Azure Storage - Set blob properties



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Sets system properties and user-defined metadata on the specified blob container. Can also be used to remove all or specific properties and/or metadata that currently exists for a blob container.

Practical usage

Can be used to set metadata as a means to store additional values for a blob. Set system properties to correspond to certain standard HTTP headers or to allow the client to correctly handle the contents being sent.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Connection --- --- --- --- Indicates where user credentials and preferences should originate from. The available options are:
  • Host (default) - Specifies that user credentials and advanced preferences are configured individually for this activity. This option is normally chosen if only a single activity is required to complete an operation.
  • Session - Specifies that user credentials and advanced preferences are obtained from a pre-configured session created in a prior step with the use of the Azure Storage - Create session activity. This option is normally chosen if a combination of related activities are required to complete an operation. Linking several activities to a single session eliminates redundancy. Additionally, a single task supports construction and simultaneous execution of multiple sessions, improving efficiency.
NOTE: This parameter does not contain markup and is only displayed in visual mode for task construction and configuration purposes.

Connection - Session

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Session Text Yes, if Connection is set to Session AzureStorageSession1 SESSION="MyAzureSession" The name of the Azure Storage session to create. The default value is AzureStorageSession1.
NOTE: Use the Azure Storage - End session activity to end an active Azure Storage session.

Connection - Host > Credentials

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Account name Text Yes, if Connection is set to Host (Empty) ACCOUNTNAME="myaccount" The globally unique name of the Windows Azure storage account.
Access key Text Yes, if Connection is set to Host (Empty) ACCESSKEY="[AccessKey]" The primary or secondary access key (each composed of 88 ASCII characters) used to authorize access to Azure Storage. 

Connection - Host > Advanced

Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Protocol Text (options) No HTTPS
The type of protocol used to access Azure Storage. The available options are:
  • HTTPS (default) - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
  • HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Timeout (seconds) Number No 90 TIMEOUT="180" The timeout interval (in seconds) for requests made to the storage service. If the timeout elapses before a server response is returned, the operation times out and the service returns an error. The default timeout value is 90 seconds.
Blob endpoint URI Text No (Empty) BLOBENDPOINT="" The endpoint for the Blob service, as configured for the Azure Storage account. The default Blob service endpoint is [http/https]://, where accountname is the name of the Azure Storage account.
Queue endpoint URI Text No (Empty) QUEUEENDPOINT="" The endpoint for the Queue service, as configured for the Azure storage account. The default Queue service endpoint is [http/https]://, where accountname is the name of the Azure Storage account.
Table endpoint URI Text No (Empty) TABLEENDPOINT="" The endpoint for the Table service, as configured for the Azure storage account. The default Table service endpoint is [http|https]://, where accountname is the name of the Azure Storage account.
Proxy type Text (options) Yes System default
  • PROXYTYPE="none"
  • PROXYTYPE="http"
The type of proxy required for SharePoint connections passing through a proxy server. The available options are:
  • System default (default) - Points to the default proxy used by the system.
  • None - No proxy authentication required.
  • HTTP - Proxy type is HTTP.
Use authentication --- No --- --- If enabled, specifies proxy authentication is required, enabling authentication-based parameters (disabled by default). It is active only if the Proxy type parameter is set to HTTP.
NOTE: This parameter does not contain markup and is only displayed in visual mode for task construction and configuration purposes.
Proxy server Text Yes, if Proxy type is set to HTTP (Empty) PROXYSERVER="" The hostname ( or IP address ( of the proxy server. This parameter is available only if the Proxy type parameter is set to HTTP.
Proxy username Text No (Empty) PROXYUSERNAME="username" The proxy username to authenticate with. This parameter is available only if Use authentication is enabled.
Proxy port Number No 808 PROXYPORT="8080" The port number to use to connect to the proxy server. This parameter is available only if the Proxy type parameter is set to HTTP. The default value is 808.
Proxy password Text No (Empty) PROXYPASSWORD="encrypted" The proxy password to authenticate with. This parameter is available only if Use authentication is enabled.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Container name Text Yes (Empty) CONTAINER="mycontainer" The unique name of the container that contains the blob in which to set properties on.
Blob name Text Yes (Empty) BLOB="myblob" The unique name of the blob in which to set properties.
Content type Text No (Empty) CONTENTTYPE="image/png” The blob content type. If sharing blog content with other clients, it's important to correctly define the content type of each storage blob in order for the client to correctly handle the contents being shared. If this property is not specified on the request, then the property will be cleared for the blob.
Content encoding Text No (Empty) CONTENTENCODING="utf-8" The content-encoding for the blob. Use this value to specify the content encoding applied to the blob. This is mainly used when using compression. If this property is not specified on the request, then the property will be cleared for the blob.
Content language Text No (Empty) CONTENTLANGUAGE="value" The content-language header for the blob, which is used to define what language the blob content is set to. If this property is not specified on the request, then the property will be cleared for the blob.
Content MD5 Text No (Empty) CONTENTMD5="value" An MD5 hash of the blob content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the blob during transport. When this header is specified, the storage service checks the hash that has arrived with the one that was sent. If the two hashes do not match, the operation will fail with error code 400 (Bad Request). If this property is not specified on the request, then the property will be cleared for the blob.
Cache control Text No (Empty) CACHECONTROL="value" The cache-control HTTP header for the blob, which allows you to instruct the browser to cache the blob item for a specified time. The Blob service stores this value but does not use or modify it.


Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Metadata Name Text No (Empty) NAME="metadataname" The metadata name to set for the blob. User-defined metadata is data that you specify on a given resource, in the form of a name-value pair. Select Click here to add new row... to expose a grid in which to define a new metadata name-value pair. Multiple rows can be added. To delete a row, click the red 'X'.
Metadata Value Text No (Empty) VALUE="metadatavalue" The metadata value to define for the blob. User-defined metadata is data that you specify on a given resource, in the form of a name-value pair. Select Click here to add new row... to expose a grid in which to define a new metadata name-value pair. Multiple rows can be added. To delete a row, click the red 'X'.
Clear all metadata Text No (Empty) CLEARMETADATA="YES" If selected, clears all metadata that currently exists for the blob. If disabled, existing metadata will remain.


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task sets properties for a blob.

<AMAZURESTORAGE ACTIVITY="set_blobproperties" CONTAINER="mycontainer" BLOB="mylargeblob" CACHECONTROL="value" CONTENTENCODING="utf-8" CONTENTMD5="value" CONTENTTYPE="application/octet-stream" CONTENTLANGUAGE="test" CLEARMETADATA="yes" ACCOUNTNAME="netauto" ACCESSKEY="AM3kbFvH+pgzDo=aME" PROXYTYPE=""><METADATA NAME="City" VALUE="Los Angeles" /><METADATA NAME="State " VALUE="California" /></AMAZURESTORAGE>