JAMS Developer Guide
MonitorColumnType Enumeration

MVPSI.JAMSWeb.Controls Namespace : MonitorColumnType Enumeration
Identifies the different Monitor columns
Public Enum MonitorColumnType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As MonitorColumnType
public enum MonitorColumnType : System.Enum 
AgentTrue if this Job is running on a remote system which has a JAMS Agent.
AgentNameThe Agent the Job is to run on.
BatchQueueThe batch queue used by this run.
CompletionTimeThe date and time that this Job completed.
CurrentStateThe current state of the Job.
CurrentStepIndicates which step is currently executing in a setup.
DebugModeTrue if this was a debug run.
DependOKIndicates if the dependencies defined for this Job have been satisfied.
DescriptionA Description of the entry.
DisplayNameThe display name of the Job.
ElapsedTimeThe jobs current elapsed execution time. If the job has completed, the time is the total execution time of the job.
FinalSeverityThe final severity for this run.
FinalStatusThe final status for this run.
FinalStatusCodeThe final status for this run.
HaltedTrue when a multi-job Setup is halted.
HeldTrue if this entry is currently Held.
HoldTimeThe time that this entry will be released to run.
IgnoreResReqTrue if the Job should ignore its resource requirements.
JAMSEntryThe JAMS entry number.
JobNameThe name of the Job.
JobStatusThe Status of the Job.
KeepLogsWhen true, the Job's log file is kept upon completion.
LoadedFromThe JAMS Server that this run is from.
LogFileActiveIndicates if this Log filename is active for this Job.
LogFilenameThe Log filename for this Job.
MissedWindowActionThe actions which should occur if this job misses it's scheduled window.
MonitorTrue if this entry is viewable in the JAMS Monitor.
NameThe name for the job, the DisplayName if there is one. Otherwise, the JobName.
NodeNameThe node that ran this Job.
NoteThe Note added to this run when it was submitted.
NotifyOfMissedWindowWhen True, notification will be performed if this job misses it's schedule window.
NotifyUserIf True, the user who manually submits the job will be added to the notification list.
OriginalHoldTimeThis is the value of the HoldTime property when this Job was originally placed into the schedule.
PrecheckCountIf the Job or Setup definition allows the precheck Job to run on an interval, this value indicates how many times the precheck Job has been released to run.
PrecheckEntryIf a precheck Job is specified for this Job, this value specifies the JAMSEntry number for that precheck Job.
PrecheckIntervalThe interval between runs of the Job's Precheck job.
PrecheckTimeIndicates the next DateTime that this precheck Job will be released.
PreprocessedTrue if this entry has been preprocessed. Jobs which are preprocessed have had their parameters evaluated and Job source created from the Job definition.
PrintLogsWhen True, the Job's log file is printed upon completion.
ProcessIDThe operating system's process identifier for this run.
ProxyTrue if the process which is running this Job is a proxy. A proxy process runs a Job on a system not monitored by a JAMS Agent. In this case the statistics associated with the proxy process do not represent those of the real Job.
RestartableThe restartability of this job. A restartable job can be aborted and restarted.
RestartCountIf this Job has been restarted the value here indicates how many restarts have occurred
RetainOptionThe retention policy for this Job. The options are: Not Specified The retention policy is taken from the Job's System definition. Always (A) Job is always retained until specifically deleted. Never (N) Never retain job. Error (E) Job is retained if it completes with a severity of Warning or worse. Timed (T) Job is retained for the specified time after completion.
RetainTimeThe length of time the Job should be retained when the retain option is set to "Timed".
RONThe run occurrence number.
RunawayThis will be true if the job has exceeded one of it's execution time limits.
RunawayCpuThe absolute runaway Cpu time. If the job consumes more Cpu time than this it is declared a runaway job and notification will be performed.
RunawayElapsedThe absolute runaway elapsed time. If the job runs longer than this, it is declared a runaway job and notification will be performed.
RunPriorityThe execution priority for this job.
ScheduledTimeThe date and time that this Job was submitted to the JAMS schedule.
ScheduleFromTimeThe beginning of this job's scheduled time window.
ScheduleToTimeThe ending of this job's schedule time window.
ScheduleWindowThe Job's Scheduled Window.
SchedulingPriorityThe SchedulingPriority of the Job.
SetupIDThe SetupID.
SetupOKTrue if this Job completed successfully. In a multi-job Setup if any one Job sets this property to false, then the Setup will fail.
StalledThis will be true if the job has been pending longer than it's stalled time limit.
StalledTimeHow much time may elapse after a job's scheduled time before the job is considered to be stalled. When the job is considered stalled, JAMS will perform notification for the Job.
StartTimeThe date and time that this Job actually started.
StepEach Job in a multi-job Setup can have a Setup value. If specified, Jobs run in Step order.
StepWaitIndicates if this Job is waiting for previous steps to complete.
SubmittedByThe identity of the user who submitted this run.
SubmitTimeThe date and time that this Job was submitted to the Operating System.
SuppressNotifyIf set to True, Job completion notification is suppressed.
UserNameThe username that this run used.
WaitForThis is True if the Setup that contains this job should wait for the completion of this job before advancing it's step.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


MVPSI.JAMSWeb.Controls Namespace