

In programming, a wait state is a situation in which a program waits for the occurrence or completion of some condition or event before resuming activity. For example, an application that communicated with another program might send that program a message and then go into a wait state until it was "reawakened" by a message back from the other program.

Because the result of a wait can largely impact task execution, many Automate activities have their own built-in wait capabilities. In addition to the built-in wait function, a number of individual 'Wait' activities are also available which can  be used at any point inside a task without the need to write code. These activities provide additional intelligence to Automate's already powerful task flow capabilities by allowing execution to pause until a specific date / time, until the existence (or non-existence) of a file or window, wait for a process to start or end or wait for a specific amount of time.  

Available Activities

Click the associated link for more details regarding each activity:

Activity Description
Wait - For duration Pauses task execution at the current step for a specific amount of time.
Wait - For file Suspends task execution at the current step until the specified files exist, no longer exists or has been modified.
Wait - For pixel Causes task execution to suspend at the current step until the specified file exists, no longer exists or has been modified.
Wait - For pointer Causes task execution to suspend at the current line until the mouse pointer matches or differs from the specified cursor type.
Wait - For process Causes task execution to suspend at the current line until the specified process starts or ends.
Wait - For window Causes task execution to suspend at the current line until the appearance or disappearance of a window
Wait - Until date/time Suspends task execution at the current step until the specified date / time.