Copy Field Encryption Entry (CPYFLDENC)

The Copy Field Encryption Entry (CPYFLDENC) command allows authorized users to copy Field Encryption Registry entries into the same Registry or to other Registries. This command is especially useful for replicating entries if you are using different library lists (environments) to control which Field Encryption Registry is utilized by your applications.

NOTE: The status for the copied Field Identifier will be set by the TOFLDSTS value. If the current status is *ACTIVE and if the TOFLDSTS is left as *SAME, the new status will also be *ACTIVE. If the file is not encrypted in the TOLIB, then the status is invalid and unpredictable results my occur.

The following users can use this command:

  • QSECOFR user profile (unless excluded in the Key Officer settings)
  • A user profile with *SECADM authority (unless excluded in the Key Officer settings)
  • A Key Officer who has a *YES specified for the "Maintain Field Enc. Registry" authority setting

This command requires that you have the following object authorities:

  • *USE authority to the "From" Field Encryption Registry CRVL002 Validation List (*VLDL) object
  • *CHANGE authority to the "To" Field Encryption Registry CRVL002 Validation List (*VLDL) object

How to Get There

From the Field Encryption Menu, choose option 6.


From field registry library (FRMLIB)

Indicate the library name containing the Field Encryption Registry to copy the entry from.

The possible library values are:

library-name Enter the library name of the Field Encryption Registry (CRVL002) to copy the entry from.
From field identifier (FRMFLDID)

Indicate the name of the entry to copy.

To field registry library (TOLIB)

Indicate the library name containing the Field Encryption Registry to copy the entry to.

The possible library values are:

*FRMLIB Use the same name specified on the FRMLIB parameter.
library-name Enter the library name of the Field Encryption Registry (CRVL002) to copy the entry to.
NOTE: The library names on the new field entry will be automatically changed to use the library name specified on this parameter.
To field identifier (TOFLDID)

Indicate the name of the entry to create in the "To" Field Encryption Registry.

Rules for field identifier:

  • The field identifier does not have to be the same name as the database field name to encrypt.
  • The field identifier cannot contain spaces or certain special characters.
  • The field identifier can contain underscore characters.
  • The field identifier is not case sensitive. It will be stored in upper case.

The possible field values are:

field-id Enter the name of the Field Id (up to 30 characters).
*FRMFLDID Use the same name specified on the FRMFLDID parameter.
To field status (TOFLDSTS)

Indicate the status to use in the "To" Field identifier.

The possible field values are:

*INACTIVE The status in the "To" field will be set to *INACTIVE.
*SAME The status in the "To" field will be the same as the "From" field.
Replace field entry (REPLACE)

Indicate if any existing field entry (with the same name) should be replaced.

The possible values are:

*YES Replace any existing field entry in the "To" Field Registry which has the same name as the TOFLDID parameter.
NOTE: The destination entry cannot be replaced if it is in *ACTIVE or *PROCESS status.
*NO Do not replace any existing field entry.
Redirect key store library (REDKSLIB)

Indicate if the Key Store library names on the new field entry should be changed during the copy process.

The possible values are:

*YES The Key Store library names on the new field entry will be changed to the library name specified on KEYSTRLIB parameter.
*NO The Key Store library names on the new field entry will not be changed.
Key store library (KEYSTRLIB)

Specify the library name containing the Key Store to use for the new Field entry. Only valid if REDKSLIB(*YES) is specified.

The possible library values are:

*FLDREGLIB Use the same name specified on the TOLIB parameter.
library-name Specify the library name of the Key Store to use for the field entry.
Redirect file library (REDFILLIB)

Indicate if the file library names to use on the new field entry should be changed during the copy process.

The possible values are:

*YES The file library names on the new field entry will be changed to the library name specified on the FILLIB parameter.
The following libraries will be changed:
  • Database File Library
  • External Physical File library (when external file is used)
  • External Logical File Library (when external file is used)
  • Trigger program library (when triggers are used)
*NO The library names on the new field entry will not be changed.
File library (FILLIB)

Indicate the library name containing the Files to use for the Field entry. Only valid if REDFILLIB(*YES) is specified.

The possible library values are:

*FLDREGLIB Use the same name specified on the TOLIB parameter.
library-name Enter the library name of the database file to use for the new field entry.