SNMP - Set


<AMSNMPSETREQUEST HOST="text" NAME="text" COMMUNITY="text" TIMEOUT="number" TIMEOUTMEASURE="text (options)" BROADCASTDELAY="number" VALUE="text" RESULTDATASET="text (dataset name)" />

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Issues a SET message to an SNMP agent in order to alter the value of a variable.

IMPORTANT: To get the most out of Automate's SNMP activities, users should have a fundamental understanding of SNMP architecture and its major elements, such as Managers, Agents, MIBs, and PDUs.

Practical Usage

Can be used to set the value of a SNMP variable on a SNMP capable agent such as a router.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Agent IP Address Text Yes (Empty) HOST="" The IP Address or host name of the SNMP agent to communicate with.
Variable Name Text Yes (Empty)
  • NAME=""
  • NAME="system.sysDescr.0"
The SNMP variable to set. This value can be an OID (Object Identifier) in either numeric or human-readable format.
NOTE: This is not an Automate variable.
Community Text Yes Public COMMUNITY="NetAuto" The SNMP community.
Variable Syntax Text (options) No integer SYNTAX="ipaddress" Specifies the type of data that will be set in the variable value parameter. The available options are:
  • integer (default) - Specifies that value is an integer (number)
  • octetstring - Specifies that value is an octet string
  • objectid - Specifies that the value is an object identifier
  • null - Specifies that the value is a null value
  • ipaddress - Specifies that the value is an IP Address
  • counter32 - Specifies that the value is a 32-bit counter
  • gauge32 - Specifies that the value is a 32-bit gauge
  • timeticks - Specifies that the value is a time tick
  • opaque - Specifies that the value is opaque
  • counter64 - Specifies that the value is a 64-but counter
  • unsignedinteger32 - Specifies that the value is a 32-bit unsigned integer
Variable Value Text Yes (Empty) VALUE="the data" The new value to set.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Timeout after Text Yes 30 TIMEOUT="30" The total elapsed time that this activity should wait for a response before generating a timeout error. The default is 30 seconds.
Timeout measure Text (options) Yes seconds
  • TIMEOUTMEASURE="milliseconds"
  • TIMEOUTMEASURE="seconds"
  • TIMEOUTMEASURE="minutes"
The time measurement that corresponds to the value entered in the Timeout after parameter. The available options are:
  • milliseconds - Timeout value will be measured in milliseconds.
  • seconds (default) - Timeout value will be measured in seconds.
  • minutes - Timeout value will be measured in minutes.
  • hours - Timeout value will be measured in hours.
Broadcast delay Number No 3 BROADCASTDELAY="10" The maximum broadcast delay time that this activity will allow. The default is 3 seconds.
Broadcast Measure Text (options) No seconds
  • BROADCASTMEASURE="milliseconds"
The time measurement that corresponds to the broadcast delay value. The available options are:
  • milliseconds - Broadcast delay will be measured in milliseconds.
  • seconds (default) - Broadcast delay will be measured in seconds.
  • minutes - Broadcast delay will be measured in minutes.
  • hours - Broadcast delay will be measured in hours.
SNMP version Text (options) No SNMPv1
The version of the SNMP protocol to use. The default is SNMP version 1 as it is the most prevalent. The available options are:
  • SNMPv1 (default)
  • SNMPv2c
  • SNMPv3
NOTE: SNMPv3 must be selected to enable the authentication protocol option.
Remote port Number No 161 REMOTEPORT="555" The TCP/IP port that should be used for the SNMP request. The default port is 161.
Authentication Protocol Text (options) No Do not use authentication
  • AUTHENTICATIONPROTOCOL="do not use authentication"
SNMPv3 must be selected to make this potion available. The available options for Authentication algorithm are:
  • Do not use authentication (default) - No authentication will be used.
  • MD5 (recommended) - MD5 authentication will be used.
  • SHA - SHA authentication will be used.
  • SHA2 - SHA2 authentication will be used.
Discovery time out Number Yes 30 seconds DISCOVERYTIMEOUT="30seconds" The total elapsed time that this activity should wait for a discovery before a time out.
Authentication username Text Yes empty USERNAME="username" User name to configure the remote user.
Privacy Algorithm Text (options) No Do not encrypt messages
  1. PRIVACYALGORITHM="do not encrypt messages"

The available options for Privacy are:

  • Do not encrypt messages (default) - No encryption will be used.
  • DES (recommended) - DES encryption will be used.
  • AES192 - AES192 encryption will be used.
  • AES256 - AES256 encryption will be used.
  • 3DES - 3DES encryption will be used.
  • AES - AES encryption will be used.
Authentication password Text Yes Empty


Password to configure the remote user.
Privacy password Text Yes Empty


Privacy password for the algorithm.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Create and populate dataset (optional) Text No (Empty) RESULTDATASET="myData" The name of the dataset to create and populate with the results of the request.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This sample task sends a set message and then creates and populates a dataset with the results.

<AMSNMP ACTIVITY="set" HOST="" NAME="snmpGet" COMMUNITY="theCommunity2" VALUE="" SYNTAX="ipaddress" BROADCASTDELAY="20" REMOTEPORT="841" />