Text - Find



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Finds each or every occurrence of a text sequence and places the result into a variable. Regular expressions may be used for added power and flexibility.

Practical Usage

Commonly used to locate a word or phrase inside of a larger piece of text.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Text Text Yes (Empty) TEXT="My name is Joe" The target body of text to be searched. As with every text parameter, if the data you wish to enter is contained in a variable, simply enter the variable name surrounded by percentage signs to resolve it to its contents at runtime (for example, %VarName%).
Find Text Yes (Empty) FIND="name" The portion of text to search for in the main body of text.
Case sensitive Yes/No No No USECASE="YES" Specifies whether the search performed should be case sensitive. If selected, the search is case sensitive. This parameter is disabled by default.
Regular expression Yes/No No No USERE="YES" Specifies whether the Find parameter is a regular expression. If disabled (default), the Find parameter contains literal text. If selected, the Find parameter contains a regular expression.
Populate variable with first index Text No (Empty) RESULTVARIABLE="varname" The name of an existing variable to receive the first position of the text to search for, if found.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Starting at the following instance Number No 1 INDEX="2" Indicates that the target text should be searched starting at the following instance.  
Total find count into variable Text No (Empty) TOTALMATCHESVARIABLE="varname" The name of an existing variable to receive the total instances found.
Populate variable with found text Text No (Empty) FOUNDTEXTVARIABLE="varname" The name of an existing variable to receive the text that was found. This parameter is useful if regular expression is used to find text.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This sample task searches a body of text for the word "occurrence" and then displays the position of the first instance of the word, as well as the number of appearances of the word in a message dialog box.

<AMVARIABLE NAME="indexVar" />
<AMVARIABLE NAME="totalInstances" />
<AMTEXT TEXT="This action finds each or every occurrence of a text pattern and places the result of each occurrence into a variable." FIND="occurrence" RESULTVARIABLE="indexVar" TOTALMATCHESVARIABLE="totalInstances" />
<AMSHOWDIALOG>The word 'occurrence' was found at position %indexVar%. The total number of times this word appeared was %totalInstances% times.</AMSHOWDIALOG>