DDE - Execute


<AMDDE APPLICATION="text" TOPIC="text" COMMAND="text" TIMEOUT="number" />

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Sends a command or series of commands to an application through the specified dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel.

IMPORTANT: Automate Desktop's DDE capabilities should only be used by individuals who are experienced with DDE communications.

Practical usage

Used to send a specific command to an application.



Property Type Required Default Markup Description
Application Text Yes (Empty) APPLICATION="Excel" The name of the application the DDE conversation is initialized with. Each DDE conversation is uniquely defined by the application name and topic. At the beginning of a DDE conversation, the client and server determine the application name and topic. The application name is usually the name of the server application. For example, when Microsoft Excel acts as the server in a conversation, the application name is 'Excel'.
Command Text Yes (Empty) COMMAND="MyCommand" The command string to execute by the DDE Server.
NOTE: The server application defines the command strings supported for a DDE conversation. For more information on the DDE commands supported by a particular software program, see the program's user manual or contact the software’s manufacturer.
Topic Text Yes (Empty) TOPIC="primary_file" The server-defined topic name of the DDE conversation. The DDE topic is a general classification of data within which multiple data items may be "discussed" (exchanged) during the conversation. For applications that operate on file-based documents, the topic is usually a file name. For other applications, the topic is an application-specific name.
NOTE: The server application defines the topic names available for a DDE conversation. See documentation for the DDE server application for specific information about the names of available topics.
Timeout (milliseconds) Number No 60000 TIMEOUT="99000" Scalar specifying the timeout value (measured in milliseconds) for this operation. If this value is exceeded, a timeout error is thrown. The default value is 60000 milliseconds (6 seconds).


Error Causes

On Error


  • Copy and paste the sample AML code below directly into the Task Builder Steps Panel.
  • To successfully run the sample code, update parameters containing user credentials, files, file paths, or other information specific to the task to match your environment.


This sample task executes the application Application_Name, topic theTopic, command theCommand.  

<AMDDE APPLICATION="Application_Name" TOPIC="theTopic" COMMAND="theCommand" />