Custom Attribute Definitions panel

The Custom Attribute Definitions panel allows you to create, modify, delete and perform other operations upon Custom Attribute definitions.

How to Get There

From the Central Administration Main Menu, choose 8, Custom Attribute Definitions.



Allows you to change the Custom Attribute definition. See Create/Change Custom Attribute panel.


Deletes the selected Custom Attribute definition.


Allows you to view the attributes of the Custom Attribute definition.

9=Entity Activity

Displays History, Events, and Alerts related to the Custom Attribute definition.


Name specifies the name by which you will refer to the Custom Attribute.


Text specifies a short description of the Custom Attribute.

Command Keys

F3=Exit: Exit the program.

F5=Refresh: Refreshes the panel with the most current data.

F6=Create: Creates a new item. See Create/Change Custom Attribute panel.

F12=Cancel: Returns to the Central Administration Main Menu.


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