Importing CSV Files

Central Administration allows you to import large amounts of data from CSV files in order to expedite the process of adding and changing Templates and Template System Allowances. Custom Attribute Values are imported from the same CSV file that is used to import the Template or Allowance to which they pertain. See Defining Custom Attributes.

Parameters can be set to regulate the import procedure:

  • Creation of new entities can be allowed or disallowed.
  • Alteration of existing entities can be allowed or disallowed.
  • Imports can be forecasted (run in "check only" mode).
NOTE: This command produces a report that lists all the rows processed and whether they were imported or not. It also lists the errors encountered (if any) and a summary counter at the end of the report. The report is produced for both CHECKONLY(*YES) and CHECKONLY(*NO). You can choose CHECKONLY(*YES) to review the results before actually importing data.

The CSV file must be formatted such that it is compatible with Central Administration. The CSV file must contain proper column headings in row one of the file. The column headings for each entity are listed in CSV Formats. For example, *TEMPLATE data might look like the following in a spreadsheet.

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