Dataset - Insert column


<AMDATASET ACTIVITY="insert_column" DATASET="text" COLUMNLOCATION="text (options)" INDEX="number" COLUMNNAME="text" NEWCOLUMNNAME="text" />

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Inserts an blank column anywhere in a dataset.

Practical Usage

Used to insert an blank column anywhere in a dataset.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Dataset name Text Yes (Empty) DATASET="customers" Specifies the dataset to insert the column into.
Insert at Text (options) Yes End
  • COLUMNLOCATION="before_column"
  • COLUMNLOCATION="after_column"
Specifies where to insert the column at. The options are:
  • Column index - Inserts the column at the specified column index number.
  • End (default) - Inserts the column at the end of the dataset.
  • Before specified column name - Inserts the column before the specified column name.
  • After specified column name - Inserts the column after the specified column name.
Column index Number Yes, if Insert at is set to Column index (Empty) INDEX="5" The column index number to insert the column at. This parameter is required if Insert at is set to Column index.
NOTE: The column index number entered must be greater than 0.
Column name Text Yes, if Insert at is set to Before specified column name or After specified column name (Empty) COLUMNNAME="Status" The name of the column to insert the new column before or after. This parameter is required if Insert at is set to Before specified column name or After specified column name.
NOTE: All available columns stored in the dataset will automatically appear in the Column name drop-down combo box after the selected dataset has been run at least once in the Task Builder.
New column name Text Yes (Empty) NEWCOLUMNNAME="New" The name of the column to insert.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This task uses the Create, Insert Row, and Insert Column Dataset activities to first create a dataset with three columns, append a blank row at the end of it, and then finally inserts a new starting column in the dataset.

<AMDATASET RESULTDATASET="myDataset" COLUMNS="heading1;heading2;heading3" DELIMITER="semi_colon" DESCRIPTION="This is user input description showing in variables panel of Task Builder" />
<AMDATASET ACTIVITY="insert_column" DATASET="myDataset" COLUMNLOCATION="index" INDEX="1" NEWCOLUMNNAME="First Heading" />