Field Triggers Menu

This menu allows you to add or remove field triggers.

How to Get There

On the Field Encryption Menu, choose option 21, Field Triggers Menu. Or, execute the command GO CRYPTO/CRYPTO8.


1. Remove Field Triggers (RMVFLDTRG)

Choose this option to open the Remove Field Triggers (RMVFLDTRG) panel, where you can remove any SQL triggers that were created by Powertech Encryption on the database file for the specified Field Identifier (when it was activated with ACTFLDENC).

2. Add Field Triggers (ADDFLDTRG)

Choose this option to open the Add Field Triggers (ADDFLDTRG) panel, where you can recreate any SQL triggers that were removed with the RMVFLDTRG command.

  • If the triggers are removed for a field, then any adds/updates of the field values WILL NOT be automatically encrypted by Powertech Encryption for IBM i.
  • RMVFLDTRG should only be used to momentarily remove triggers before special database maintenance functions.
  • ADDFLDTRG should only be used to recreate the triggers which were removed with the RMVFLDTRG command.


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