CSV Formats

The following CSV formats can be used to import CSV data using the PPLIMPCSV command. See Importing CSV Files for details.

Custom Attrribute Values can be imported along with any of the formats below. The name of the Custom Attribute must be used as the column heading in the CSV file. Only Custom Attributes that are valid for use by the Entity Class of the item you are importing, or valid for *ANY entity class, are allowed in the CSV file.

CSV Format for Templates

NOTE: This format is used to create new Templates in Central Administration. For information specific to adding or changing Template settings using CSV import in other Powertech products, refer to the Administrator's Guide for that product.

The following column headings must appear in the CSV file. They may appear in any order and other columns may be interspersed in the file. Templates are identified in the CSV file using the TMPNAM (Template Name) values.

Heading Content
TMPNAM Template Name. Maximum allowed length is 20 characters.
TMPTXT Template Text Description. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters.

CSV Format for Allowances

The following column headings must appear in the CSV file. They may appear in any order and other columns may be interspersed in the file. Template System Allowances are identified in the CSV file using the TMPNAM (Template Name) and SYSNAM (System name) values.

Heading Content
TMPNAM Template Name. Maximum allowed length is 20 characters.
SYSNAM System Name. Maximum allowed length is 8 characters.
ALWSTS Allowance Status. Specify 1 for allowed, 0 for disallowed.

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