Intermapper Files and Folders

Intermapper saves its files in specific folders. In particular, the following file and folders have special locations:

  • The Intermapper application folder - If applicable, it contains the actual Intermapper Application.
  • The Intermapper Remote Access application folder - If applicable, it contains the actual Intermapper Application.
  • The Intermapper Settings folder - Contains all Intermapper server settings file as well as several folders containing various information used by Intermapper. For detailed information its contents, see Intermapper Settings.
  • The Intermapper DataCenter folder - contains the data storage for all installed components of Intermapper DataCenter, as well as a number of other files. For detailed information on the contents of the Intermapper DataCenter folder, see Intermapper DataCenter Folder.
  • The Intermapper Flows folder - contains data storage for Flows data as well as a number of other files.

File Locations

The locations of these files and folders differ slightly between operating systems as described below.

Intermapper Application Folder

OS Location of Intermapper Application files

Windows 32 & 64-bit

C:\Program Files\Intermapper or specified location.


Binary files (Intermapperd, Intermapperauthd) are placed in /usr/local/bin, unless a different location was chosen at installation.


Binary files (Intermapperd, Intermapperauthd) are placed in /usr/local/bin, unless a different location was chosen at installation.

Intermapper Settings Folder

For detailed information on the contents of the Intermapper Settings folder, see Intermapper Settings.

OS Location of Intermapper Settings files


C:\ProgramData\Intermapper\InterMapper Settings or specified location.


As specified in /etc/Intermapperd.conf
(Usually /Library/Application Support/InterMapper Settings/)


As specified in Intermapperd.conf
(Usually /var/opt/helpsystems/intermapper/InterMapper_Settings)

Intermapper Remote Access Application Folder


Location of Intermapper Remote Access files

Windows 32-bit

C:\Program Files\Intermapper RemoteAccess

Windows 64-bit

C:\Program Files (x86)\Intermapper RemoteAccess


Drag and drop to location of your choice.


Installed at location where .bin file is run.

Intermapper DataCenter Folder

For detailed information on the contents of the Intermapper DataCenter folder, see Intermapper DataCenter Folder.


Location of Intermapper DataCenter files

Windows 32 and 64-bit

C:\Program Files\Intermapper\dwf

macOS and Linux


Intermapper Flows Folder


Location of Intermapper Flows files

Windows 32 & 64 bit

  • (Flows files)
    C:\Program Files\Intermapper\flows
  • (Database)
    C:\ProgramData\Intermapper\InterMapper Settings\Flows\SESSIONDB



  • (Flows configuration files)
    /Library/Application Support/InterMapper Settings/Flows
  • (Database)
    /Library/Application Support/InterMapper Settings/Flows/SESSIONDB
  • (Logs) /Library/Application Support/Intermapper Logs/flows-stderr.txt, flows-stdout.txt, flows.log



  • (Flows files)
  • (Database)