Work with Location Groupings
How to Get There
On the Groups Menu, select option 1 to display the Work with Location Groups panel. Select option 5 for a group name.
What it Does
The Work with Location Groupings is used to associate specific locations to one identifier. To add a new location grouping, enter the information on the blank line below the column headings. Type an option next to a specific group and press Enter. You can type option numbers next to more than one group at a time. This allows you to do more than one task at a time. If you see ‘More...' in the lower right corner of your display, there is more information to be listed. Press the Page Down (Roll Up) key to move toward the end of the location groups. Press the Page Up (Roll Down) key to move toward the beginning of the location groups.
Change a Location Grouping's From Address and/or To Address entries.
Delete a Location Grouping.
5=Rules by Location
Work with Security by Location or Location Group.
To add a new location rule, enter the Location Group name in the Location field and specify the rule values. The location rule then uses the Location Groupings when evaluating the rule.
Field Descriptions
Group Name
The name of a Location Group.
From Location
The IP Address to begin a grouping. The location must be a valid IP address. A grouping may be a single location. When a single location is desired, place special value *FROMLOC in the "To Location".
To Location
The IP Address to end a grouping. The location must be a valid IP address. This value must be greater than, or equal to, "From Location".
Command Keys
F3 (Exit): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.
F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the panel and resets all available text fields.
F6 (Add): Add a Location Grouping.
F7 (Select System): Use this command key to work with data from a different System.
F12 (Cancel): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.