Amazon S3 - Create session


<AMAWSS3 ACTIVITY="create_session" SESSION="text" ACCESSKEY="text" SECRETKEY="text (encrypted)" PROTOCOL="text (options)" USERAGENT="text" MAXERRORRETRY="number" SERVICEURL="text" PROXYHOST="text" PROXYPORT="number" PROXYUSER="text" PROXYPWD="text (encrypted)" />

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Creates a unique session which can be used to associate subsequent Amazon S3 steps. This provides a single task the ability to execute numerous Amazon S3 operations simultaneously.

IMPORTANT: The Amazon S3 activities are performed using Amazon's Simple Storage Service engine, therefore, launching and operating Amazon S3 through Automate Desktop requires a valid Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

Practical usage

Ideally used to create a session to correlate subsequent Amazon S3 activities to. Numerous sessions can be created for a single task. These sessions can run parallel with other sessions contained in the same task without interfering with one another. To end a session, use the Amazon S3 - End session activity.  



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Access key Text Yes (Empty) ACCESSKEY="key text (encrypted)"

A 20-character, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a user who owns an Amazon S3 account (for example, 022QF06E7MXBSH9DHM02). This along with a Secret Access Key forms a secure information set that Amazon S3 uses to confirm a valid user's identity.

Secret access key Text Yes (Empty)


SECRETKEY="key text (encrypted)" A 40-character string that serves the role as password to access Amazon S3 (for example, kWcrlUX5JEDGM/LtmEENI/aVmYvHNif5zB+d9+ct).
Session Text Yes S3Session SESSION="mySession" Specifies the session name to create for this activity. Subsequent Amazon S3 activities can be linked to this  session allowing several Amazon S3 operations (that may contain multiple activities) to be performed within a single task. The default session name is S3Session1.
NOTE: Make sure to use an Amazon S3 - End session activity to end a particular session.
Protocol Text Yes HTTP PROTOCOL = "HTTPS"

Specifies the protocol that should be used to make requests to the Amazon S3 service. The available options are:

  • HTTP (default)
User agent Text Yes Automate USERAGENT="Automate" Sometimes it's necessary for a web site to understand how it is being viewed, so most user agents identify themselves by sending a User Agent string to the web site. The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request. This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations. The default value is Automate.
Service URL Text No (Empty) SERVICEURL="" The URL that provides the service endpoint. To make the service call to a different region, you can pass the region-specific endpoint URL. For example, entering points to US West (Northern California) region. A complete list of Amazon S3 regions, along with associated endpoints and valid protocols can be found below under Amazon S3 regions and endpoints .
Maximum number of retries on error Number No (Empty) MAXERRORRETRY="4" Indicates how many times the Amazon S3 Engine should retry the request before generating an error.
Proxy host Text No (Empty) PROXYHOST="" The hostname (for example, or IP address (for example, of the proxy server.
Proxy port Number No (Empty) PROXYPORT="1028" The port that should be used to connect to the proxy server.
Proxy username Text No (Empty) PROXYUSER="username" The username that should be used to authenticate connection with the proxy server (if required).
Proxy password Text No (Empty) PROXYPWD="encrypted" The password that should be used to authenticate connection with the proxy server (if required).


Error Causes

On Error

Additional notes

Amazon S3 regions and endpoints

This table contains a complete list of Amazon Simple Storage Service endpoints, along with their corresponding regions, supported protocols and location constraints.

Endpoint Region Protocol Location Constraints US Standard * HTTP and HTTPS (none required) US West (Oregon) Region HTTP and HTTPS us-west-2 US West (Northern California) Region HTTP and HTTPS us-west-1 EU (Ireland) Region HTTP and HTTPS EU Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region HTTP and HTTPS ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region HTTP and HTTPS ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region HTTP and HTTPS ap-northeast-1 South America (Sao Paulo) Region HTTP and HTTPS sa-east-1

* The US Standard region automatically routes requests to facilities in Northern Virginia or the Pacific Northwest using network maps.


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task populates a dataset with a list of objects contained in a specific bucket. The dataset is then looped and within each iteration, information about the current object is displayed in a dialog.

<AMAWSS3 ACTIVITY="list_objects" PROVIDER="session_based" SESSION="S3Session1" BUCKETNAME="myBucket" RESULTDATASET="test" />
<AMLOOP ACTIVITY="dataset" DATASET="test" />
<AMSHOWDIALOG>Owner - %test.ETag%Key Name - %test.KeyName%Last Modified Date - %test.LastModified%Owner - %test.Owner%Size - %test.Size%Storage Class - %test.StorageClass%</AMSHOWDIALOG>
<AMAWSS3 ACTIVITY="end_session" SESSION="mySession" />