Gaming (MICS) Reports
Powertech provides a recommended set of reports that are designed to help you meet Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS) gaming compliance reporting guidelines. These can be found in the Regulatory Recommendations Report Group (See Reports). The reports provide a comprehensive record for auditors.
- MICS 6 - Security Parameters
- MICS 7a - Failed Login Attempts
- MICS 7c - Combined System Actions
- MICS 7d - Changes by admin accounts
- MICS 7e - DateTime Changes
- MICS 10 - User profiles added or changed
- MICS 12 - Profile Information
- MICS 12c - Users with Special Authority
- MICS 14-15 - Inactive enabled user profiles
- MICS 16 - User ID Audit Report
- MICS 17 - Generic Accounts
- MICS 20-21 - Service Accounts
- MICS 27 - Backup commands
- MICS 41.1 - Exit Point Information
- MICS 41.2 - Exit Program Information
- MICS 41.3 - Powertech Exit Point Manager Rejects
- MICS 41.4 - Authority Failures and Invalid Signon Attempts
- MICS 45 - Changes to a Production Library
Powertech Compliance Monitor for IBM i also provides a MICS Profile Scorecard report for user profiles.
- Gaming MICS Profile Dashboard