Wait - Until date/time


<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="date_time" TIME="text (time serial)" DAY="text (options)" DATE="text (date serial)" />

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Pauses execution at the current step until a specific date/time. The time specified can be set in accordance to the day this activity initially executed, the day after this activity initially executed, on a specific day of the week or on a specific date.

Practical Usage

Similar to the Wait for duration activity. This activity can be used to pause task execution until an exact date / time.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Wait until Text Yes (Empty) TIME="%TimeSerial(15,08,34)%" The specific time to wait until. This value corresponds directly with the value selected in the Day parameter.
Day Text (options) No Any Day
  • DAY="any"
  • DAY="sameday"
  • DAY="nextday"
  • DAY="day"
  • DAY="specdate"

The day or specific date to wait until in accordance with the time specified in the Wait until parameter. The available options are:

  • Any day - Day preferences are omitted. Execution proceeds at the time entered in the Wait until parameter on any given day.
  • On the day the action is executed - Execution proceeds on the same day at the time entered in the Wait until parameter.
  • On the day following the day the action is executed - Execution proceeds on the following day at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • On a specific day of the week - Execution proceeds on the specified day of the week at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • On a specific date - Execution proceeds on a specific date at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
Day of the week Text (options) Yes if set to On specific day of the week Sunday
  • DAYOFWEEK="sunday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="monday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="tuesday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="wednesday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="thursday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="friday"
  • DAYOFWEEK="saturday"
 The day of the week that this step will wait until. This parameter is available only if the Day parameter is set to On a specific day of the week. The available options are:
  • Sunday - Execution proceeds the following Sunday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Monday - Execution proceeds the following Monday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Tuesday - Execution proceeds the following Tuesday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Wednesday - Execution proceeds the following Wednesday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Thursday - Execution proceeds the following Thursday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Friday - Execution proceeds the following Friday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
  • Saturday - Execution proceeds the following Saturday at the time specified in the Wait until parameter.
Specific date Text Yes if set to On specific date (Empty) DATE="%DateSerial(2010,07,15)%" The specific date that this step will wait until. This parameter is available only if the Day parameter is set to On a specific date.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


Pause task execution until "Monday" at "4:00:00 PM".

<AMWAIT ACTIVITY="date_time" TIME="%TimeSerial(16,00,00)%" DAY="dayofweek" DAYOFWEEK="monday" />