Web Browser (Legacy) - Navigate


<AMBROWSER ACTIVITY="navigate" SESSION="text" URL="text" />

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Navigates to a specific page URL in an established web browser session.

NOTE: Automation can be performed on Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers only. Firefox automation requires a separate extension which can be downloaded from here. The browser you specify must be installed on the target system to ensure that these activities function properly. Unlike other session-based actions in which sessions are optional, the use of a session in the Web Browser (Legacy) action is required due to the fact that each created session explicitly links to a specific web browser instance. A session can be created using the Web Browser (Legacy) Create session or Open activity. Numerous sessions are supported within a single task, however, since Web Browser (Legacy) actions are performed interactively (and not in the background), each session must run concurrently to avoid sending interactions to the wrong browser window.

Practical Usage

Normally used to navigate from one URL to another. This activity simulates the process of manually entering a URL in a browser's address bar and pressing Enter.


Browser Properties

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session name Text Yes BrowserLegacySession1 SESSION="mySession" Specifies the name of an existing session to associate with this activity.
NOTE: Sessions are supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers only.
Page URL Text Yes (Empty) RESULTVARIABLE="myVar" The URL of the web page to navigate to.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This simple task opens an Internet Explorer browser set to the URL http://www.google.com/ and navigates to the URL https://www.helpsystems.com.  

<AMBROWSER URL="http://www.google.com/" SESSION="mySession" />
<AMBROWSER ACTIVITY="navigate" SESSION="mySession" URL="https://www.helpsystems.com" />