Computer - Suspend



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Suspends the computer with the possibility to wake up at a specified time.

Practical Usage

This activity can be used to automate power saving routines on certain computers or servers that do not need to be on during non-peek periods. It could be placed at the end of a task to reduce or eliminate power consumption when the machine is not doing anything. Furthermore, this activity could set the machine to wake up immediately before the next task runtime (if known).



Property Type Required Default Markup Description

Wake Delay

Number No 0 WAKEDELAY="5" If enabled, specifies the amount of time that should elapse after the system goes into suspend or hibernate, before the system should automatically resume normal operation.
Wake Measure Text (options) No Minutes MEASURE="hours"" Specifies the wake measure. The available options are:
  • Minutes - The number specified in the Wake Delay parameter is represented in minutes.
  • Hours - The number specified in the Wake Delay parameter is represented in hours.
Wake Time Number No (current time) WAKETIME="120002" Denotes that the machine should wake at the time specified rather than after a certain delay.
Ignore step if specified time has passed Yes/No No No IGNOREWHENLATE="YES" If selected, the step will be ignored if the time specified in the Wake Time parameter has already passed. This parameter is disabled by default.
Message to display in the shut down dialog box Text No (Empty) MESSAGE="The computer is now being suspended." A user-defined message that windows should display on the restart notification dialog. This parameter is active only if the Prompt user to log off parameter is selected. The message will be displayed for the number of seconds, minutes or hours specified in the Shutdown after  parameter.
Force the suspend/hibernate (do not send permission request to applications) Yes/No No No FORCE="YES" If selected, specifies that the system should hibernate or suspend immediately without notifying and waiting for applications to return that they are ready to close.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This sample task suspends the local computer and sets it to wake in 1 hour.
