XML - Delete node


<AMXML ACTIVITY="delete_node" XPATH="text" ATTRNAME="text" SESSION="text" />

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Deletes all the nodes/attributes that match the Xpath expression in a given XML file.

IMPORTANT: The use of Automate's XML activities requires a fundamental understanding of XML schema and general knowledge of XML-related terms, such as Nodes, XPath, DTD and XSLT.  

Practical Usage

Used to remove a specified node. When a node is removed, all its child nodes are also removed.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session Text Yes XMLSession1 SESSIONNAME="myXMLSession" The name of an existing XML session in which to associate this activity with. As a safety measure, when a session is created, the XML file bound by that session is saved in memory and the original file is locked. Any modifications by subsequent XML steps are performed on a copy of the XML data saved to memory instead of the original. Linking several activities to a single session eliminates redundancy. Additionally, a single task supports simultaneous execution of multiple sessions, improving overall efficiency. Use the XML - Output file or XML - Save activity to output the in-memory representation of the XML session to a file or variable. To end the session, use the XML - End session activity. 


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
XPath Expression Text Yes (Empty) XPATH="/BookStore/Books/Price"  The Xpath expression to the XML node in which to delete.
Attribute (optional) Text No (Empty) ATTRNAME="attributeName" The attribute in which to delete.


Error Causes

On Error


  • The sample AML code below can be copied and pasted directly into the Steps Panel of the Task Builder.
  • Parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, and/or other information specific to the task must be customized before the sample code can run successfully.


This sample task deletes nodes at XPath /bookstore/book/price/Euro.

<AMXML ACTIVITY="delete_node" XPATH="/bookstore/book/price/Euro" SESSION="XmlSession1" />