On Task Error


As part of Automate Desktop's tri-level error handling functionality, the following settings specify what the system should do if any managed task fails with an error. These parameters are handled globally for all tasks that run on a system.

To access On Task Error properties, from Task Administrator, navigate to Options > Default Properties > On Task Error.

Related Topics


Property Description
Email error notification for all tasks If enabled, Automate Desktop monitors all tasks and will send an email notification containing details about the error or task failure in case one occurs (disabled by default). Enabling this option activates the To, From, and Attach task file parameters below.
To The email addresses of the recipients to notify if an error occurs. Multiple email addresses are specified by separating each with a semicolon (for example, sparky@fortra.com;jack@fortra.com). This parameter is active only if the Email error notification for all tasks parameter is enabled.
From Automate Desktop uses this for the "From" field of the email. Some mail servers require that this be a valid email address (for example, sparky@fortra.com), while others allow any text (for example, "Automate Desktop on Test Machine"). This parameter is active only if the Email error notification for all tasks parameter is enabled.
Attach task file If this checkbox is enabled, Automate Desktop will attach a copy of the task (AML) file associated with the failed task. The AML file can be opened in any Automate Desktop Task Builder to enable further investigation as to what caused the error. This parameter is active only if the Email error notification for all tasks parameter is enabled.
Run task on error If enabled, allows another Automate Desktop managed task to execute upon an error occurring in any task.
Select item Click the drop-down combo box to select from the list of managed tasks in which to run on error. This parameter is active only if the Run task on error parameter is enabled.