Command-Line Options for Intermapper Clients
Two client applications are available for Intermapper:
- Intermapper client runs on the same machine as Intermapper Server, so it has a limited set of command-line arguments.
- Intermapper Remote Access client runs on any machine, and connects to multiple Intermapper servers, so it has a larger set of options.
java -jar [jar file] [Options]
- For Intermapper client, the jar file name is
. - For Intermapper Remote Access, the jar file name is
Intermapper_Remote Access.jar
. - Depending on your installation, you may need to change your working directory, supply the full path to the jar file, or both. See Microsoft Windows Users, below.
You can call Intermapper Remote Access from a command line, and control a significant number of functions. This can be useful for automating the updating of maps, or for various testing purposes.
Intermapper clients support the following command-line arguments:
- IMRA: applies to Intermapper Remote Access client only
- Both: applies to both Intermapper and Intermapper Remote Access clients
Microsoft Windows Users
The syntax for Microsoft Windows users is essentially the same as the Linux examples below, except that the command line may require that the working directory must be set to the Intermapper installation folder, or Java jar file must include the full Windows path.
The following example sets the working directory to the Intermapper server installation folder, invokes java with the .jar file, and opens the MyNetwork1 and MyNetwork2 maps.
cd "C:\Program Files\Intermapper"java\bin\java.exe -jar "Intermapper.jar" --map MyNetwork1 --map MyNetwork2
Import Command Examples
To import to a specified server, IM Remote is invoked as follows:
java -jar <jar-file> --host <Intermapper-server> [--user <username> --pass <password>] --import <import-file>
The example below reads imported data from
java -jar Intermapper_Remote Access.jar --host --user admin --pass adminpw --import
The example below reads imported data from stdin.
java -jar Intermapper_Remote Access.jar --host --user admin --pass adminpw --import -
The stdin form of the --import option allows users to create self-contained executable files that import stuff:
-jar Intermapper_Remote Access.jar --host --import -#import blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
One use for this would be to automate testing of Intermapper Server.
Export Command Examples
To export from a specified server, IM Remote is invoked as follows:
java -jar <jar-file> --host <Intermapper-server> [--user <username> --pass <password>] \
--export "format=<output-type> table=<table-name> fields=<field-list>
The example below writes exported data to stdout.
java -jar Intermapper_Remote Access.jar --host --user admin --pass adminpw --export "format=tab table=devices fields=*"