Parsing in JAMS allows Variables, Parameters, and Macros to be used throughout JAMS, and especially in a Job's source. This allows for added functionality and the ability to create more dynamic Jobs. The core idea behind parsing is text substitution. JAMS looks for specific syntax conditions and replaces the text with the corresponding data. This allows for a Jobs source to integrate with JAMS Variables, Parameters, and Macros instead of using static values. The accompanying documentation includes the syntax to use Parsing in in countless ways in your JAMS environment.
As described above, parsing is an extremely versatile tool that can be used to obtain many different values. For example, if you have <<Item>>, this could be substituted with a Variable or a Parameter. It is dependent on your JAMS environment, if "Item" is the name of a Job's parameter, then its value is used, or if "Item" is a variable then that value would be used.
In order to access the properties of JAMS objects you use the prefix "JAMS" in your parsing. This feature is context sensitive, and gives you access to different objects depending on the where the parsing occurs. See below for the full list of available objects within the Submit and Notification context. For example in a Job's source by using the format "<<JAMS.Job.PropertyName>>" you can get any property of the definition of that Job.
Notification Objects
- Current
- Job
- Folder
- SummaryText
- DetailText
- AttachLogFileStream
- MaximumLogInclude
- SendPlainText
- NotifyEMail
- NotifyUsers
- NotifyOther
- JobType
- Description
- LogFileAttachment
- LogFile
When an object is not available it will return null.
Submit Time Objects
- Folder
- Job
- Current (A CurJob object)
- UserSecurity
- Node
- XM (an object that can be defined by the execution method)
- JobParameters - The parameters that came from the job definition
- NotifyEMail
- NotifyUsers
- NotifyOther
- AltUserName
- HostName - The name of the JAMS Server
- Source
- Template
- FromAddress
- SmtpServer
- InitiatorEntry
- Notify
- Precheck
- Recovery
- Repeat
- Trigger
When an object is not available it will return null.