JAMS Developer Guide
IEditJobSource Interface Members
Properties  Methods  Events

MVPSI.JAMSExtension Namespace : IEditJobSource Interface

The following tables list the members exposed by IEditJobSource.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets the WinForms Control that knows how to edit the source code;  
 PropertyGets or sets the JAMS Job definition that is being edited. You must implement this property but, you don't have to do anything with the Job. This is only used to give you easy access to the Job.  
 PropertyGets or sets the source code for this Job.  
Public Methods
 MethodThe JAMSDesktop client will call SaveState when closing a window. It is the editor's oportunity to save state.  
Public Events
 EventAn event handler that must be called any time your control changes the source code. If you don't implement this handler changes will be lost because it will appear that the source code has not been changed.  
See Also


IEditJobSource Interface
MVPSI.JAMSExtension Namespace