethernet links are reported down.
Supported Models: TR-410, TR-420, TR-430, TR-440, TR-450, TR-4115, TR-4215, TR-4315, TR-4415, TR-4118, TR-4218, TR-4318, TR-4418, TR-4500, and TR-4519. This probe will also support TR-1000, TR-1100, TR-1200, TR-1300, TR-2015, TR-2115, TR-2215, TR-2315, TR-3015, TR-3115, TR-3215, TR-3315, TR-2018, TR-2118, TR-2218, and TR-2318 model radios with firmware version 3.4.31.
Received Signal Level too low alarm, Received Signal Level low warning,
No Buffer Packets too high alarm, No Buffer Packets high warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the number of the expected channel.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeopxp.txt
Version: 1.3
Tranzeo > Tranzeo (SAI)
This probe is meant to probe a Tranzeo 1000, 2000, 3000, 400, and 4000-series all in one device used as an SAI (station).
The probe retrieves and displays a number of variables for basic, traffic, and wireless information. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-defined parameters for Received Signal level, Expected versus actual Station Channel, and incoming traffic on the radio interface, as well as into alarm when the wireless or ethernet links are reported down.
Supported Models: TR-410, TR-420, TR-430, TR-440, TR-450, TR-4115, TR-4215, TR-4315, TR-4415, TR-4118, TR-4218, TR-4318, TR-4418, TR-4500, and TR-4519. This probe will also support TR-1000, TR-1100, TR-1200, TR-1300, TR-2015, TR-2115, TR-2215, TR-2315, TR-3015, TR-3115, TR-3215, TR-3315, TR-2018, TR-2118, TR-2218, and TR-2318 model radios with firmware version 3.4.31.
Received Signal Level too low alarm, Received Signal Level low warning,
No Buffer Packets too high alarm, No Buffer Packets high warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Expected Channel - the number of the expected channel.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeosai.txt
Version: 1.3
Tranzeo > Tranzeo AP-5A
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo TR-AP.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.ap.5A.txt
Version: 1.4
Tranzeo > Tranzeo AP-5A (44R)
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo TR-AP.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.ap.5A.44r.txt
Version: 1.4
Tranzeo > Tranzeo Classic
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo Classic.
Password - the administrative password.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.classic.txt
Version: 1.4
Tranzeo > Tranzeo CPE-5A
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo TR-CPE.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Warning Threshold, Alarm Threshold - the thresholds for signal strength.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.cpe.5A.txt
Version: 1.4
Tranzeo > Tranzeo CPE-5A (44R)
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo TR-CPE.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Warning Threshold, Alarm Threshold - the thresholds for signal strength
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.cpe.5A.44r.txt
Version: 1.5
Tranzeo > Tranzeo CPE-200
This probe monitors a Tranzeo TR-CPE 200. It has thresholds for alarms and warnings if the signal level gets too low.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Warning Threshold, Alarm Threshold - the thresholds for signal strength
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.cpe.200.txt
Version: 1.7
Tranzeo > Tranzeo CPE-200 (1.77.R)
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo TR-CPE.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
Quality Warning, Quality Alarm,
Signal Warning, Signal Alarm
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm for Quality and Signal Strength.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeo.cpe.200.177R.txt
Version: 1.4
Tranzeo > Tranzeo TR-CPE
This probe is meant to monitor a Tranzeo TR-CPE.
It will give a warning at a user-definable threshold for low signal, and an alarm when signal strength is "poor". You will need to enter as parameters your web admin username and password, as well as the SSID of the connection you want information on.
User - the device's administrative user name.
Password - the administrator's password.
SSID - the SSID of the connection you want to view.
Warning Threshold - the threshold for Signal Strength.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.tranzeocpe.txt
Version: 1.3
WaveRider > CCU
This probe monitors a WaveRider CCU (access point). It retrieves and displays a number of variables for basic, traffic, and wireless information. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-defined parameters for radio frequency, percentage of payloads not needing a retry, percentage of payloads sent as broadcast, percentage of payloads discarded, percentage of payloads "Rx PER", percentage of payloads with HCRC errors, "Rx No-Match" errors, and high traffic incoming on the wireless interface. It will also go into an alarm based on the global status indicator.
Expected Frequency - the expected frequency
No Retry percentage too low alarm, No Retry percentage low warning,
Broadcast percentage too high alarm, Broadcast percentage high warning,
Discard percentage too high alarm, Discard percentage high warning,
Rx PER percentage too high alarm, Rx PER percentage high warning,
HCRC percentage too high alarm, HCRC percentage high warning,
Rx No-Match too high alarm, Rx No-Match high warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the Warning and Alarm thresholds.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.waveriderccu.txt
Version: 1.1
WaveRider > EUM
This probe monitors a WaveRider EUM (subscriber unit). It retrieves and displays a number of variables for basic, traffic, and wireless information. It will go into alarm and warning states based on user-defined parameters for radio frequency, percentage of payloads not needing a retry, percentage of payloads discarded, RSSI value, signal strength rating, and high traffic incoming on the wireless interface. It will also go into an alarm based on the global status indicator.
RSSI too low alarm, RSSI low warning,
Signal rating too high alarm, Signal rating high warning,
SNR too low alarm, SNR low warning,
No Retry percentage too low alarm, No Retry percentage low warning,
Tx Discard percentage too high alarm, Tx Discard percentage high warning,
High Traffic Bytes alarm, High Traffic Bytes warning
- the thresholds for Warning and Alarm.
Filename: com.dartware.wrls.waveridereum.txt
Version: 1.2