Work with Location Groups

How to Get There

From the Groups Menu, select option 1.

What it Does

The Work with Locations Groups panel is used to apply the same group filter rules to a number of locations.

Once a Location Group is created, a range of IP addresses can be associated to it. Option 5 displays a list of locations associated to the group.



Change a Location Group's description.

NOTE: You cannot use option 2 to change the group name.

Delete a Location Group.

NOTE: If the Location Group has Location Groupings and has been applied to a Location Rule, you must delete all Rules and Groupings before you can delete the Location Group.
5=Work with Location Groupings

Work with the IP Addresses associated with the Location Group. See Work with Location Groupings panel.

Field Descriptions

Group Name

The name of a group of IP addresses. It must begin with special character "*".


The description of the Location Group. It is a required entry.

Command Keys

F3 (Exit): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.

F5 (Refresh): Refreshes the panel and resets all available text fields.

F6 (Add): Creates a new Location Group.

F7 (Select System): Use this command key to work with data from a different System.

F12 (Cancel): Exit the panel without processing any pending changes.