Wait - For pointer


<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="pointer" ACTION="text (options)" POINTER="text (options)" />

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Causes task execution to suspend at the current step until the mouse cursor matches or differs from the cursor type specified or until any cursor change transpires.

Practical Usage

Commonly used to wait for the mouse pointer to change from a 'Busy' or 'Working in background' state back to a 'Normal select' state to indicate that processing has completed.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Pointer condition Text (options) Yes Match
  • ACTION="match"
  • ACTION="differ"
  • ACTION="any"
The pointer condition to wait for. The available options are:
  • Wait for pointer to match - Wait until the mouse pointer matches at least one of the pointers selected from the available list of pointers to select from.
  • Wait for pointer to differ from - Wait until the mouse pointer does not match any of the pointers selected from available list of pointers to select from.
  • Wait for pointer to change - Wait until the pointer changes to any pointer other than the current pointer at the time the step began execution.
Pointer to wait for Text (options) Yes (Empty)
  • POINTER="normal"
  • POINTER="busy"
The type of pointer to wait for. The list of available pointers should match the ones that appear in the Pointers property of your mouse settings. To specify a pointer, simply select it from the list of available pointers.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.

Example 1

Wait for pointer to match a busy pointer.

<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="pointer" POINTER="busy" />

Example 2

Wait for pointer to differ from a WorkingBackground pointer.

<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="pointer" WAITMODE="differ" POINTER="workinginbackground" />

Example 3

Wait until the pointer changes to any pointer other than the current pointer.

<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="pointer" WAITMODE="any" />